
Tutu and Ballet News

Oh darling, you simply won't believe what happened at the Royal Ballet last night! I mean, it's not every day you get a fashion faux pas at Covent Garden, right? Let's just say, things went from Swan Lake to Swan-a-rama!

Picture this: the orchestra strikes up Tchaikovsky's iconic score, the stage lights dim, and out they prance - the prima ballerinas, looking like, well, ballerinas, with their stunning, impossibly white tutus. All beautifully structured, all breathtakingly elegant, until...

You see, my dearest readers, dear little Fanny, who we all know is prone to the occasional fashion flub, well, her tutu had other ideas. This poor little thing decided to have a rather dramatic "accident". And what was the accident? Oh darling, let me just tell you - it literally **disintegrated**. Yes! Disintegrated!

Now, let me tell you, the audience gasped! It was a scandal! Imagine a graceful, swan-like ballerina, suddenly looking more like a penguin in a fluffy snowstorm. Not a graceful snowstorm mind you, but more of a flurry of feather-y feathers and strategically placed bits of fabric that the lovely Fanny somehow managed to hold together!

**Here's what I gathered:** It seems that poor Fanny had neglected to have a "tutub check" before she waltzed onto that hallowed stage. (A tutub check, darling, is like a bra check, only for your tulle!) Perhaps she had too much sherry backstage (after all, it *is* Covent Garden!), or maybe she had a rather energetic encounter with a costume malfunctioning machine backstage - who knows? Let's just say, the results were rather... embarrassing!

But what happened next is the real gem, the moment that went down in ballet history, ladies and gents, as the *Grande Ballet Faux Pas!* Poor Fanny, she just looked down at her suddenly deflated garment, realised she was basically showing off her bloomers to a room of high-society and artistic connoisseurs, and - without a pause, mind you! - She **threw off** her **shattered** tutu like a **graceful, defiant** queen, exposing... well, I'm just going to say "it wasn't pretty".

And the *best* bit, darling, is that, she then simply continued the ballet as if **nothing** happened. No tripping, no stumbles, she **sashays** onto the stage and proceeds to **nail** the choreography as if it were all part of the show!

I swear to you, I have never seen such poise in the face of utter costume chaos. I mean, darling, it takes a very strong and courageous soul to literally just ditch a ruined garment, carry on like it's the most natural thing, and wow an audience! Fanny's got nerve, I give her that! And **she** still **looked stunning**, might I add, in her lovely leotard.

So, yes, darling, while you and I might spend a fortune on a dress, it seems a dancer's only real weapon in times of fashion crisis, is confidence! And that, ladies and gents, is a much greater and more powerful skill than any amount of fancy fabric!

So, the moral of the story is? **Don't let a costume emergency ever steal your show**. You are so much more than a frock! Oh, and also, maybe do a quick "tutub check" before your next ballet performance, or just buy a spare one! I mean, a dancer never knows what's lurking around the corner, after all!

Speaking of which, dear readers, I simply cannot forget the face of the woman next to me in the audience. Her reaction? Absolutely priceless! Imagine: a crisp white suit, pearls around her neck, a silver-streaked hair bun, and... an absolutely *jaw-dropping* reaction of astonishment! "My word!" She exclaimed, "They simply **don't** make tutus like they used to!". (She really shouldn't have been looking!)

Oh, it was a truly *magnificent* ballet disaster, darling, I'm not sure I will ever forget it!

Right, well I best get back to choreographing the "New Tutus, New You" workshop I am putting together - one of my favourite projects! Let's face it, I simply can't keep up with the drama surrounding the tutus in the city of London - a world full of whimsical pink tutus, bright white tutus and a constant stream of tutu troubles. There just never seems to be enough fabric around, so if you have any spare, do send them my way, darling. And keep reading! Until next time, ladies and gents, you simply *have* to **sashays!**