
Tutu and Ballet News

**Darling, have you heard the latest on the tutus?** This isn't about some high-fashion designer's whims, although let's be honest, with the way some of these ballerinas have been styling their leotards lately, it's easy to imagine a Chanel or a Dior stepping into the Royal Opera House and declaring "Tututique!" a new haute couture line.

But no, dear readers, the tutu revolution we're about to discuss is far more practical and far less glamorous than anything Karl Lagerfeld might dream up. And yet, so revolutionary! I can practically see the headlines now: "Tutus Topple Traditions: A World of Beige?". Imagine the scandal!

Okay, let's be serious for a moment (though let's be honest, dear readers, you came for the giggles, didn't you?).

The powers that be - and I don't know how they get away with this, do you? It's the *ballet world*, it's supposed to be full of romance and whimsical flourishes! Where is the magic in an executive boardroom meeting?! Anyways, they decided, in all their collective wisdom, to update the official tutu palette. Get ready, lovelies, because beige is the new black!

Oh, and not just any beige. We're talking "natural tones" - a beige with an *attitude* apparently. Like a pale caramel macchiato that's seen a little bit too much of the sunshine on a Saturday afternoon in Hampstead! And I'm sorry, I cannot *stand* the new "rosewood" leotards! It's like they wanted to turn all the ballerinas into mahogany cabinets, just for the drama of it! And do tell me why every company is going all "neutral palette"? You wouldn't be able to spot these "tutu revolutionists" if you were standing next to them. Why don't they at least add a dash of a blush of *pink*, or a touch of crisp, clean white?!

So what exactly does this beige-itude mean for our beloved ballerinas, our graceful swans, our captivating fairies? Will it stifle their artistry, stifle their personality? Does the demise of the **pink tutu** mean the end of ballet itself, I ask? The answer, my darling friends, is a resounding NO. (For one thing, *everyone* is keeping their **white tutus**, for Swan Lake, for example, right? ... Or have the boardrooms not even considered that?!)

The humble beige tutu, I imagine, might make even the most talented prima ballerina look like a particularly well-dressed *penguin*, but with enough charm, wit, and panache, even *that* can be worked into a stunning piece of stagecraft. I imagine they'll need to work a bit harder - a flick of the wrist, a tilt of the head, and perhaps even an elaborate set of footwork that *will* make people gasp! Oh darling, the things they do for art!

But all this talk of beige is making me a little *tired*, darling! Why don't we turn this boring *Beige Revolution* into a colourful explosion?! We could use this opportunity to rediscover the *Joy of Tutu*! And who knows, maybe beige will be the new black! ... I *adore* that little play on words!

Let's do a fashion audit! The perfect ballerina wardrobe needs:

  • A selection of pink and white tutus. Think vintage and new, vintage and new. Remember: A ballerina *must* have at least 3 pink tutus: one for everyday training, one for the studio parties, and a special *extra* glamorous one for gala nights and performances. And we must remember our **white tutus**! Essential for every performance and always beautiful.
  • A fabulous leotard selection: You will never regret investing in a good selection of leotards in bold colours, with eye-catching textures and fabrics: scarlet red, sapphire blue, emerald green... ( and some beige, because, *ugh, practicality!*)
  • Gorgeous tights: I suggest keeping an assortment of pink, white, black, and even purple and burgundy.
  • Chic warm-up gear: Stylish sweatpants, hoodies with sparkling, silky ribbons and soft, thick jumpers! Because let's be honest, dear reader, we have to look our best *on the way to* the studio. It's a sartorial philosophy I call "Elegance In Motion".
  • The right accessories: This, my dear, is a key part of every ballerina's style! And of course, there is nothing *more* glamorous than a ballet bun held firmly with beautiful crystal hair pins.

You see, darling, we can have it all! Beige *and* sparkle! It all depends on how we see it! Now if you will excuse me, I have a vintage tutu to restore and an emerald-green leotard to admire. I must be *going*! ... and I have a lot of shopping to do. You wouldn't believe how expensive those *real* Chanel leotards are! But isn't life worth a bit of extravagance once in a while? *Ciao for now!*