Tutu and Ballet News

Tutu Chaos at Covent Garden: It's All Gone a Bit "Swan Lake" in London

Darling, I don't know about you, but this heatwave is making even moi feel a bit unhinged. Imagine then, the utter chaos unfolding at Covent Garden this afternoon when, you guessed it, a *flock* of tutus descended upon the Royal Opera House! Let's rewind the tape a little…

Apparently, the world-renowned ballerina, Madame Paloma Perez (a name that alone is worthy of a "whoosh" of air and a flick of the wrist, don't you think?) had a rather… erm, shall we say, "spirited" argument with the stage manager just before the curtain was supposed to rise for "Swan Lake." Details are hazy (naturally, rumour mill running rampant) but, word on the street is she wanted a custom-made, hand-beaded tutu - think sparkly, decadent, and the epitome of Haute Couture swan chic – whereas the stage manager, bless his sensible soul, thought the budget (and frankly, time) could handle a more "generic" tutut. Oh dear, you know how these diva moments unfold... drama!

Cue a grand tantrum, tears (we're talking proper mascara running down a cheek and ruining perfect eyeliner) and a storm of theatrical passion... the likes of which only seasoned balletic goddesses can unleash. All this unfolded before the very eyes of an astonished audience, which you could practically hear gasp "Darling, she's going rogue! This is better than opening night." You see, darling, that's the beautiful thing about theatre... the drama is as much in the wings as on the stage.

Now, here's where the story goes truly bonkers. To celebrate Madame Perez's "outburst," a group of radical performance artists - the infamous, and let's be frank, slightly kooky "Tutumblers" – thought it would be "hilarious" to do their bit for free speech. Let me just say, when someone throws around a "feminist statement" while wielding a feather boa, it tends to send a ripple (okay, perhaps a tidal wave) through the traditionally hushed elegance of the Royal Opera House.

It all culminated, naturally, in a flashmob that would make even the most daring London street performers green with envy! These "Tutumblers" took to the stage – literally took to the stage! – with the *most* bizarre collection of "tutus" ever seen! They were there to show the "bourgeoisie" the beauty of the tutu – they claim, of course, with a wink and a suggestive pout that the classic ballerina tutu, the epitome of poise and elegance, had become as outdated as a hat and gloves combo at a Royal Ascot tea party.

We're talking everything from a giant tutu made of shredded bank notes, a tutu constructed entirely out of discarded coffee cups to another fashioned from newspaper clippings that displayed every unprintable remark thrown towards Madame Perez, by every tabloid and gossip rag on the planet. You could almost smell the "radical" spirit from here!

Imagine this picture if you will – all the grandeur of Covent Garden, the exquisite lighting, and those majestic chandeliers - and then... the tutu rebellion!

It wasn't just the costumes that were radical, oh no darling, the Tutumblers really embraced "shock factor" – it was an extravaganza of high kicks, a barrage of pliés and an absolute symphony of arm-movements that were… ahem, rather suggestive (I do believe some gentleman's monocle may have popped clean off in astonishment). There was even a tutu, a particularly eye-catching number I must admit, that resembled a massive, very glittery and oddly satisfying "chicken." Perhaps this was a cheeky message, "Let's ruffle some feathers"?

The "chicken" tutu, for one, ended up flying straight out of the window, creating a minor traffic jam as a baffled taxi driver thought a giant fluffy creature had escaped a pet shop. This "ballet" wasn't just stopping the show, darling, it was wreaking absolute chaos.

And in a hilarious turn of events, amidst this tutu storm of madness, Madame Perez, still sporting a single, perfectly-placed tear on her cheek (as if she just popped to the loo), rose from the backstage floor with an air of "look, here's how it's really done." After a brief and, it must be said, "heated" debate with the Tutumblers (a moment that really deserves a "diva stare" meme – oh the audacity!), she then waltzed out in a gloriously oversized, hand-beaded tutu that quite literally glowed in the spotlight, creating a spectacle that left the audience spellbound.

Of course, as with all good scandals, there were those "people of good conscience," those stuffy traditionalists, who were *thrilled* to pronounce the "cultural" downfall of the nation! It wouldn't be Covent Garden without a bit of "Victorian disapproval." Honestly darling, you can almost hear the faint echo of those stuffy society women whispering about how the decline of morals has made it way to the opera house!

But you know, darling, here in London it’s always a good day for a bit of unorthodox "ballet." Madame Perez was able to "make a statement" – that's what we all love about a good "diva"! The "Tutumblers," let's face it, had their 15 minutes of fame (and I think their performance deserved a standing ovation)! And the audience… well, let’s just say they will be bragging about that “ Swan Lake” show for years to come!

In the end, dear readers, it became clear that everyone was just dancing for the "same thing" : to be heard, seen, to entertain and, most of all, to express themselves! The real magic of the "Tutu Chaos" was in the energy of it all, in the way it turned everything on its head and, ultimately, in its uniquely London way – it reminded us of the joy of living in the moment. And darlings, don't you forget – it's not all about the ballet...it's also about the drama!