Tutu and Ballet News

Tutus Take Over The World - A Day of Tutu-licious Fun!

Darling, it's a scandal! A national scandal, I tell you! The world, it seems, has gone absolutely bonkers and is consumed by a tutu-madness of epic proportions. From the hallowed halls of the Royal Opera House to the hallowed (okay, perhaps slightly less hallowed) halls of your local Tesco, the once-exclusively-for-ballet tutu is having its moment in the sun.

Let's rewind to yesterday, 28 April 1998. It all started so innocently: the London Underground was awash with tutus - ballet dancers, it seemed, were everywhere! As if that wasn't enough, a group of, shall we say, "non-professional" dancers decided to take to Trafalgar Square. Forget the lions - these women were strutting their stuff in shimmering tutus, doing impromptu, um, "interpretations" of Swan Lake, apparently.

Of course, the whole thing escalated quickly. What started as a little fun, quickly devolved into absolute chaos! One chap, a rather grumpy-looking fellow, tried to hail a taxi, only to have a gaggle of tutu-wearing girls pull him into their impromptu dance routine. A lovely, elderly lady in a purple floral hat (it matched her handbag, darling!), was so amused that she decided to join in, dancing in her lovely tweed skirt with absolute gusto.

By lunchtime, every shop window in town was selling tutus, and my dear, the sales assistants are wearing them, too! From M&S to Harrods, the nation's shops have succumbed. I dare say they'll be selling them alongside the lettuce next week. What a tragedy for the poor spinach!

This, my dears, is no longer a trend - it's an international tutu revolution. Every single newspaper is running headlines screaming "Tutu Mania!" "Is this the End Of Trousers?" and the absolute best: "The Future is Tutu!" Can you believe the audacity? My dear, you wouldn't believe the phone calls I've received. Every single one of my girlfriends, calling to tell me they've ordered a tutu online.

The reason for this tutu-topia, as I like to call it, is still unclear. It could be the new ballet season, or perhaps it’s a backlash against all the dark, brooding clothing on the catwalks. Whatever the cause, the result is positively delicious! Tutus are the colour that makes our eyes sparkle, our heart skip a beat and makes life just that much more fabulously whimsical. Just ask that nice lady with her floral hat and tweed skirt, darling - she’s probably living proof of that!

I say, let us embrace the tutu-licious revolution. After all, what is life without a little twirling, a dash of frill and a touch of the fabulous? This might be a bit over-the-top, but I wouldn't have it any other way! And besides, when has fashion ever been anything but fabulously ridiculous?

Here’s what to expect as this tutu-mania explodes further:

  • Tutu-themed parties. I just know it, my dears. It's a natural progression.
  • Tutu fashion on the catwalks. Imagine those big fashion houses taking a swing at reinterpreting the tutu! Chanel tutus. Vivienne Westwood tutus. It's enough to send any stylish woman swoon!
  • Tutus in the supermarket. Imagine being in the pasta aisle, grabbing your favourite jar of tomato sauce and being greeted with a vibrant red tutu hanging in the corner, all nestled between the bags of flour. Who could resist a tutu like that? And where does this trend stop? Is the supermarket aisle the beginning of tutu-clad chefs cooking dinner?
  • Tutus in space. Maybe that is where it’s going - all of this. Imagine an astronaut taking a spacewalk wearing a glorious, sparkly, intergalactic tutu?

Who knows what the future holds? It’s definitely going to be one gloriously fabulous tutu-filled future!