
Tutu and Ballet News

Oh, darling! Can you believe it? It’s 14th May 2007 and the world is simply **tumbling** with excitement over our **fabulous** world of ballet! From the shimmering, *sparkly* **tutues** to the oh-so-**sleek leotards**, this world is positively **divine**! Now, I’ve seen it all. From the tiny *prima ballerinas* who are practically **toddlers** (darlings, they are so *adorable*! Imagine – **a tutu** at the tender age of five! **I must faint!) to the graceful **giants** (who frankly, sometimes make me nervous, just because I can't quite tell **what** is happening from a *spectator's* perspective – but *ooh la la* they make me **gasp**! ).

Anyway, enough about the *physicality* of it all. I must talk about **fashion**! Darling, just imagine that delicate pink **tutu** swirling, *whirling*, and **twirling** under the bright lights – you are positively transported to a *dream* state of pure *joy*! Pink? **Perfectly* girly and charming. White? Classic. Effortlessly elegant and a total **starlet** look. But don't get me wrong – **tutues** can come in many **beautiful** hues and patterns, but for me – nothing **tops** a **delicate** pink. *Heaven*!

Speaking of heavenly, a **good** ballerina has **incredible** power and **strength** (believe me, those leg *lifts* take years of **practice** and dedication – *dear me*! – but it is **magnificent** when you witness it!) They make their movements look so effortless. **But, my dears**, I assure you - *nothing* in this **wonderful** world of dance is **effortless.** It’s an art form, my darling, a beautiful, *charming,* **artistic** art form! But before you **darling** decide to sign yourself up for your own dance classes and run straight out to buy a **tutu**, do remember that it does require a **good** deal of *practice* and dedication!

However! Don't let me *deter* you, it's a **brilliant** hobby (yes, I **must** insist) because just like our lovely *tutues*, it's utterly **feminine,** delicate and utterly **charming.** Even if you just end up joining an evening class to do a few *jumps* and *turns* – believe me, darling! You will come out **beaming**!

Oh! You're waiting for my top tips on ballet, darling? Well! How can you **possibly** resist? Well, *right*, let's go over just a **few**, *shall we?*

Here's what you've *always* wanted to know: * **Tutus – *heavenly*, but remember they *must* be cleaned very carefully – especially **pink**. And *never*, ever **wear** your **tutu** to go shopping – even the most sophisticated *fashionista* in the world knows that! * **Leotards** are the **essential** outfit for your **ballet class** – a classic. If you're going for a *bold* look go for something *black* – oh so chic. However! Don't wear **leotards** with jeans – darling, where is the **glamour** in that! * **Shoes**. We all adore *pointe shoes* don't we? Now I've seen my **fair** share of ballet *shoes* and some just look like they've come straight from a **theatre prop shop**. If you want **perfection** *get yourself* the proper, custom fitted **ones.** Trust me, my darlings – your *feet* will thank you later! * **A *gorgeous* hair style?** Oh, yes darling, I don't *think* it goes without saying! **Slick back** that *gorgeous* hair! There is **no time** for *unruly* hair when you're in **the dance studio**, it *can* be extremely **distracting!** A sleek **bun**, perhaps – a *high* bun – *fabulous*. It **simply* gives off those *elegant, beautiful* dancer **vibes**! * **Be mindful, darlings.** It can be **very competitive** - we all *love* to win, right? It is after all – an **art**! Just be sure you do not succumb to *jealousy*. It will bring your *ballet game* down!

But really my darlings, remember *most importantly*: be **gentle**, **gracious,** and always *remember to smile.*

Now – go forth and **dance** my dear!