Tutu and Ballet News

Tut-Tut, Darling! Tutu Trends Take the Stage!

Well, darlings, it seems the world of fashion has gone bonkers, and not in the fabulous, sequin-covered, feather-boa kind of way. I’m talking tutus. Yep, those frilly, poofy things that make you feel like you’re starring in a swan lake-themed school play. But hold on, my darlings, before you reach for the sequins and tutu-shaped sun hats, let’s break down the madness.

This morning, as I sipped my chamomile tea and nibbled on a (rather delicate) croissant, I saw it. It was plastered across the front of the Daily Mail – "Tutus Take the Catwalk." I almost choked on my croissant! But there it was – the fashion world's obsession with this ballerina-inspired ensemble was as plain as the tulle on a tutu itself. I mean, who could have predicted it?

I can just imagine the board meeting where this all began. "Right, chaps, we need something new! Something shocking! Something that'll make our jaws drop." "I have it!" bellows some enthusiastic, but slightly delusional, fashion editor. "We'll put those frilly ballet skirts on everyone – on the street, on the runway, even on the poor, unsuspecting mailman!"

I swear, the tutus are creeping in everywhere. At the supermarket, I saw a group of mums sporting them while queuing for the cheese aisle. (My dear, that’s the cheese aisle, not the balletschool recital aisle!) There was even a fluffy tutu adorning the head of the plastic avocado. "Get with the times, love, avocado wants a makeover," the label chirped. Right, just the avocado needs to wear a tutu, nothing more.

Now, I'm all for expressing ourselves, love, but tutus? I mean, they're like those little dresses that always make me feel like I'm five years old, just waiting for a tea party in a doll's house. Where's the chic? Where's the sophistication? Don’t get me wrong, there’s nothing wrong with a bit of whimsy and childish delight in our wardrobes, it’s the way it's all going down that’s concerning.

Listen, darlings, let's be real, a tutu has no place on the red carpet unless, well, you’re attending the opening night of Swan Lake at the Royal Opera House. This fashion craze has got to stop. Unless, of course, it makes a sudden turn and goes in the utterly ridiculous and yet fabulously chic direction of sequin-covered, feather-boa-lined tutus! A girl can dream, can’t she?

Now, darling, let’s talk about something important. It’s all well and good putting a tutu on, but have you chosen the right shoe? Are those classic pointe shoes ready to do their best swan dance across the pavement? Of course not, sweetie, this is about *elevating* your sartorial look – not just embracing a silly trend. You've got to get it right, my darlings! A tutu is fine as a nod to something *pretty* but only if it doesn't get lost on the streets of our big city. You don't want to look like a silly ballerina swan-ing about. (Oh, I think I just killed a joke with a swan! No pun intended, sweetie).

The perfect accessory to pull this trend off? Why, a sparkly and perfectly coiffed top knot, darling! No one is pulling off the *serious* tutu look with unkempt, un-polished locks. This look, darling, it’s about bringing all your feminine graces, with an air of ‘chic' to a danceable tutu ensemble. Not a look you'll find in a ballerina studio, love. (Even if there are *certain* ballerinas who, perhaps, have some opinions of their own). You might just pull off the perfect Parisian café/street style tutu. (You never know, right? I know it’s more *Ballet's Got Talent* rather than ‘Parisian café‘ chic, but there’s a look there, my dear)

Speaking of street style, I am off to have my *Tutu-fied' portrait taken – with a fluffy, pink tutu, my *serious* high-end heels and sparkly, but perfectly coiffed topknot, of course! So what do you say, darlings, should we jump on this tutu trend or skip it? Let me know in the comments.

Here’s what to look for:

  • The tutu – short and *cute* for that Parisian street vibe. Or *long and flowing* for that bohemian style.
  • The heels – they *must* be sleek, sophisticated, elegant, with high fashion potential. No cheap footwear on this stage, darling.
  • A perfect, top knot. With sparkle.

Just remember, dear reader, to wear a tutu with confidence, style and a twinkle in your eye – as if to say, 'Oh darling, I know how absurd this looks but you better get used to it.'