Tutu and Ballet News

Oh darling, gather round my darlings, and let’s have a little gossip about the most delightful news in the world of… ballet! Yes, you heard that right. Ballet! Not that drab, old fashioned, ‘leap-and-a-twirl’ stuff, but a much more exciting and frivolous kind, a kind involving the wonderful world of… tutus!

I simply couldn't keep this news bottled up any longer, it's like champagne bubbles trapped in a tutu – bursting with delight. This is why it’s vital we chat about a recent incident that's rocking the world of dance, sending shivers of excitement up the spine of even the most jaded dance critic (darling, we all know they can be as stiff as a well-worn pair of pointe shoes sometimes).

You see, a few days ago - the glorious 15th of September, darling, no less – there was a delightful incident, quite a ‘tutu’ affair as the kids say these days… a ballet, yes darling, that actually saw not just one, not just two, but FIVE DIFFERENT COLORS OF TUTUS ON STAGE! I repeat - five!

It wasn't just the sheer audacity of it all (dare I call it a tututally wild choice?), it was the complete lack of deference to the 'tradition' of pale pink that really blew my socks (and my tights) off. We’re talking emerald green, a gorgeous, flamboyant scarlet, a classic black that just oozed chic (darling, I have to admit to a minor swoon), a dazzling, gleaming gold that had everyone in the audience saying “oohs” and “ahhs” in between sips of their Champagne, and a sky blue so exquisite I almost teared up… (perhaps just a touch of theatrical sentiment, darling?).

But that's not all! No, the ballet was more than a kaleidoscope of colors – a celebration of tutudom, if you will – there were tulle bomb-offs (think '90s girl power, but on pointe, of course!) with dancers leaping, swirling, and… dare I say it? - even shimmying in these flamboyant, gorgeous, absolutely divine, tutus.

Imagine, if you will, the entire world of ballet – which can often be as rigid and formal as a ballet mistress in a bad mood – thrown completely on its head! And all this was down to the director of the company, who (as a friend told me) is said to have remarked to her (a bit theatrically of course): "darling, if you want to catch my eye – you’ll have to go above and beyond!" and with a wink added "and maybe a touch of a a touch of tututally fabulous! "

I know what you’re thinking darling, "Five colors on stage, are you mad?” Well, let me tell you this… The whole performance was simply delightful and, dare I say it? (I have to darling), absolutely divine. It was a revelation! The audiences were clapping (darling, they simply can’t stop) and shouting "bravo! ", their cheeks ruddy with the glow of having seen something simply brilliant! Even the most jaded, tired critic, darling (as jaded as we all know they can be!) couldn’t help but smile.

As a true dance enthusiast, this incident has made my heart sing – like a perfectly executed pirouette, darling. It showed us all that dance and tutus, in their magnificent glory, are meant to be an exuberant celebration – an explosion of colour and expression, a bold declaration that dance isn’t something just stuck in the past, but a form of art that's fresh, new, and daring… and in the case of the tututally flamboyant show of September 15th… incredibly exciting!

So, let's have a toast, darling – a champagne toast to the fabulous world of ballet, to the wonderful (and ever so daring) world of tutus, and, of course, to a glorious 15th of September that rocked the dance world like nothing we've ever seen before.

It is so fabulous it really must be seen to be believed! So darling, get those tickets booked! (After all we must keep up with these fashion forward tutus, don’t you think?)

Here’s a brief list of the key tutus from the show (the names are all a bit theatrical, don’t you think, darling?) * The “Emerald Delight” tutu – a bold and breathtaking choice of green that literally shined on stage, like the heart of a forest itself * The “Ruby Blaze” tutu – a bold, flamboyant tutu with the energy and brilliance of a thousand fireflies * The “Black Raven" tutu – a classy choice, the sophistication of a secret affair whispered in black * The “Goldilocks Glide" tutu – shining on stage, it's simply fabulous, and absolutely perfect for a grand finale * The “Sky Blue Swoon" tutu – the kind of tutu that just takes your breath away – an elegant beauty

Well darling, until next time – stay fabulous.