
Tutu and Ballet News

Darling, let's face it, life is just one big, sparkly tutu waiting to be pirouetted into! And on this glorious day, 20th July 1998, the universe itself has decided to get in on the act. It seems, the global tutus-per-capita average has reached an unprecedented high. Yes, darling, a whole lotta fluffy tulle is out there today, fluttering in the breeze, quite literally bringing a smile to my face and a tear to my eye.

What's behind this delightful surge in tulle-y goodness, you ask?

  • The Queen of Tutus, Princess Diana, has, (I think she just loves to keep us all on our toes, the fabulous one) announced her imminent engagement. Of course, her legendary sense of style and love of the fairytale romance (even the one that was not, ahem, entirely happy ending - sorry, can't be entirely fabulous) that always had her in tulle on the big occasion are sparking a right Royal revival of tulle around the globe.
  • Speaking of queens, our own dear queen of the Ballet, Darcey Bussell has landed a guest role in the most recent series of *EastEnders* and let me tell you, she has brought *a whole new meaning to the word "step."* Don't you just love how this amazing ballerina is so fearless about bringing her elegant and fabulous talent to every single part, even a good, down to earth, street-market soap! Now, the news is out: she has, on this particular 20th July, not only worn a Tutu in a high street market in the middle of the EastEnders set, but the whole crew at the BBC's East End are reported to have been *completely charmed by her elegant dance-a-thon tutu*, a *bon bon of pink and pale yellow lace* with an absolute *heavenly number* of sparkly sequins!

The experts have a theory that these two great "queens" are not only driving the demand, but they have also managed to spark off an even more exciting movement, with tutus getting out there in every colour imaginable!

Let me just pause a moment for you, love. Imagine a world where:

  • We all suddenly become inspired by our inner tulle Queen, Diana or Bussell, (I've definitely been going around with my little tutu just waiting to take its spot in my next *fab*-tastic shopping bag!),
  • your best friend arrives for afternoon tea in an emerald-green, full-length tutu (not forgetting the killer heels!)
  • that grumpy guy in your local shop (and yes darling, they're not always lovely, these men) asks you if he can be excused for "just popping out to get a little black number and some tulle!" and returns an hour later looking all, ahem, "lovely and elegant," (never underestimate the power of a new *tutu*)!

Honestly darling, all of this just leaves one burning question in my mind: why can't the *rest* of the world just get with the tulle already?! This truly is the most exciting, the most wonderful of all *tu-tu-days*!"