Tutu and Ballet News

It's the 11th of March, 2008, and you know what that means? It's time for another round of The Tutu Truth!

Oh darlings, we’ve had another whirlwind of a week in the world of ballet, so grab yourselves a cuppa (Earl Grey, naturally, because we’re all about elegance here), settle into your favourite chaise longue, and let’s dive in.

First things first, a spot of gossip. Apparently, a certain famous ballerina has been seen sporting a rather... daring... leotard at a recent rehearsal. We’re talking, *shudder*, **black**! The horror! Don't get me wrong, black can be glamorous, but when it comes to ballet, it just feels so… intense. Like you’re watching a performance by the Royal Shakespeare Company, not something delicate and ethereal. What happened to the classic pink or white tutus? Don’t these prima ballerinas know that pink is the colour of grace and elegance and white is the embodiment of purity and perfection? Maybe we need to start a ‘Bring Back the Tutu’ campaign – pink and white, of course.

Speaking of pink, I’m absolutely in love with this adorable new line of ballet shoes. Yes, they're **pink**! With sequins. Oh, and they’re actually comfy, unlike those dreadful pointy toe horrors that every ballerina swears by. My feet are singing their praises – and let’s be honest, they deserve it after years of enduring those shoes. This new range is not only cute and comfy, but also environmentally friendly, made with recycled materials. It’s like, good for the planet, good for your feet, and good for your look. Can it get any better?

But there’s a dark side to this world of pirouettes and pliés, darlings. This week saw a rather disgraceful incident at the Royal Ballet. Apparently, during a performance of ‘Swan Lake’, the lighting technician switched on the spotlight too early and, shock horror, it actually shone on the dancer during her grand jeté! I know, outrageous, isn't it? What could have been a breathtaking moment of soaring grace was instead ruined by this ghastly spotlight faux pas. Someone call the PR team, there's been a PR disaster of epic proportions. And we mustn’t even mention the rogue cobweb dangling from the proscenium arch…

Of course, it's not all drama and faux pas in the ballet world. There’s also a lot of joy and inspiration. I was so delighted to see a performance by the Royal Ballet's youth company last week. These little cherubs have the potential to be absolutely dazzling – and, honestly, darling, with their talent and enthusiasm, I wouldn’t be surprised if they're stealing the spotlight from their seasoned senior colleagues in a few years. Mark my words: some of these little darlings will be taking the world by storm, one perfectly executed pirouette at a time.

Finally, darlings, it's time for a bit of self-indulgence. What would be absolutely fabulous, just fabulous, is a pair of white, **extravagant, full-length, feathered tutu**. Yes, that’s right, darlings – a **feather tutu**. Let's talk practicality for a second, there would be feathers flying everywhere, feathers on stage, feathers in the audience, a little plume here, a few fluffy feathers there, perhaps a rogue feather on my freshly coiffed hair. We can have feather-themed refreshments, feathers cocktails, maybe even a feather-filled pinata! Just a fabulous evening for the most fabulous feather tutu ever.

That’s all for this week, darlings. I hope you've had as much fun as I have with this Tutu Truth. Now, where did I put my champagne and that new sparkly leotard…