Tutu and Ballet News

Oh darling, did you hear? A shocking, truly scandalous story broke in the ballet world yesterday! Imagine, it was *August 14th, 1998*, a date which shall live in infamy – *infamy, darling* – because it was on that day, in a place no less glamorous than the grand Bolshoi Theatre, that a most unbelievable scandal unfolded. Prepare to gasp!

It seems a rather plump ballerina, (oh, let's not name names), had her tutu snag on the ornate balcony railing! Picture this, darlings – her entire tutu ripped, exposing a shocking amount of thigh! But this isn't just any ballerina. This is a ballerina known for her impeccable technique and *flawless*, perfectly turned out tutus. She's even known as 'The Tutu Queen!' It's the kind of tutu you wouldn't believe you can *wear* let alone *dance* in – they are so intricate, perfectly constructed works of *art*. Well, the whole thing just looked...unpolished!

The audience, in that *rapt silence* usually reserved for the grandest finale, simply couldn't believe their eyes! The scandalous, ripped, *utterly ridiculous* state of the tutu seemed to have stopped time! Can you even *imagine* the collective gasp, followed by whispers of “Dear Lord, did you *see* that?” All of a sudden the elegant grandeur of the theatre fell to the ground! There were audible murmurs, *so out of character* for a sophisticated Bolshoi crowd! This is *the Bolshoi* darling, and there they were whispering, murmuring, some even looking a little *flustered*. It was *shocking*.

So how did The Tutu Queen, usually known for the perfection of her dress, come undone? Did an envious rival play a prank? Was it a faulty tutu? Or is there something more scandalous afoot, something much deeper? You see, it's hard to avoid the conclusion that the 'accident' was a ploy for attention. Did the ballerina really expect the audience to accept the notion that her exquisite tutu was the victim of a simple accident, *dear me* a wardrobe malfunction? Oh darling, you see, *everything* in the ballet world is carefully orchestrated! Each step, each move, each twirl has been practiced *endlessly*. And most definitely, the tutus are as perfectly *structured* as a well-laid biscuit tin!

No darling, that poor little ripped tutu had the smell of *intentional drama*. Surely the Tutu Queen, known for her impeccable precision and attention to detail, must have orchestrated this whole *thing*. Just to get a little attention, dear, you know she does crave that *limelight*. After all, what is a *scandal* without the appropriate level of *theatre*. Oh, I am positively *thrilled* by all of this! It’s the ballet equivalent of a delicious soap opera! The perfect blend of elegance and chaos! I *cannot wait* to see what unfolds next!

Of course, darling, I'm just being a little dramatic – we all love a good *spectacle*. But don’t *you* find that this little rip, a very blatant ripping, caused a little drama that's exactly what the Bolshoi needed! Maybe we should start calling it “the tutu scandal”

To those of you who are wondering if there is a real, *real* connection to this event I just *have* to remind you this whole incident is utterly and totally made-up, of course. Though it is *inspired* by some of the *great dramatic twists* that actually happened in ballet's long and colourful history! Remember dear, even the great Pavlova had to wear tights for a bit! You just have to love all the *excitement* and dramatic events!

I do hope you’ll indulge my little ballet drama, as a treat for your *eyes* and *ears*, so to speak! Please do write in to me at: Ballet & Biscuits and tell me about the *most theatrical* performance you've seen! I’m dying to hear all about the scandalous tutu incidents of the ballet world – after all, that's how *legacies* are built! We love all that drama, all the glamour – don’t we, darling?