
Tutu and Ballet News

Oh darlings, gather ā€™round, as I, your resident ballet enthusiast and seasoned tutu connoisseur, delve into the sartorial complexities of the ballet world. Letā€™s face it, nothing beats the allure of a perfect pirouette, but today, weā€™re going beyond the arabesque and the grand jetĆ© ā€“ weā€™re tackling the fundamental fabric of the dancerā€™s life, the tutus.

10 January 2008 marks a glorious occasion: the day to dissect and dissect we shall. Why? Because, my dears, thereā€™s a certain drama associated with tutus. Just picture the scene: a bevy of beautiful ballerinas poised, awaiting their cue. A dramatic sweep of a spotlight, and voila ā€“ the fluffy tutu emerges, swirling around a dancerā€™s lithe frame like a cloud of pure magic. But is it a cloud of pure white or the blushing hue of pink?

Thereā€™s more to this dance of colours than meets the eye. Now, I know what youā€™re thinking. ā€œBut darling, surely tutus are always pink? They are just so *ballerina-esque*. Pink is, well, just undeniably the go-to hue for all things fluffy and adorable. It is quite simply synonymous with sugar and spice, and everything nice, especially in a ballerinas' world, right?ā€. But hold your horses, darlings! The world of ballet is a nuanced place. Not everything is as sugary-sweet as a Victorian pink-iced cupcake. The decision to don white or pink is far from frivolous, darlings, it is fraught with as much nuance and decision-making as selecting your cocktail dress for a gala dinner. So listen up and donā€™t forget to grab that second cuppa. Weā€™re about to take a deep dive into the ballet world's most-discussed -and frankly controversial- wardrobe staples.

Let's address the white tutu first, the quintessential ballet staple. Oh, the white tutu, so starkly beautiful. Picture a pure white tutu swirling against the darkened backdrop of a theatre, itā€™s the symbol of ballet perfection ā€“ graceful, timeless and utterly classic. It embodies all things elegant and pristine ā€“ think Swan Lake. A ballerina in a white tutu is like a beacon of beauty, a vision of serenity. You just know this ballerina is an utter pro -the kind you could picture starring in Swan Lake! It oozes professionalism, poise and refinement, even a touch of demureness, all in that pure white cloud of elegance.

Now, my lovelies, we enter the more dramatic side, the pink tutu. Itā€™s not a subtle, quiet thing like the white; oh no. A ballerina wearing a pink tutu brings with her a powerful statement ā€“ of innocence and joy, yes, but also an insidious and delightful drama. Think Giselle. Picture the pink tulle twirling in the light, a sugary frou-frou, almost teasing the audience with its youthful, bouncy joie de vivre.

Pink is a statement colour, darlings. And if your ballerina isn't up for a bit of attention, this is most definitely not the tutu for them. The pink tutu says to the world: ā€œIā€™m fun. Iā€™m bold. And, yes, a bit sassy.ā€ If the pink tutu could talk, you just know it would have something snarky, fabulous, and thoroughly entertaining to say.

So what does this all mean, my dearest ballet aficionados? White is classic. Pink isā€¦ well, just look at it! White says ā€œIā€™m here to dance.ā€ Pink says, "Iā€™m here to rock the stage and leave a little bit of pink glitter everywhere I go.ā€

One thing is certain -no matter the shade, tutus are magical garments. They are more than just dancewear; they're powerful symbols, carrying layers of ballet history and emotional weight with them every time a ballerina gracefully leaps or delicately turns across the stage.

In a world obsessed with the perfect picture and finding our Instagram-worthy 'look', it is so refreshing that in a world full of fluff and frivolity and Instagram trends, we have ballet; this unique space where fashion is not fleeting but where the focus is entirely on the beauty of dance.

Here are some quick, fun facts, to tantalise those ballerina brains! *A ballerina's life can revolve around a tutu! The average professional ballerina owns a multitude of tutus. Why? Well, letā€™s be honest -no two tutus are ever quite the same. Youā€™ve got the soft tutus and the hard tutus. Youā€™ve got short tutus, long tutus and all sorts of sizes. All of this is designed to support the dancers while sheā€™s swirling and twirling across the stage!

*Leotards have come a long way. They can now be personalised in an array of vibrant colors, shimmery designs, and funky fabrics! There are leotards with cut-out details, glittering sequins, even those that shimmer and reflect the light like a disco ball. Yes, you heard correctly. A disco-ball-inspired leotard is definitely the epitome of 'out there'.

*Let's talk about ballet shoes! Thereā€™s more to ballet footwear than meets the eye. Ballerina shoes ā€“ with their pointed toes and delicate ribbons, these little wonders are the very essence of feminine power. Those little ballet shoes - the perfect weapon in a ballerinasā€™ arsenal. But there are far more to choose from than your basic leather. They can be satin-lined for that extra sparkle, or they can even be made from beautiful fabric, velvet, silk. I think a velvet ballerina shoe must surely be the most deliciously chic thing on this planet?

Now, dear readers, as the curtain comes down on another riveting foray into the ballet world. Remember, be sure to let me know which side you fall on! The pink? Or the white?