Tutu and Ballet News

Dearest readers, It’s 5th September, 2007, and, you know what, it’s simply not acceptable that we're just letting the world go by without a decent dose of ballet news! So, my darling, fabulous fashionistas, let's delve into the delightful world of dance. Yes, we’re going there, into the swirling vortex of tutus, leotards, and all that glorious pirouettey goodness!

Now, we’re not just going to go all fluffy, all "sugar plum fairies" here. (Honestly, do those little fairies ever take the sugar out of their hair?). We’re talking hard-core fashion – the stuff that gets the gossip mills whirring, and leaves the “haute couture" set trembling with envy! I mean, seriously, what other form of art can consistently combine silk and sweaty lunges with such grace?

News Flash!

This is just breaking, but whispers are swirling that Chanel is finally bowing down to the power of the pliĂ© and will be releasing its first "haute tutu" collection for next Spring/Summer. This news will shock and delight many - those little tulle wonders will certainly look ravishing as they float down the Champs ÉlysĂ©es! We’ve been saying for years that tutus are the epitome of high fashion and now finally, it’s happening. And honestly, let's be frank: what's better than a fabulous leotard and an even more fabulous pair of ballet flats, especially when teamed with a divine little jacket with strategically placed pearls?

Let's not forget that the ballerina of the 21st century is more than just a “fairy on the stage”. These ladies (and gentlemen!) are athletes. Athletes with impeccable taste, to be precise, and who are often found taking those killer high-fashion designer shoes (the Louboutins!) into the studio. And yes, it is indeed fabulous! That's why ballet is such a powerful, captivating art form! We witness both extreme athleticism and a beautiful marriage of artistic expression, and then of course, there are those heavenly costumes! (The thought of my collection of custom-made pink tutus makes me positively blush! The craftsmanship!)

Here are some of the hottest trends to look out for on the ballet scene this season:
  • Black is the new black (in tulle): Yes, we're seeing a wave of striking darker hues. It’s so chic and, dare we say it, rather edgy (imagine a ballerina leaping in the moonlight, her black tutu whispering like silk!). It makes the ballerina look like a stunning, mysterious raven who can’t wait to unleash the elegance and power of the pliĂ©.
  • White and Bright!: Now, I must mention that for a certain section of the ballerina fraternity, it’s the pink tutus (and we’re talking **pink**, my darlings, the **most** gorgeous pink tulle with that lovely sheen, so **PINK** ) that bring them to life, but when done properly the white ones, like a snowdrop dancing on stage, look utterly stunning!
  • “Bodycon” Leotards: Yes, yes, let's talk leotards for a moment! This is where the "it girls" (and guys!) have been holding court for a while now, it's all about those gorgeous, sleek, second-skin leotards that accentuate their bodies so flawlessly while still being entirely functional for even the most athletic pirouette.
  • The “Shoe-drobe" is King: Those shoes – oh my, let's pause and worship the little leather wonders that help ballerinas perform their best. It's amazing how an absolutely perfect pointe shoe, perfectly tied, and meticulously shaped to fit a dancer’s foot, can inspire so much. The dedication it takes to achieve this is astounding! Imagine the thrill of choosing the perfect pair!
  • Don’t forget the accessories!: And who says ballerinas can’t accessorise? You'll see those delicate strands of pearls and tiny sparkling bracelets gracing many wrists. You know the classic hair bun and little hairnet always look fantastic. Sometimes it's the most subtle of accessories that make a ballerina stand out from the crowd!

Finally, ladies, we need to make it crystal clear to everyone in this "ballet fashion" movement: the perfect ballet outfit is just one ingredient in the art. It's like saying, "We are going to have this fantastic painting, and all we need is the perfect paintbrush." You have the choreography, the music, the expression, and all those elements must work in harmony for a magical ballet performance. It’s truly an art that deserves to be appreciated for all its facets!

But, that being said, how fabulous is it to see those beautiful costumes come alive with the grace and beauty of our favorite ballet dancers? Now, go forth and dance, my fabulous dancers, with the most chic tutus and the most flattering leotards!

Happy dancing! From my ballet-loving, and slightly sequin-covered heart. Your faithful dance columnist.