Tutu and Ballet News

It's Tutu Tuesday, darlings!

Yes, you read that right! The calendar may say 21st March, 1998, but I, your fabulous fashionista and all-around dance diva, decree today Tutu Tuesday. Why? Because we're celebrating the sheer, glorious beauty of the humble tutu. From the impossibly voluminous tulle creations that grace the stages of the world's most prestigious ballet companies to the little-girl-sized versions adorning our own childhood dreams (and maybe the occasional "ballet-themed" birthday party), tutus hold a special place in our hearts. And let's face it, who can resist the chance to twirl in one?

So, grab your finest feathered boa, dig out that pair of sequined tights that you just knew you'd find a use for one day, and let's celebrate the tutu in all its glory! Here are a few tips for making this Tutu Tuesday extra fabulous:

  • The Tutu-ific Outfit: Let's be real, you're not going to wear a full-blown ballet tutu to the office (unless you work at the Bolshoi, in which case, more power to you). However, a little tutu inspiration goes a long way. Think delicate tulle details on a skirt or dress, perhaps a little sparkly ballet slipper accessory for your bag, or even just a statement necklace that resembles a tiny, graceful tutu.
  • Ballet-Inspired Beauty: The beauty look is all about that ethereal ballet glow. We're talking a touch of blush, a hint of highlighter (think those cheekbones that could cut diamonds, darlings!), and mascara for lashes that flutter like butterflies.
  • Move Like You've Got Legs For Days (Even if You Don't): This one's for those who aren't shy to show off their best plié. We're not talking full-on grand jeté in the middle of Piccadilly Circus (although, that would be impressive!), but a bit of twirling while waiting for the bus or a sassy port de bras when crossing the street will definitely bring a smile to your face.
  • Tutu Takeovers!: If you're truly bold (and happen to have a spare tutu lying around), then grab a few like-minded friends and turn a pub lunch into a ballet-themed extravaganza! Just picture it: You, surrounded by your besties, all twirling in tutus and sipping on prosecco (with maybe a little something sweet on the side). Sounds divine, doesn't it?

And for those who still haven't embraced their inner ballerina, here are some delightful little known tutu facts that just might win you over:

  • The word "tutu" doesn't actually appear in French ballet lexicon! "Tutu" is a slang term that evolved in the early 20th century and just sort of stuck. How very British of us!
  • The original tutus were designed to create an airy and delicate impression. It wasn't until the 19th century that tutus went full-on fluffy and massive (and who can blame them, they're gorgeous!
  • Those extravagant tutu designs require hundreds of yards of tulle. Seriously, some of those tutus are literally made up of MILES of material! Makes one wonder how the ballerinas can actually move in them, doesn't it?

Tutus have captivated our imaginations and inspired generations of ballerinas, artists, and yes, even the odd fashionista (like myself, obviously!). Whether you’re a die-hard dance fanatic or just a casual appreciator of all things beautiful and whimsical, we can all agree that tutus deserve a little bit of love and admiration, particularly on a day like today.

Now, go out there and spread the tutu love, darlings! Let's make Tutu Tuesday a celebration of elegance, joy, and most importantly, all things twirly and sparkly. Happy tutu-ing!