Tutu and Ballet News

**Oh, the tutus, the tutus!** I’m here to tell you all about them – those beautiful, fluffy creations that are the hallmark of ballet. Oh, darling, what would we do without them? You might think they’re just fluffy skirts but you’re utterly mistaken! You simply must know the etiquette, the unwritten rules of the tutu, in all their glorious detail.

Firstly, my dears, it's a simple rule, but vital: you *never* mix tutus. Imagine wearing a fluffy white tutu and then, just like that, whipping off the white, the white – I’m talking pure white here, mind you – and then donning the **pink**, darling, the pink! It simply doesn’t do. I know you may see this in pantomimes and musicals but it's just *bad* theatre.

Now, you must know there are strict rules for both. **White, darling,** pristine white, denotes innocence, naivetĂ© and new beginnings, a delicate blossom unfurling, fresh and new, light and pure, like the falling snow in a classic winter ballet. Pure and divine. Do you see what I’m saying?

Then, my love, there’s the **pink** tutu! Now, there’s a bold statement. Not just *any* pink. Think bright, brilliant **Barbie pink**. It demands your attention and you must answer its call with a flamboyant flick of the wrist and an air of knowing elegance, sophistication. You see, it’s an absolute siren song! It’s the ‘look at me’ colour, full of bravado, energy and strength, almost demanding you put it centre stage! Why, they’ve even made pink shoes and leotards, don’t you know. But more on that in a moment.

Just let it be known, girls, you will have to dance *beautifully* in **pink** or the pink tutu simply *will not have it*. This is a tutu, you must understand, that *commands* attention! That’s what’s so fun about the pink tutu! You might see, it’s truly a case of: "Let's dance!” And why wouldn't you when you are blessed to be wearing that fabulous shade of pink!

Talking of dancing – there's this ridiculous notion of 'spinning' in tutus. How completely boring, how gauche! My dearest friends, if a *dancer* spins, it must be *intentional* – to dazzle the audience and draw them in to a world of utter enchantment and pure wonder.

The audience can be captivated, can be enthralled by the twirl, and, in truth, there can be only one spin. It is the moment in a ballet to show off your talents. Don’t you get distracted, my lovely ladies – if you let a tutu spin, that means that you are not in control, you’re letting it ‘have its moment’ You’ll be caught out – you see? *Nobody* wants to watch that! Think of it – that could mean ‘no encores’ for the entire dance ensemble! It’s all about *finesse*, and don’t even think about letting a tutu **fly!** Oh, absolutely not!

Just to add to all this ‘spinning’ nonsense, my loves, don’t go getting carried away! Please understand this is the 21st century and while I applaud your ambition in learning to dance ballet (even to get that Instagram pic, don't you know?), remember – that tutu is **never** a costume! No, no, it’s an *expression* of a truly **special** moment. Do I need to say, for that moment you must take centre stage! The whole audience is your to command! This means – do not ever take this wonderful expression and wear it casually to a garden party or even dare to consider taking it to the local Tesco’s! This, ladies, is truly bad etiquette.

Now, when wearing a tutu and feeling the fabulous, remember that ‘special moment’, that singular, supreme expression, means you also need to pay attention to your shoes – I know you won’t forget your leotard and those divine tights. Of course, your shoes, darling, *must* compliment the tutu. And we can't talk about a ballet shoe without mentioning the wonderful point of a ballet shoe. You need to achieve a delicate balance, I am afraid. No, you don't have to take up ballet, although it’s something I strongly suggest, but you do need to appreciate, really, truly appreciate that pointedness – and all the skills behind getting a delicate, pointy, pointed shoe – the art, don’t you know? Don’t even get me started on the practice. It's all very tiring. A little secret: to achieve that beautiful, sharp, pointy ‘point’ takes hours – hours of rigorous practice, darling! – not something everyone wants to undertake – and trust me it is not for the faint hearted!

Just a word to the wise, girls: for you fashionable divas, there is no doubt, there is a ‘thing’ to wearing a pink tutu! As I say, it takes a very certain person to achieve perfection with a pink tutu! Do not let this fabulous outfit be ‘just an outfit’ and remember what it is an expression of, a truly special ‘special’ moment that *everyone* remembers!

Here’s my advice:

  • Choose the white if you need a pristine white. It's perfect for innocence.
  • Pick the pink if you need something strong. But just make sure you have *personality* to match. Don’t go pretending you’ve got some bravado and try to put yourself at the centre of things, or just give the pink to a friend, someone who is going to *work* it.
  • There are rules when it comes to twirling, do your spin, show off those beautiful legs!
  • Have fun! Don’t worry, enjoy yourself! Be brave, dance the night away in style!

Do remember it's essential you understand how the *dance* can take on a whole new *attitude* in these pink tutus.