
Tutu and Ballet News

Well darlings, buckle up your ballet shoes and grab a glass of Prosecco, because itā€™s time to talk about the big news in the world of tutus. And by tutus, I obviously mean **all tutus**. This past Tuesday, 7th November, was *National Tutu Day*, which I believe, although there is no *official* source for it, should be celebrated with all the pizazz and *je ne sais quoi* that only a perfectly poofed tulle skirt can bring.

Now, let's be honest, we all know that tutus have gotten a bit of a bad rap in the past. Sure, they can be a bit on the impractical side, and I daresay they wouldnā€™t be my first choice for, say, a mud-wrestling competition. But honestly, if weā€™re all being perfectly honest, those *itty bitty* tutus have truly earned their rightful place as the ultimate fashion icon of all time, okay?! *Yes I did!*

But what exactly *is* a tutu, and how does it manage to effortlessly achieve both ā€œchicā€ and ā€œballerinaā€? Well darlings, Iā€™m so glad you asked. There is, for example, the "Romantic tutu," *cue dramatic music*, this classic of all classics (the one with the shorter bodice) is known for it's flowing layers and dreamy ethereal vibes, much like a beautiful, but equally mischievous butterfly. Oh the power of such romance! **Ooh la la!**

Then we have the, "Classical tutu", also called a "Principal tutu", this beauty is often a very structured garment, with its very defined shape *and* stiff layered design, like an impeccable and perfect diamond or a crisp, impeccably presented cupcake (I love a cupcake!). Oh darling, it truly is quite the *look* *to look* at. But remember darlings, it takes hours and hours to achieve, so perhaps we will all take a moment of silence for the ballerinas themselves who wear it? Just a thought.

And donā€™t forget, dear reader, the **modern** tutu. The tutu has been reimagined so many times in modern day fashion that you really canā€™t put your finger on it at all. There are short, medium and long versions of it (even black!), there is the more *structured* tutu with multiple layers, a more *flexible* (read; ā€œcomfyā€) tutu, even **no tutu** versions! Whoā€™s going to say itā€™s *wrong* if a young, bold ballerina makes their own unique dance expression with nothing more than some wonderful satin, yes!?

If you happen to stumble upon a tutu this National Tutu Day, or even another day for that matter, my advice, darling, is **take a minute**, **look at it**. Really soak in it's exquisite construction and beauty, because honestly it *truly is* quite a sight. Just like looking at a piece of art, but way *more* fashionable. Perhaps, as you consider taking a little peak, maybe, just maybe, you will discover something about yourself that you havenā€™t thought of in a while, for goodness sake. That, darlings, is what the magic of tutus really is!

On a serious note, I also want to highlight the significant role that tutus have played in promoting body positivity and acceptance for so many women, as well as the dance and ballet world at large. That, I think, should definitely be celebrated on **every** day of the year.

But until next time, my dearest darlings, have a fantastic Tutu day! You might just be surprised at what amazing things can happen, in your world or the ballet world, once you put a tutu on. You really can **wear** anything if you want, darling.

Some exciting tutu facts:

  • It is a French word! *TrĆØs Chic!*
  • The world's oldest tutu is from the early 1800s.
  • Thereā€™s no evidence tutus were originally *only* made for women.
  • That very, very large and poofy tutu worn by Marie Taglioni was *revolutionary* for the time period in which she debuted it.
  • The tutu was originally only designed for ballet!
  • The first "tutu", and therefore a ballerina's entire outfit, only took 24 hours to make. That's the power of fashion and ingenuity right there, darlings.
  • In the 1940s it took six hours just to **prepare** for a ballerina's performance, just to prepare the **tutu** for wear, before the dancer even stepped onto the stage!
  • You can find some really special designs at some of your *favorite* dance wear stores!
  • Every tutu tells a story!
  • Wear whatever color tutu makes *you* feel like a ballet queen. You really can wear the "Crown".

So now that you've got all the inside scoops about tutus, *do* take a moment to go put one on and take a photo for a little personal *self-reflection*. Because honestly darling, just remember itā€™s not *about* the dress. Itā€™s about *how* you wear it, with joy, *savoir-faire*, and confidence.

This story brought to you by your favorite 30-something, feminine, fashion loving, ballerina author, because tutus are not just a fashion choice, darling, they are *lifestyle*. Now, if youā€™ll excuse me, Iā€™m off to *indulge* in some celebratory prosecco, just for the sheer *joy* of it. I can already hear the tutu-inspired music in my head!