Tutu and Ballet News

Get Your Pointe Shoes On, Darling! A Celebration of the Ballet Bubble My darlings, today is the day we take a celebratory skip, pirouette and grand jeté through the glorious world of ballet! The 25th March 2008 - a date destined to forever be remembered as the day we embrace the pink tutu, the tight leotard, and the utterly ludicrous beauty of pointe shoes. Let's get ready to go full ballerina, even if you haven’t stepped foot in a dance studio since your five-year-old "fancy dress" phase!

This isn't about tutus just being cute – though, let's face it, they are undeniably cute – it's about ballet being, well, a bit mad. I mean, imagine, you spend years honing your body, working with your mind and muscles to control gravity and create this illusion of effortless grace. But really, it's about spending your life as a ballerina as a testament to defying the pull of earth in favour of leaping through the air like a graceful, fluffy, pink-hued cloud of dreams!

But don’t let my flippant tone fool you - there is an unparalleled elegance and artistry within ballet. It’s not just the exquisite costumes, though let's be honest, the tutus are a true highlight. It's about the raw power of an athlete melded with the exquisite precision of an artist. You wouldn’t catch your average gym bunny gracefully twirling while performing a pas de deux!

So today, let’s honour the ballerinas of this world. I can already feel you’ve had an itch for tutus this morning – a hankering for all things floaty and pink. And just like a perfect arabesque, let's examine just why the tutu reigns supreme in our collective heart of hearts… Firstly, the tutu, darling! It's just sheer joy. We’ve all watched as ballerinas float and dance across stages – but have you noticed that each spin is a glorious twirl of silk? It’s like seeing an explosion of delicate, ephemeral magic right before our eyes. The tutu represents the magic of ballet, just like Cinderella's slipper symbolises the dream of forever. Pink, of course. It’s almost the unofficial colour of ballet. Maybe it’s a throwback to our early fascination with Barbies, perhaps it's because it whispers romance and elegance. But what can't be argued is the sheer sweetness of seeing that fluffy, beautiful confection swishing across the stage! And just picture it against the harsh spotlights, the white satin making it glow even brighter! And lastly, there are the tights! Honestly, no other outfit item is more crucial to the ballerinas life than these. A simple garment - maybe white, maybe black, always stretchy – they become second skin to the performer, clinging tight and allowing for effortless movement and, if we’re honest, showing off some stunning, strong thighs. Just a tip: the key to mastering the ballerina’s body? Invest in some sleek black tights – because you just never know when your inner swan might want to fly. Don't even get me started on the leotard – a little bit naughty, a little bit sexy. And it's totally the ballerinas power move. The classic, black one? Perfectly balanced and ready to be unleashed! There's something undeniably glamorous about seeing a ballerina in a simple, yet beautifully powerful, leotard. But honestly, my darlings, today, it's about stepping out of the ordinary and into your own, unique and fabulous ballerina moment!

Whether you choose to celebrate by pulling out your dusty leotard and twirling around your living room, or simply taking inspiration from the world of ballet through your wardrobe or even by taking a ballet class, let today be a reminder that, within each of us, is the potential for grace, strength and a dash of ethereal beauty. Just don't forget the tiara, my darling, the tiara's crucial.

And don't forget: if it’s not pink, don’t wear it!

I want to see pictures of you! Tweet your photos of your best "ballerina pose" with the hashtag #TutuTues. You know you wanna!