Tutu and Ballet News

The Tutu Tussle: Ballet’s Big Bust-Up!

Darling, you wouldn't believe the drama that unfolded at the Royal Opera House last night. The world of ballet, that usually feels more serene than a summer’s day in the Cotswolds, was as tense as a swan's neck after a particularly strenuous rehearsal! Let me spill the tea, my dears... it all began with the tutus!

For years, we've been subjected to the same old frilly, fluffy tutus. Think Sugar Plum Fairy meets Princess Leia (minus the bun). Lovely, yes, but a little… predictable, don’t you think? Well, last night, the iconic tutu, the emblem of classical ballet, had a major makeover, and darling, the results were...interesting!

It all started with Prima Ballerina, Anya Petrovna. Now Anya's got a personality as bright and bubbly as her crimson lipstick and a sense of style to match! Last night, she sashayed onto the stage, and instead of her usual pink confection, she was wearing a tutu that could only be described as a “disco-chic” explosion. I mean, glitter, sequins, metallic fabric – you name it, it was on that tutu! And Anya, darling, owned it! She was twirling, leaping, and stomping with more pizazz than a group of backing dancers at a Britney Spears concert. The audience, darling, they were floored! Some cheered, some gasped, some were clearly still processing the visual assault!

The rest of the corps de ballet? Let's just say they were... underwhelmed. You could feel the judgment coming off them like the perfume from a well-sprayed Chanel No. 5 bottle. Now, these girls are as traditional as a Buckingham Palace state banquet, so a tutu with an extra dash of oomph just didn't cut it for them. They looked positively deflated! The rumour mill has it, that the “disco diva” tutu came straight from Anya's secret wardrobe, as if she decided to just go for it! And I have to say, even with her questionable choice, darling, Anya had an electrifying presence.

But the night didn't end with Anya. As the curtain fell for the final act, we all waited with baited breath. What, dear reader, would be the reaction from Madame Dupont, the ballet's renowned choreographer, whose traditional, almost painfully proper approach has graced the stage for years? Would she have a fit, or would she be pleasantly surprised? Well, darling, her reaction was about as surprising as finding a decent piece of smoked salmon in your Sainsbury’s trolley!

Here's a summary of the shocking events of the night:

  • Anya’s “disco diva” tutu received both applause and disapproving stares, as well as some well-timed, though discreetly hushed, “what on earth” from audience members, particularly those sitting on the first two rows of the upper circle. The first four rows in the upper circle are always considered "old money" territory at the ROH.
  • As Anya’s performance came to a close, with her curtain call the audience were roaring, “I believe the applause went on for at least five minutes, Darling.” But, apparently Madame Dupont remained unmoved in her box seat, “looking more and more like she’d just swallowed a wasp.”
  • In a bold and very unexpected move, Madame Dupont announced a groundbreaking competition, in collaboration with none other than, (get ready, it’s big darling, oh yes), Alexander McQueen! Yes, that Alexander McQueen! It's a “design-a-tutu” competition! They are calling it, "A tutu with attitude" and it's to be a partnership, “where ballet and fashion come together like a delicious couple’s breakfast of smoked salmon and avocado” one journalist was quoted as saying. The prize? A custom-designed tutu by McQueen himself and, get this, the starring role in the upcoming spring production! Oh, my, darling, this is going to get juicy!

So, dear reader, buckle up. This is one exciting saga, as Anya and other hopeful dancers are ready to bring a new wave of style and personality to the world of ballet. The question remains, dear reader, will the ballet world, in all of its traditional grandeur, accept this daring new vision of the tutu? Oh, I do hope so, for the sake of drama and a little sartorial flair! This isn’t your granny's ballet darling. The tutu has just had a fabulous makeover!