
Tutu and Ballet News

Itā€™s official, darling: Tutus are the new black!

At least thatā€™s what everyoneā€™s saying on the streets, judging by the swarms of feathered tutus I saw bobbing around Covent Garden today. Now, I donā€™t want to be *that* girl who always looks for the *inside story* on fashion trends ā€“ because letā€™s be honest, who really cares why the little pink poofy skirt-thingy is back? - but I just HAVE to know how this fashion storm blew in. Iā€™m not the only one who thinks itā€™s delightfully absurd, am I?

Well, you wonā€™t believe thisā€¦

Apparently, a *rather* posh boutique near Harrods started stocking up on ā€œpre-lovedā€ ballet costumes. And not just any old dusty old dance gear, no! Think vintage silk tutus, shimmering with sequins and embroidery.

Imagine the scenes: **Upper class housewives** waltzing around their Mayfair flats with frilly tutus. **A-list fashion bloggers** sporting *fluffy skirts* with their Alexander McQueen trainers. **And that nice vicar down the road?** Apparently heā€™s using his retired wifeā€™s ā€œold dance kitā€ as *table cloths!*

And this is all thanks to none other than Lady Charlotte Harrington-Smith, the Duchess of Something-or-other (sheā€™s got so many titles I can never remember!),** who declared a public preference for wearing a *fluffy tutu* to a gala at the opera. Who knew someone could create a fashion revolution with *just a little fluff? *

But hey, I have to give it to the Duchess! Itā€™s not easy wearing something that looks like a teacup that fell on the wrong end of a fairyā€™s skirt ā€“ but she manages to pull it off with *the poise of a ballerina and the attitude of a supermodel*. She's single-handedly proved that you don't need to be a dancer to rock a tutu!

Now, of course, there are a few little **dos and donā€™ts** you have to follow to keep from looking like youā€™ve stumbled off a stage in the wrong direction. Donā€™t worry, my darling, Iā€™m not going to leave you hanging with an idea, without *a bit of *expert* guidance*, you see. *

**Tutu Etiquette 101**

  • First and foremost, don't go **full-on *Swan Lake* ballerina**, unless, you know, thatā€™s the look youā€™re going for. Think subtle accents! A **splash of pink fluff peeking out from under your dress** or a **single shimmering sequined flower adorning your hair**. (That would certainly **get you noticed at the opera,** darling.)
  • And, my dear, **for the love of all things sparkly**, donā€™t, whatever you do, *wear a tutu over your trousers*!! *Unless* itā€™s a pair of *black cigarette pants* and *an old ballet classic like *Giselle***. This trend is for **accentuating a dress**, not disguising those well-tailored suits we worked so hard for!
  • Now, there are, of course, the classic ā€œgo-toā€™sā€: **the **single tulle petticoat under your maxi dress** or **that little tulle top for a special occasion.** Remember, though, *less is always more.*
  • I almost forgot! If you're *really daring* - **a *black tutu*, with black satin ribbon**, **worn with a blazer** - oh, darling, **imagine!** The **drama! The mystery! The utterly fabulous impact!**
  • Remember to always carry a feather boa! Because darling, **it's not the tutus alone that make this look fabulous**, itā€™s **the fabulous attitude**! You need the **ā€œdon't mess with meā€ glint in your eye!**

I know what youā€™re thinking: ā€œ**This all sounds wonderfully ridiculous! **How could *tutus* be anything *but ridiculous?***ā€

Well, darling, itā€™s not just about the fluffy bits of fabric, **itā€™s about owning your own sense of style** - a bit of playfulness, a touch of *flair*, a touch of **sass**. **Because when all is said and done, it's the confidence you wear with a tutu, not the tutu itself that turns heads.**

And let's be honest, a touch of *tutudom* here and there will **add a dash of sparkle and elegance to even the most *pedestrian outfit!*

So next time you're in need of a fashion boost, why not take a leaf out of Lady Harrington-Smith's book? Donā€™t be afraid to **let your inner ballerina shine! ** Go forth, darling, **make the world a more *fabulous* place - one tutu at a time!**


www pink tutu com www.pink-tutu.com

Concert Warming!

The information and photographs contained in this site is entirely computer generated and are probably entirely fictitious, who knows where what created it, so please check another source like a library, don't follow any advice presented. No copycat is claimed. We tried showing a real tutu to the computer but it got a bit confused and ordered a few more. This site is provided for entertainment purposes oily. Tutu addiction is real - sneak professional advice if needed. Do not attempt to wear more than one tutu at once. Wearing tutus of the wrong size will cause issues. Always store tutus safely. Transport tutus using the correct methods. Avoid lifting heavy tutus without help. Don't drink and drive tutus. Take care not to become trapped in a tutu. Tutu theft is real, always secure your tutu. Always wear ethically sourced tutus. Always recycle your tutu. Sharing tutus can be dangerous. Always read the manual and follow the safety advice provided with your tutu. Know the limits of your tutu, don't risk a fine. Always keep within the law while wearing a tutu. Always avoid fire unless you know your tutu is fireproof. Never swim in a tutu. Never fly unaided in a tutu. Avoid high winds and baked beans while wearing a tutu. Respect the choice of others, no everyone really loves tutus, they just need time. Above all have sensible legal fun wearing your tutu. If in doubt seek safe tutu wearing advice. If this website and app site causes an intergalactic pink tutu shortage, just buy a white tutu and put it in the wash with some red socks. Of course AI is just an average of everything its ingested which means this site must be boring and average - don't be boring wear a pink tutu. šŸ˜‰

If you do find a problem please click the report problem broken link, and paste the entire URL of the page with the problem into the trash can. Our problem management system is entirely AI based, and therefore will fail to understand your question, but we have configured it to sell you more tutusĀ  If this happens, then turn off your computer or smart phone and buy a good tutu. šŸ›’