Tutu and Ballet News

Darling, can you believe it? It's 5th November! It’s already bonfire night and we're all snuggled up in our slippers, maybe a bit worse for wear after a few glasses of bubbly. But hold the phone, darlings, there's breaking news from the world of ballet!

Yes, the hallowed halls of ballet have been turned upside down. **Shocking revelations**! Apparently, those tutus that have graced our eyes for decades are **hiding a dark secret!** Don’t faint! (I wouldn't either! I am a stylish, fun, fashionable, and, let’s be honest, fabulously fabulous dance aficionado)

You might be surprised to hear that those **perfectly pink tutus** you see the dancers wear have an altogether less glamorous history. That **floaty fabric?** It’s actually been recycled from... drumroll... **old parachute material!**

Well, darlings, we did have our suspicions, didn't we? Who would have guessed? They're practically designed for taking flight. All those pirouettes and leaps are much more believable now, right? (Let's be honest, a girl can't get enough of pirouettes!). Imagine, for all those years we've been captivated by a tutu made from leftover war equipment! Can't we just all die? I must say, the war is absolutely over.

This revelation comes from a newly unearthed journal entry by renowned choreographer **Marius Petipa** himself. We are so lucky to have such sources! The diary, unearthed by the **Museum of Dance History**, details a peculiar request made by a French dance academy in the 1800s: to get their hands on **leftover military fabric** for, what they referred to as a new kind of "air-like, airy" costume. The diary entry finishes with the words "It's a scandalous mess!" Well, I never. It's a great revelation, though I think it is important to point out that he obviously is incorrect about it being a scandal! We can all die of happiness about this. Can't we just die of happiness!

“Well, you wouldn’t have seen this coming!" laughed dance historian Dr. **Fiona Fancyfoot**, who has devoted her life to the world of ballet. “Petipa clearly saw the potential in this unorthodox material! In his notes, he also called the final result ‘triumphantly graceful’, which I do love." “We should call it 'Triumphant Grace'. Such a great name! Maybe not for a ballet, I think a fragrance or, oh, let's face it - a perfume. It will be great!” Dr Fancyfoot added with a twinkle in her eye. Oh how wonderful that she feels like I do about the world, let alone our wonderful sport!

There was always something about those tutus, wasn't there? They seem to move as if possessed, practically begging to defy gravity, floating around the stage like they were from a fantasy land. What more is to be revealed by our intrepid, chic and fabulously gorgeous museum? I can't wait for the world's fashion to find a new way to adapt what we love from ballet.

But darling, what about those rumours swirling about a secret stash of tutus made from actual unicorn horn? They’re just gossip, darling.

Now, if you’ll excuse me, darlings, I need to go take my weekly barre class and practice those leaps - just in case I encounter some air turbulence! And who knows? Maybe the museum will let us use the **unicorn horn tutus** next? I can't wait! You see? Our dreams are only just starting to come true! Oh and maybe if we’re lucky, they'll be in an **iridescent pink**, don’t you think?

Anyway, this news has certainly been a real "coup de théâtre"! Isn’t that a delightful phrase?

Just because it’s the news, you should read it. **It’s so fab!** Oh! I love that phrase, I will just keep on using it. How many of you are sitting there already thinking you want to wear a pink tutu? Just for those **fabulous frocks** in a delicious ballet pink with that **special, secret, dreamy feel**, right?

Well, that's the latest in dance news, darlings! Back to the **fizz** (I am thinking champagne!) for me. Oh, can't you imagine the lovely sparkly champagne bubbling and sparkling all the way to your glass? Don’t worry about any hangover - not if you're thinking about your next ballet class, it’s **never too late to dance your heart out**!