
Tutu and Ballet News

Oh, darlings, you wonā€™t believe what happened today! Itā€™s the 5th of June 1998 and the world of ballet, as we know it, has gone absolutely bonkers! You see, a certain, *cough* famous, *cough* fashion designer, let's just say heā€™s the king of *couture*, has just debuted a new line of, well, shall we say, *inspired* tutus? Letā€™s just say heā€™s caused a right old hoo-hah!

Imagine, dear reader, your most cherished, perfectly crafted tutu, you know the one with the lovely layers of tulle and delicate, painstakingly stitched frillsā€¦ only imagine that but in electric blue, covered in rhinestones that sparkle so bright youā€™ll need sunglasses to look at them! And donā€™t even get me started on the feathers, oh, so very many feathers, so much feather that you might just end up feeling like a, well, a majestic, glamorous, sparkling ostrich. A beautiful, theatrical, extravagant ostrich!

I heard the entire ballet world gasp as the models sashayed down the runway in these outrageously fabulous tutus. Some called them an insult to ballet, a mockery of tradition. But, my dears, I just *love* it! What fun! What sheer, sparkling, ridiculous delight! Letā€™s face it, ballet can be a little stiff and serious, and sometimes a splash of crazy is exactly what it needs.

Hereā€™s a rundown of the key changes this *haute couture* tutu has brought to the ballet world:
  • Firstly, a tutuā€™s function is, of course, to make dancers appear lighter, more elegant, but dear reader, it's no longer *just* about the dance itself! This tutu is designed to be *seen*. It's designed to make the wearer a *star*. And let's face it, with those dazzling rhinestones and feathers, a *star* they are.
  • Second, letā€™s just acknowledge that tutuā€™s aren't particularly comfortable, I'm sorry, I had to say it. Well, these new *fashion forward* tutus, theyā€™re even *more* uncomfortable. But, my dears, who wants to be *comfortable* when you can be *fashionable*, and this new, crazy style just shouts *fashionable* from the highest, *glittery* hill!
  • Lastly, dear reader, this tutu *requires* a certain *swagger* and I must admit, my favorite ballerina, let's call her the "darling of the ballet world", well, Iā€™m just so incredibly *delighted* that *she* is the one rocking these new tutu's! And my oh my, the way she *twirls*... my dear, the world stops to watch this fashion queen take her twirling to an entirely new level of dazzling! Itā€™s almost too *divine* for words!

It seems to me, these tutus aren't just about dancing, dear reader, theyā€™re about creating an *experience*, a dazzling show! And, my dears, aren't we all about a good show?! Let's be honest, itā€™s *theatre*!

Of course, there have been a few tutus in these fabulous colours, rhinestones and feathers on stage already, especially with modern, avant garde choreographers and designers like *N*, who often uses tutus as props or expressions of ideas beyond tradition, so perhaps we *are* just seeing the inevitable - an acceptance that dance doesn't *need* to follow strict, traditional styles to be beautiful or exciting!

Perhaps we can expect *more* flamboyant tutus. Who knows? I wouldnā€™t be surprised if someone brought back *powdered wigs*, or designed a *feather boa* so grand it made the ballerinasā€™s pirouette into *wind-powered* art.

Well, dear readers, my *fancy little pen* is ready to *scribe* about the next big *revolution* in ballet! After all, as *Coco Chanel* once famously said: ā€œFashion fades, only style remains the same,ā€ and this *revolution* is certainly about a fresh new take on *style*. I, for one, am *simply *thrilled. What do *you* think, my darlings?