
Tutu and Ballet News

Well, darling, itā€™s official: **the world has gone completely tutu mad**. This morning, my fluffy white, multi-layered friend, Henrietta, who usually hangs demurely in my dressing room, decided sheā€™d had enough of being just a simple tutu.

It all started quite innocently, I confess. It was a gloriously sunny morning here in London. Birds were singing, the pavement was glistening with dew, and Henrietta, bless her little cotton heart, seemed particularly perky. It's a little known fact that tutus, when exposed to the morning sun, get just as excited about the day ahead as we do. We were having a typical chat about our lives ( Henrietta always tells me her thoughts about the choreography and if she's feeling floaty enough) and then she just blurted it out: ā€œI want to go for a walk!ā€

Frankly, my darling, I was taken aback. Tutus are meant for the stage, not for strolling down Bond Street! Yet, there was this unyielding glint in her tulle layers. She had this look in her tulle that spoke of adventure, a kind of ā€˜carpe diemā€™ that's usually reserved for my more, shall we say, flamboyant friends. "The world needs more tulle", Henrietta insisted, ā€œThink of all the dull, drab things it can brighten up!".

What could I do, darling? Henrietta is an extremely persuasive little thing! So, off we went, this demure ballerina and her slightly bonkers tutu, into the sunshine, causing absolute mayhem, I assure you! First, we were mistaken for a very extravagant lampshade. People, darling, you just canā€™t be sure what they see these days, especially when faced with a fluffy pink confection.

Next, at the local cafe, a gentleman mistook Henrietta for a particularly fancy pastry. Imagine the scene ā€“ him peering down at my Henrietta, eyeing the frothy layers with such longing. We practically had to bribe him with a croissant to release her! And letā€™s not even get started on the children, darling, the children!

After a thrilling (if rather chaotic) morning, we retreated back to my apartment, slightly ruffled but oh so very full of adventure. Henrietta, as always, declared the day a "tremendous success". My poor flat, darling, is covered in fluffy, pink fluff - a delightful explosion of tutu madness.

You see, darling, itā€™s days like this that remind us all of the magic that exists in the world. That even the most seemingly mundane object, like a tutu, can spark a revolution. Or, you know, a gentle afternoon stroll.

Who knew a tutu could be so expressive? So adventurous?

Darling, I think we all need a little bit of Henrietta in our lives.

Here's a look at the top three most delightful tutu sightings of the day!
  • Henriettaā€™s ā€˜tutu tangoā€™ on the corner of Piccadilly Circus - An impromptu dance number featuring a delighted taxi driver, a startled busker, and a street performer who was apparently, "living his best life."
  • Henrietta's guest appearance at a tea party - Tea and cucumber sandwiches, you see, are just too ordinary, darling, when you've got Henrietta around! We canā€™t go through life merely ā€˜consumingā€™, darling. We must ā€˜embraceā€™ the experience, the excitement.
  • A brief ā€˜encounterā€™ with a royal pigeon - Oh, the sheer drama of it! Henriette, she was flaunting her ruffles as per usual and he just had to say ā€œbonjourā€ A brief peck on the tulle, and they were both on their way. They really seemed to hit it off, bless their feathery hearts!

There is more on the subject of Henriettaā€™s foray into the great outdoors in tomorrowā€™s edition. Let me know what you think, darling. After all, whatā€™s fashion without a dash of... dare I say it?... tulle!