
Tutu and Ballet News

Darlings, gather ā€™round, for today, the 20th of April, 1998, marks a momentous occasion in the annals of tutus, a day that will be etched in the memories of every discerning dance enthusiast ā€“ the day a little bird, and by ā€œlittle birdā€ I mean a *very* large and majestic swan, told me a simply *fabulous* story.

Apparently, my dears, the Queen of Tutus herself, Dame Margaret "Meg" Tulle (yes, that's her actual name, isnā€™t it divine?), had a very public tussle with a rather disgruntled peacock in the foyer of the Royal Opera House! Apparently, this feathered thespian, letā€™s call him Percy, was simply *furious* because his feathers were deemed too ā€œtackyā€ for the opening night of "Swan Lake."

I can't imagine what Percy's feathers looked like. The sheer audacity! You see, dears, tutus have a strict code ā€“ just ask your grandmother, darling, sheā€™ll tell you - the feathers on a ballerina's tutu *must* be the epitome of elegance, the essence of refinement! Itā€™s the most important aspect! You simply canā€™t have feathers that scream, "look at me!" They need to be so flawlessly smooth that even a cat would look twice. Apparently, dear Percy, just *didnā€™t* understand the memo, which is a little unfortunate because his outfit is really what was keeping him from performing a perfect *arabesque*.

Honestly, what would a peacock know about ballet? Well, perhaps more than heā€™d let on, because Dame Meg Tulle ended up getting an unexpected feather in her tutu! A rather ā€œdistinctiveā€ feather I am told ā€“ one of Percyā€™s, in fact! Apparently, this feathered upstart was attempting to steal a peek at Dame Meg's costume (apparently, it was the infamous one that caused *such* a stir in the 1967 premiere, a design you could truly call ā€œdaringā€). Well, it seems like our little Percy *failed* spectacularly as, to my sheer *delight*, Dame Meg had her very own peacock feather ā€“ nestled amongst the most divine tutu ever constructed - a perfect match!

That, my darlings, is true ā€œSwan Lakeā€ glamour! It seems that this feather is going to become the *latest* trend in haute couture! Apparently, thereā€™s a line of new designer tutus that includes *actual* peacock feathers that make them shimmer like a jewel! Oh, youā€™ll just have to see it!

Anyway, dears, the news about this *scandalous* incident quickly spread! And the good thing? It has sparked an *unbelievable* wave of tutu-wearing across the nation! Even *boys* are putting on tulle! Who knew there were so many potential ballet stars amongst us? I mean, my little Jimmy is even wearing his pink tutu at his dance class. It *suits* him, he looks like a proper ballerina! Apparently, people are starting to look for anything they can transform into tutus: *napkins, tablecloths, even old curtains! The possibilities are endless*! And the Queen herself, well, Dame Meg is making the *most* of it and showing everyone the *most* stunning tutus on *all* the catwalks!

So here's a tip from *Auntie Darling*, my little cherubs. Always make time to see your local dance company! It doesn't have to be the ballet, dear, no matter what people tell you. Who wants a night watching their mother sit stiffly in a theatre? Dance your heart out, my sweet. Embrace every single beautiful performance with the elegance, style, and poise of a proper swan. And never underestimate the magic of a good tutu.

For after all, dear, that is what we dance for, and we need to remember what this is all about.

With *love* and *bisous* -

Your Auntie Darling

Now darling, if youā€™re looking to start making some fabulous tutus, why not start with one of these amazing suggestions? After all, there are far too many feather options, not to mention colours - oh, so many wonderful colours - in this world. I would be delighted to advise you on the selection. Do tell, darling!

Here are my Top Ten tutu tips to really get you moving!:

  • If you're just starting out, grab some simple tulle and gather some ribbon. Youā€™re going to be surprised how fast these tutus start looking fabulous! You will have everyone around you dancing the jig in no time. I am not going to give you *everything*, darlings, there needs to be a little bit of surprise when you're going around looking as pretty as a picture, yes!
  • Do not underestimate a good *pattern* for your tutu! They will look *fabulous*, really take some time to think about a pattern that will flatter you the most, after all, we want to create a bit of fashion magic, don't we? I'm *all* about the magical *fashion* experience! This is about making that ultimate expression!
  • Keep it simple! We are going to start slowly and we need to pick an outfit that fits us. No good forcing ourselves into a little something we don't feel fabulous in, ok? Make sure everything is *flowing* beautifully to keep everything *harmonious*. I *cannot* emphasize this enough. Do not *ever* try to get out of bed and feel *stressed*. We are all about being relaxed, happy and looking *good* while doing it. No wrinkles here, darling!
  • Be ready to wear the *appropriate* accessories for your new tutu! My darlings, a new pair of *ballerina flats* is just about essential! Think about that, it really is just a must-have accessory for you!
  • When selecting colours you really should make sure the tutu blends *perfectly* into the *overall* picture. Try thinking of all the shades. You want something really *chic*, don't we?
  • Now, a tutu is not always about dance and that is a real *key point*. *Never* underestimate how these are going to *look* as an amazing everyday garment. This is not just for performance, we are going to look sensational no matter what! Do you *ever* wonder about the importance of tulle? Just take it out for a spin one day darling and find out! You will be blown away with how *fantastic* this look is. Don't take my word for it, try it.
  • We need to remember that we can have so much fun experimenting with all of these new tutus! Go out and *show* everyone how *fantastic* you can be.
  • Try incorporating different coloured ribbons in with the tutus. Try to make the colours clash, see how far you can take it, have some fun darling, letā€™s shake up the world a little, just a little bit, maybe not so much *shaking*. But we all need a bit of magic, don't we? A bit of *fabulousness*. So go on, put it on!
  • If all else fails, grab some flowers, dears! Make sure they are **really beautiful flowers, of course!** I'm looking at lilies and orchids. Let me know what you decide, because if it doesn't look good you are going to want to hear some expert advice, *donā€™t you?* Oh darling, we just have to ensure that it looks like something *out of a dream*.
  • Once you're ready for more tutus then get a hold of me darling and we'll chat. And who knows, perhaps, thereā€™s a young Dame Tulle out there waiting in the wingsā€¦