Tutu and Ballet News

**Ballet Busts: A tutu-tally bonkers week in the world of pointe shoes**

Dearest darlings, settle in for a cuppa and a good gossip – this week’s news from the world of ballet is a complete and utter disaster, darlings, and utterly hilarious. It's not just the usual gossipy tittle-tattle about the prima ballerina's new diamond tiara, oh no, this is the sort of stuff that'll have you laughing until your bun falls out, if you know what I mean.

Now, picture this, if you will, the prestigious, hallowed halls of the Royal Ballet School in London – where, since time immemorial, our finest ballerinas have twirled their way into history. But this week, instead of graceful pirouettes, it was more a case of pirouette *and* *plunge*, my dears. Because apparently, the annual stock order for leotards went horribly, terribly wrong, arriving with not a single leotard in pink or white – you know, the classic ballet colours – but an entire shipment of *leopard-print* leotards!

Let’s pause there and have a little giggle. Can you imagine the faces of those young ballerinas when they opened those boxes? Not *“I shall perform the pas de deux with my finest elegance!”,* but more a panicked, “Oh my God, it’s *leopard print*? This is worse than being caught wearing your gran’s tights!”

And then, my dears, it just gets worse. A very serious incident was reported during a “pas de bourrĂ©e” exercise in which, yes, you heard right, *the tutus flew off!* Evidently, the entire school stock of tutus was the same batch, and something went wrong with the material, the whole lot being stitched from a substance they now jokingly refer to as “invisible lace." All of a sudden, the classroom was just filled with ballet shoes, rather a lot of leg, and some utterly flabbergasted young dancers. Not one ballerina in the whole place, from the top form right down to the tiny ones in the foundation course, had a tutu left, so it seems. The poor girls looked absolutely devastated, but their dance teacher (a tough old broad in a tight bun) gave the instruction “Don't lose your form! *Now* is when you get that *beautiful* line. Get down in your fifth port de bras position, and really *make* the most of that elegant body!"

Can you imagine, dears? These aspiring dancers all performing their moves in what was effectively just a glorified sports bra? I'd imagine the room just reeking of anxiety and a touch of
 humiliation. Honestly, dear readers, I find the whole affair deeply amusing and truly dreadful all at once. The world of ballet – the home of perfection and elegance – all crumbling in a heap of ill-fitting leopard print and invisible lace!

And here's another gem of the week: Apparently, one of the ballerinas in the Junior school went on a “mini-tour" to perform with a small dance company in the suburbs. All very sweet and heartwarming, except this ballerina, bless her heart, was in a pink tutu and a fluffy leotard with *glitter* (you heard me, darlings!), all completely unaware that it wasn’t quite “gala-standard” as far as her school principal was concerned! Oh the horrors! Turns out it wasn’t so much the glitter that raised eyebrows, but that this tiny ballerina was using her performance fee – that’s her pay packet, darlings! – to buy “crystal-studded hair scrunchies for the entire ballet school”. Can you believe this utter mayhem, dears?! I simply can’t
 *and* *don't want to*!”

Now, I know some of you reading might be thinking that this is all a little over-the-top and dramatic, but truly, darlings, it is nothing less than a tragedy! Ballet is, of course, the ultimate bastion of elegance and refinement – a celebration of the human form. You cannot, dear reader, possibly understand the *sheer panic* when something, anything, interferes with this sacred tradition. The mere thought of *not* having a white tutu or a *perfectly fitted* pink leotard to wear whilst gliding gracefully through *Swan Lake* would probably send most professional ballerinas to pieces!

As for this whole leopard-print debacle? A real fashion faux pas, that’s for sure! It’s just one more thing to worry about on top of already *immense* pressure in the dance world, where competition is fierce, judgments are sharp, and a girl *must* be as dainty and as beautifully styled as a perfectly pink rose. Leopard print! Oh, it’s just
 truly *dreadful*.”

So, there you have it, my dearest darlings. I'll keep you abreast of developments in this ridiculous drama and try to find something sparkly and pretty for my next story, but in the meantime
well, dear readers, I really *can’t* – *but* *do*! - look away!