Tutu and Ballet News

My darlings, you simply won’t believe what happened yesterday! It was, dare I say, a truly “en pointe” day for all things tulle and tiaras. 20th June, 1998 – a date for the diary, or perhaps for a quick scribble on the back of a forgotten ballet shoe! Imagine, if you will, a day where tutus took centre stage, not just in the theatre, but in the lives of ordinary folks like you and me.

It all started with a peculiar announcement from the Mayor of London – yes, the man himself, in his top hat and tails! He declared 20th June “National Tutu Day” in honour of, get this, the anniversary of the first time a tutu was ever worn in a ballet performance. I’m talking 1832, dearies! And apparently, the first tutu was actually a rather, shall we say, racy little number, consisting of nothing more than a simple, fluffy petticoat! Oh, the scandal!

Anyway, back to our very own National Tutu Day. Imagine the pandemonium! I mean, imagine trying to squeeze onto the Tube in the morning with a giant, fluffy, multi-layered tutu in tow. And let’s not forget the poor bus driver struggling to get a group of children dressed in their own miniature tutus to get off at their stop!

Here are just some of the hilarious, tutu-rific events that unfolded:

  • A woman dressed in a tutu was seen attempting to do the “Dying Swan” on a bench in Hyde Park. She looked very graceful, even with the pigeons cooing in her ear and a pigeon trying to eat her crown of feathers!
  • A baker in South Kensington actually used a real tutu to create a spectacular cake that was, believe it or not, a stunning likeness of Queen Victoria herself. Oh, to have a slice of that!
  • The Royal Opera House organised a grand competition for the most innovative tutu design. The winner? An absolutely astonishing ensemble made entirely of recycled paper cups. Talk about environmental chic!

Even the famous London Bridge didn't escape the tutu frenzy! It was illuminated in a kaleidoscope of pinks and blues for the evening, and at one point, a brave, tutu-clad group of women (yes, even the Prime Minister's wife) even attempted to do a "Swan Lake" tableau on its surface! Let's just say it was more daring than elegant.

There were certainly some moments that raised eyebrows and provoked giggles. Remember those traffic wardens? Imagine their shock when they got confronted by a bunch of tutu-wearing grandmothers trying to park their mobility scooters! Or the sight of a policeman desperately trying to stop a flock of pink flamingoes (also wearing tutus, mind you) that had escaped from the local zoo! But you know what? It brought joy. It brought laughter. It reminded us all that sometimes, the most unexpected things can spark the greatest joy.

So, dearies, if ever you are feeling a bit down or like the world is too serious, remember this day, National Tutu Day. Remember the utter ridiculousness of it all. And remember the beautiful joy it brought to everyone, from the youngest ballerinas to the most seasoned ballet buffs.

I've no doubt it will be an annual event in my calendar from now on, because you know, one can never have too much tulle and lace in their life! Let’s face it, there's something wonderfully frivolous and fun about a tutu, isn't there? It's like a visual exclamation mark on life itself!