
Tutu and Ballet News

**Oh, darling, the drama!** It's that time again, the day where we must all acknowledge the supreme queen of the stage ā€“ **the tutu!** That's right, darlings, August 27th, 2007, marks the day we celebrate the humble yet oh-so-powerful garment that has graced the stages of the world for centuries.

As a ballet fanatic ā€“ and I don't mean "fan" like your mum at a football match, I mean a proper, head-to-toe obsessed fanatic, darlings ā€“ I am positively thrilled to dedicate this entire day to our tulle-covered goddesses.

Don't get me wrong, I'm not oblivious to the ridicule these frothy, often white or pink creations get. They're, like, the punchline to a million jokes. "Oh, she looks like a sugar plum fairy," they chuckle, like it's the end of wit. **"You can't possibly take her seriously!" they proclaim.** Honestly, darlings, how incredibly gauche! To even *think* that a tutu is the **sole** indicator of our seriousness, just... well, **it's appalling!**

Let's get this straight ā€“ a tutu is far more than just a costume. It's a symbol, a declaration of our artistry, a weapon of massā€¦well, **we'll leave the mass destruction out, but you get the gist!**

The sheer amount of tulle, **a whole lotta tulle, darlings!** It takes a lot to build that majestic fluff, that explosion of femininity ā€“ it's **serious engineering**, don't you know. It takes an intricate knowledge of design, a discerning eye for colour and texture ā€“ and let's not even mention the effort to achieve those perfect *tutus de pointe* movements. Yes, that's *point* as in "en pointe," darlings, like only ballerinas know how. It's truly a skill of the gods, one I personally can't manage! I tried once, almost sprained my ankle *and* knocked over a lampshade in the process. You have to respect these ladies. **It's like balancing on a stack of pancakes, just a little more elegant and less messy, of course.**

Don't even get me started on the *leotard*. I mean, this humble piece of underwear (yes, underwear, you read that right), transformed into a graceful statement of, well, **statement-making!** Let me tell you, darlings, when you're slipping on that *leotard* (it's not "a leotard", it's *the* *leotard*) there's this moment, a magical moment. **You feel like you've morphed into somethingā€¦ special, extraordinary. A goddess of the stage, no less!** And then, oh, that *tutu* glides onto your hipsā€¦ itā€™s a love affair, a dance of *two*. (See what I did there, darlings? Iā€™m on fire!).

So, while you might see a fluff of pink or white, some of you might call it ridiculous, some of you may be rolling your eyes and whispering, "They look like sugar plums!" to your friendsā€¦ but donā€™t be fooled, darling, **there's more to a tutu than meets the eye!** Thereā€™s passion, sweat, and oh-so-much dedication that goes into the very fabric of those fluffy circles. And on this 27th of August, let us acknowledge the divine power that *tutus* possess, and celebrate the **effortless** elegance of a ballerina at her finest, dressed in a cloud of tulle that takes us straight to cloud 9, darlings!

Now, excuse me while I put on my (tutu-esque) dress, find my dancing shoes, and go twirl in the park like thereā€™s no tomorrow. (Actually, tomorrow's just another day, darling, so let's just enjoy this!)

**Here are some of my absolute favorite tutu-tastic facts to keep the spirit of August 27th alive:**

  • The iconic pink tutu was made famous by the incomparable Margot Fonteyn, a ballet icon in the 20th century! And it wasn't just any shade of pink, it was a specific colour ā€“ ā€œbubblegum pinkā€! You go, girl!
  • Tutus were not always these grand, swirling confections we adore today. Their first iteration was basically a mini-skirt. It was in the late 19th century when Maria Taglioni (remember her? **She's the original ballerina extraordinaire, honey!** ) made the classic ballerina tutu that was made from multiple layers of tulle, basically giving it that fluffy *look*, the iconic silhouette we all know and adore.
  • Tutus are truly amazing in terms of artistry. Thereā€™s this technique, a type of embroidery they call ā€œtulle knotting,ā€ where artisans *hand knot* the delicate layers of tulle, basically forming the fluffy, billowy texture. It takes, like, FOREVER, it's seriously laborious and detailed work. And this intricate hand-work results in some serious ā€œ**oohsā€** and **ā€œahsā€** at the theater! So when you see that ā€œ**perfection**ā€ on the stage, honey, *youā€™re looking at pure artistry*.
  • Tutus can weigh as much as 2 kg! This is important, darling. The ballerinas must have super-strength arms, to lift their own legs! The entire *leotard* and *tutu* creation weigh down the ballerina and takes *serious effort* and training to maintain poise. And remember, you've got the whole "dancing on your tippy-toes" element, too! So, if youā€™re tempted to mock, please be careful - youā€™re looking at real power right in front of you.
  • They come in different styles and lengths. Just like different cakes (donā€™t even *try* to tell me that a cupcake is equal to a 12-tiered wedding cake, darling!). For example, the ā€œ**tutu classique**ā€ ā€“ classic darling, always! ā€“ has many tiers of tulle for a real princessy-feeling. A *tutu roman* is simpler, fewer layers for those ballet stories, and even has those little decorative panels that, letā€™s be honest, are utterly delightful to look at!
  • So there you have it, the majesty of the *tutu* in all its splendor, darlings. Letā€™s raise a glass (of something fizzy, perhaps?) to all the ballerinas around the world, **and of course, to those *amazing* *tutuses*!** And may the pink, or maybe white *tutus* take you to magical lands of pirouettes, elegance, and *just a tiny bit* of fluff!