
Tutu and Ballet News

Darling, you won't believe the drama unfolding in the world of ballet! The tutu is under fire, and the ballet world is in an absolute frenzy!

Yes, you heard me right. Those iconic pouffy, tulle creations, the symbol of grace and ethereal elegance, are being questioned. The culprit? A group calling themselves 'The Tutu Liberation Front', claiming that tutus are "outdated", "uncomfortable", and "not representative of modern dance".

Personally, I find it rather hilarious. The Tutu Liberation Front seems to think they are revolutionary, but they are just a bunch of sweaty, un-whipped -excuse the pun! - dancers with no sense of style. Do you want me to start giving dance classes? I bet I could turn these rebellions into ballerinas! Anyway, they are staging protests in London outside the Royal Opera House tonight with their "Free the Thigh" and "Down With The Pouffe" signs. Let's just say, if this was an audition, they would have been thrown out for not meeting basic standards!

And honestly, can you even imagine what a ballet would look like without a tutu? The visual appeal! It's like taking away the pink in a flamingo, or the sequins in a showgirl. And then, there is the practical issue: can anyone really execute a graceful pirouette while wearing sensible slacks? It would be a complete travesty. Letā€™s hope these 'revolutionary' dancers can at least move well!

Of course, itā€™s not all doom and gloom. This whole fiasco has sparked an unprecedented level of discussion about the role of traditional elements in ballet, including a passionate defence of the tutu by, of course, us ballerinas who appreciate the importance of tradition. Honestly, you think the ballet world will just sit and watch without taking action!

To appease the ā€˜free the thighā€™ movement (I still cannot fathom why they chose that phrase for their campaign, itā€™s as though they havenā€™t heard of yoga pantsā€¦ they don't exactly stifle the movement in thoseā€¦) there has been an explosion in ā€œalternativeā€ tutu designs:

  • Some are pushing for sleek, body-hugging tutus that highlight the athleticism of the dancers ā€“ I hear a very expensive design house called Balmain are even creating an official range, which will, of course, be all black and very edgy, but if you ask me, if a dancer is moving well, the most important thing is the silhouette.
  • Others, including myself, argue for keeping the classic poofy style but with a contemporary twist! Why not inject some modern colours and textures, or even a touch of punk, by incorporating chains or studded fabric ā€“ now, that would really cause a stir at the opera house! Imagine the screams when a star dancer twirled with a bit of glitter and spangles - if I could afford it I'd be the first to jump on that design!

    Some are even suggesting using recycled materials! Itā€™s a noble goal but would it ever make it to a stage - we need all those layers of tulle, Darling!

And to those "modern" dancers who want to replace tutus with plain black leotards? I just thinkā€¦ why?! What's the point? I do believe the Tutu Liberation Front needs some sartorial guidance ā€“ I don't believe the tutus need any sort of liberating, they already have enough!

And to think, this whole movement was sparked by a misprint in the latest edition of *Dance International*, a famous magazine, Darling, that printed an article about "Free The Thigh, Free The Tutus", mistaking it as the new dance movement - no one should ever misquote me as the founder of that ā€˜Tutu Liberation Frontā€™, even though, to be perfectly honest, a little part of me loves this chaos.

I, for one, hope the ballet world will resist the pressures to abandon tradition. We need the tutu! The world needs the tutu, as an artistic icon, it is quite fabulous! But that doesnā€™t mean there isnā€™t a space for a touch of modernity ā€“ some tasteful, exquisite additions. You know what would be great, thoughā€¦ an actual Tutu liberation - where ballerinas break free from the rigidity of traditional ballet moves - now, that would make an actual impact, donā€™t you think?

It's going to be a very interesting week in the ballet world! I'm definitely staying tuned! Will you be tuning in too? And whatever you do, Darling, do not miss the tutus on the runway - this new season of Balmain, Darling, it is divine. The Balmain collection for this Spring season, Darling? - a symphony of colours - very much an art piece in the realm of design. I was on set on opening night - and I'm already planning what to wear to that Gala!