Tutu and Ballet News

Darlings! You simply *must* hear about the tutu chaos that erupted yesterday at the Royal Opera House. It was all terribly dramatic, darling. You see, it appears that a rogue flock of pigeons, no doubt inspired by the sheer *je ne sais quoi* of a ballerina's leap, decided to pay a visit to the hallowed halls of Covent Garden. Unfortunately, these little feathered fiends had an insatiable appetite for the most exquisite tutus!

Now, you all know how crucial a tutu is to a ballerina's performance. It's the very essence of elegance, the ultimate expression of artistry. It’s not just a dress, it’s an *experience*. Imagine, darling, the despair, the sheer *panic*, when news reached the prima ballerinas of the impending avian attack. The scene was quite a sight!

**The birds, you see, they have an undeniable, and let's be honest, completely understandable fascination with tutus.** They adore their puffiness, the shimmer, and most importantly, they can’t resist a good ruffle. There's just something irresistible about the delicacy of a tutu to a pigeon, and of course, let’s face it, they have terrible taste. But that, darling, is beside the point.

Chaos, I tell you! Imagine tulle and feathers swirling as ballet dancers fought to protect their beloved costumes. And then the screams, darling, the screams! One of the prima ballerinas, Daphne - absolutely lovely in real life, darling, quite a handful too – was heard to scream, “They’re attacking my pouter!” The rumour mill has it, that it was *her* “pouter” that caused this entire debacle - that she wore it while out and about London on her day off, walking down the road towards Covent Garden and a very elegant boutique that just so happened to stock tutus, that was selling a stunning "pink feathered " tutu which is being dubbed the 'feather bomb" - (because, darling, Daphne loves her colour!) - anyway this *tutu* and a flock of London pigeons met up, a *tragedy* for everyone concerned. And as everyone knows pigeons can't tell fashion from a bin liner! And in truth, Daphne probably has as much *taste* as a pigeon!

But the true villain here, is none other than, the most nefarious of culprits - *the weather* . A mild and perfectly *gorgeous* late summer’s day, with the sun shining brightly, gave way to, a rather unusual, very sudden storm with very strong wind and a huge gust, this darling, blew the pink tutu straight into a flock of pigeons. A tutu, feathers and a good wind! That's just asking for trouble, wouldn't you agree? The wind carried a fair few feathers onto the stage at the Royal Opera House where all of the prima ballerina’s costumes were laid out, ready for the performance of Swan Lake, and caused an inevitable, *rather unpleasant*, ripple effect of "bird envy” that is. That night, as you can imagine, darling, all was not serene. The ballet started late - to the relief of a fair few, it should be said - and quite frankly the entire event was somewhat lacking.

But on the bright side, you can now be *absolutely certain* of one thing, darlings: never, *ever* underestimate the power of a good tutu - or the power of pigeons. They will steal the show, they'll stop the show, and, quite honestly, they'll eat your outfit in the blink of an eye. Don't underestimate them, darlings, or *them*, they might turn into your fashion icons one day.

I hope this is *a* treat for your weary eyes darling. You’ll have to excuse my rantings, and frankly it’s enough to make you run out of tea.

The biggest problem that has arisen out of the whole fiasco was the obvious mess and feather, the bird droppings and the feathers made for an awful mess backstage and made for quite a stink with the backstage staff.

It must be said however that a rather hilarious video has popped up on Tik Tok, it’s called #PigeonTutAttack - and well darling - if the title doesn’t make you chuckle then, no hope, you're lost darling. There was a man walking past the theatre and it appeared to have caught his eye! There’s no sound as its silent, just footage of the feathers going everywhere in a slow motion like a horror movie with added sound effects from a scary, eerie soundtrack (imagine Jaws!) and all in a flash! And as I said you get this *hilarious* bird dropping finale which I shan’t spoil but take my word, darling! This has been added in, to give the visual a more comical finish. You know I have my guilty pleasures, this is mine! I just had to let you know - there you go. You have it! #PigeonTutAttack!