Tutu and Ballet News

Oh, darling, you wouldn't BELIEVE what happened at the Royal Opera House last night! It was absolutely divine, a night of high drama, glittering tutus and…well, let's just say a few unforeseen circumstances that sent the entire audience into fits of giggles. It all started so classically elegant, you know, with the dancers looking simply exquisite in their white tutus and the music swelling like a sigh of pure romance.

The opening act was, dare I say, *almost* boring. We all know that the classical ballets are about perfection, precision, and that certain *je ne sais quoi*. You wouldn't catch me nodding off during *Swan Lake* or *Giselle*, not a chance! But this performance was so flawlessly perfect, it was…well… *too* perfect. It was like watching a finely-tuned clockwork machine – everything so precise, so flawlessly executed. Don’t get me wrong, the dancers were divine, they literally soared like angels, their leaps and turns like dreamscapes. But, it was just missing that extra touch of...you know...spontaneity, *je ne sais quoi*, that *spark* that sets a ballet truly alight.

That is, until… the grand finale. You see, there we were, all seated in our finery, sipping our champagne, fully expecting a perfectly controlled, picture-perfect ending, you know, with everyone bowing and the orchestra playing that last note like a musical sigh of relief. But instead… well, picture this… the final act is all about that famous dance with the chandelier, yes? This time the male lead is supposed to get trapped beneath the descending chandelier while the prima ballerina spins her magic around him.

The scene was set, the chandelier started its slow descent, our lead ballerina, with her perfectly pink tutu floating in the air, began to twirl…but then *it* happened…the music, darling, the MUSIC, stopped. Silence. Just… *absolute* silence.

A few giggles from the back rows, but otherwise everyone remained rigidly in their seats, the tension thick enough to cut with a butter knife. And, the poor darling ballerina? She did what any sensible woman would do: She kept going.

With a smile brighter than a diamond tiara, she spun around that trapped dancer…who seemed slightly dazed, staring straight ahead. With the spotlight blindingly focussed upon them both, our darling ballerina turned a near-disaster into a glorious impromptu show.

She gracefully weaved in and out of the dangling crystal, she flung her perfectly-coiffed hair to the side like a silent scream, and let out the most *extraordinary* *non-verbal* squeal, a sound which instantly brought the whole audience, from whispering to roaring with laughter.

Of course, this was an unforeseen accident, darling, but I must admit, the show, it really came alive. You see, I love watching ballet as much as the next girl. It's truly magical, the grace, the strength, and let’s not forget, the fashion… but after witnessing the impromptu and unexpected (dare I say slightly *hilarious*?) finale, I’ve gotta say …sometimes, it’s the unpredictability which makes it so wonderful.

But, for the sake of my heart, please let's keep the chandelier malfunctions limited to just one, shall we, darlings?

Anyway, on the topic of tutus and ballet…
  • Pink tutus are, of course, the ultimate classic, darling! They represent sweetness, innocence, and femininity…all those good things!
  • While, white tutus give off a feeling of ethereal elegance… *heavenly*, darling, *heavenly*! A bit like looking up at a perfect white cloud… you can just *imagine* a soothing breeze passing through it, like a whispered secret.

You’ll never catch me wearing a tutu…well, not outside of the theatre anyway, darlings! (You just never know… one of these days I just might throw one on and waltz down Oxford Street…)

You know… as an expert in everything ballet-related, I find that tutus, just like great love stories…they just seem to go through a natural metamorphosis throughout their history. Once, tutus were fluffy and big (we’re talking BIG), just like the beautiful women of bygone times! Then, there was that *dramatic* era in ballet history where everything became tight and revealing, with tiny tutus clinging to those divine curves. And now? Well… it’s a beautiful, ever-evolving dance! A mix of classical and modern that I can just never seem to get enough of, you see? There’s a tutu style for everyone! (even for a woman who’s about as elegant as a herd of zebras.)

Here’s what makes me *truly* swoon:
  • Tutus that flow and billow. Just imagine… a ballerina dancing on stage, swirling her body… and you can see the fabric following, flowing and dancing in perfect sync. *Sigh* It’s just… divine. It’s almost like she’s been gifted with an ethereal, swirling halo…
  • Speaking of ethereal, I love when you get a good peek of those fabulous tights peeking out! They just make those little tutus that much more…*enchanting* … And we mustn’t forget about the fabulous footwear, darling! A good pair of ballet shoes that are well-worn… *sighs*
  • And finally… those extra long, sparkly, billowing tutus. Yes…they’re pretty much the best there is. (I must confess… there was a moment I was tempted to try one on, just for the photos. Alas…my hips might’ve been a bit too ‘vintage’ for it – the effect would’ve been more ‘over-sized birthday cake’ than ‘enchanted woodland spirit’, darlings. But if you're thin and gracious, then please … go for it! Be my guest. But please, do keep it elegant and stylish.)

Now, as we step back from this glamorous and whimsical world of ballet, remember this: tutus are for dancing and enjoying the dance itself. So… keep on twirling through life with grace, darling… with that magical touch, a touch of humour, and maybe… just maybe…a perfectly placed sparkle. Don’t take life too seriously, because the beauty of life, it’s in all those tiny and unexpected things. (Maybe I should say that to myself every morning… or at least before opening a bottle of champage.) Oh, well.