Tutu and Ballet News

Darling readers, prepare yourselves for a scoop so fabulous it's practically pirouette-worthy!

We all know the quintessential ballerina image: impossibly graceful, draped in a flowing, fluffy white or pink tutu, eyes gleaming with fierce determination as she leaps through the air. But what about the tutu itself? Is it truly just a flimsy garment, a mere prop for twirling and posing?

Fear not, my darlings, for the world of the tutu is about to be revolutionized, and you, yes YOU, will be privy to the dazzling details. The year is 2007, and the tutu is about to take center stage - quite literally.

The whispers have been circulating through the grand halls of the Royal Opera House for months now: an anonymous benefactor, known only as "Madame Tutu", is on a quest to give the beloved ballerina's skirt a serious makeover. She believes, quite rightly I must say, that the tutu has been unfairly relegated to a static symbol. It’s time, darling, for the tutu to finally twirl into the future!

But this isn’t your grandma’s tutus we’re talking about, darling. We're not just talking about a mere fabric upgrade (although, the rumoured silk sourced from the silkworms of the Himalayas sounds divine!), but a veritable tutu tech revolution!


  • Tutus that glow in the dark, perfect for late-night ballets or, perhaps, for illuminating the stage for our beloved prima ballerinas (don't tell me you haven't fantasized about that!). Imagine the drama!
  • Tutus with in-built micro-chips, ready to beam dance statistics directly to your smart phone. Ever wondered the exact number of revolutions your favourite dancer's pirouette takes? Or the airtime achieved during a grand jetĂ©? Now you’ll know!
  • Tutus adorned with delicate crystals that change colour based on the dancer's heart rate, allowing the audience to witness the emotional rollercoaster of a dramatic ballet, simply through the shift of hues.
  • Tutus that, wait for it, have built-in self-cleaning properties! Imagine, darlings, no more frantic pre-performance washing with delicate detergents!

This is just a glimpse, my loves, of the exciting new possibilities opening up in the tutu world. And let’s not forget the practical innovations. The latest “Twirl-Tex” fabric is supposedly impervious to even the most robust stage makeup. No more unsightly mascara streaks on a delicate white tulle! Isn’t that divine?

And now, the truly exciting part. To commemorate this extraordinary revolution in tutus, a grand showcase is being held on February 21st, right here in London. You won't want to miss it! We will witness the world’s top ballerinas twirling, leaping, and gracing the stage in all manner of dazzling tutus. It’s a chance to see the tutu transformed, a tribute to its evolution and a celebration of all things ballet and glamour.

I can practically smell the rosewater and hear the strains of Tchaikovsky already. Don't forget your dancing shoes, my darlings. It's going to be a night you'll never forget!

Your ever-fashionable and eternally twirling correspondent,

Petunia Potts