Tutu and Ballet News

Well, darling, you just won’t believe what happened today! The day was the 26th of February, 2008, and let me tell you, it was a day for the books, or rather, a day for the ballet shoes! Honestly, it was absolutely bonkers!

So, I was at the Royal Opera House, in my favourite red dress (the one with the sequins, you know the one!), for a matinee performance of Swan Lake. I was so excited, absolutely buzzing! It’s just the best ballet, and you know I have a bit of a soft spot for tutus, especially the white ones, they are so incredibly elegant, like wispy clouds, so utterly ethereal. The girls on stage, darling, just looked like angels, dancing on air. Pure perfection. I nearly burst with excitement, practically leaping from my seat (I had to stop myself, wouldn’t want to cause a scene!).

But, dear reader, the real drama wasn’t on the stage, oh no, it was all happening backstage. There was this whole kerfuffle over tutus, of all things. Imagine! Tutus causing drama? You wouldn't think it, but this story has everything, jealousy, accusations, a scandal, the whole shebang.

You see, there was a big competition on, and it seems the prima ballerina, darling, you know her, the famous one with the porcelain complexion and the ridiculously long legs, she just couldn’t get enough of those glorious white tutus. They were the only tutus she wanted. Apparently, her wardrobe malfunction had really gotten to her.

Well, imagine the mayhem when the other ballerinas realised the star was hoovering up all the white tutus, like a vacuum cleaner gone rogue. They felt, and let’s be honest, rightly so, a bit miffed about it, shall we say? "Can we even dance at all?" some of them fumed! "How are we going to perform without our tutus? She's literally taken every single one!”

There were pink tutus, of course. In abundance. Darling, they're cute, sweet even, a bit twee, you know, the ballet world’s equivalent of wearing pink to a funeral. Oh dear, but they just weren’t quite the thing for them. I mean, the white ones are the traditional ones, the ones you always associate with a ballerina, like Audrey Hepburn in "Funny Face", just iconic, darling. No disrespect to the pink tutus of course, I'm sure there’s a market for them somewhere.

Anyway, you just couldn't imagine the back stage scenes that day. I wouldn’t say it was a cat fight, but let’s just say it wasn’t all "sweetie pie" and "darling." Apparently, there were even whispers of a backstage bunfight over a tutu.

So, I'm sure you are all sitting there thinking what happened, didn’t they just share? Oh no, not these divas! And, oh darling, the whole thing was escalated to their dance director, the rather stoic looking, let’s be honest a little intimidating man with the handlebar moustache.

I am reliably informed that he calmly surveyed the situation and made a crucial decision: The entire company was given the day off! Oh darling, imagine, a whole company, given a day off! The perfect antidote to the stress and competition. All in the name of tutus!

I’ve got to say, I do think it was probably a very wise choice, if a bit extra. All the drama was settled, no tutus were left torn, and the performances could go ahead as planned! Now darling, I wouldn’t dream of revealing my source, but this whole situation had to be hushed up quickly. Apparently, there were whispers that it could have affected ticket sales. A little dramatic for a bit of a tutu squabble? You tell me.

As the lights went up, everyone in their white and pink tutus, looking absolutely beautiful as ever, the music swelled, and I realised just what a truly joyous occasion a trip to the ballet truly is, tutu drama aside. You can see all the glamour of a world that feels miles away from the everyday world of commutes, chores and, frankly, bad weather. A place where pink and white tutus make all the difference, and everyone just melts into pure joy.

A Fashion Note from a Stylish Writer
  • Let’s talk tutus! While the white tutu remains the quintessential choice for any ballerina (or any fashionable event!) those daring, trend-setting ballerinas might embrace the sweet charm of a pink tutu. But, if we are being completely honest, they can’t compete with a white tutu! White just makes an impact! Like, if you are walking down the street, who would look more stylish and impactful? The girl in white or the girl in pink? Don't be fooled by trends darlings. You want a bit of sophistication in your style. I do have to say though that a pink tutu looks quite lovely in summer with a simple pair of ballet pumps. It’s an entirely different vibe of course, it’s just all about understanding the vibe.
  • Another essential in a ballerina’s (and my) wardrobe is the perfect leotard. It needs to be a timeless classic, black of course! Black never dates, and the leotard really needs to flatter. We aren’t just aiming for functional darling. I’m talking, tight fitting, shows off that lovely toned shape.
  • I've heard of people, and some would say they are rather tasteful, dressing up for a ballet performance. My take? It is absolutely, darling, totally acceptable. It just makes the event all the more special, especially with a big event like a show at The Royal Opera House. I am very partial to a little bit of sparkle, it just enhances the whole feeling of joy and elegance. And there’s no such thing as too much sparkle. Just say no to that little voice in your head telling you you should go plain, go sparkly!

I know, I know. You might think that fashion is all a bit frivolous in this whole ballet business. But really darling, it is all a part of a truly special world! It’s a bit like going back in time to a world of beautiful classical music, a whole sense of grace and artistry and well, pink and white tutus. What's not to love about that? I just adore ballet and all of its eccentricities. What can I say? It’s pure theatre. Just glorious.