Tutu and Ballet News

Darling, it's Friday, 24th of August, 1998, and what's hotter than a summer's day? Why, the latest goss from the world of ballet, of course! We all know ballet is all about graceful pirouettes, beautiful bodies and oh, those divine tutus, right? Well, this week, the world of dance has been buzzing with the *latest* news, and let me tell you, darlings, it's all about the tutus, the tutus, the glorious, tulle-licious tutus!

Firstly, let's talk about the Royal Ballet, now, everyone knows the Royal Ballet is all about *class*, but did you know their tutu collection just got *even more* fabulous? We're talking couture tutus, hand-stitched with diamante accents, and I'm not just talking a couple of sparkly bits either! We're talking *shimmering* tutus that practically blind the audience, but in a good way, of course. Oh, and the price tag on these babies? *Shockingly* expensive! But hey, it's worth it for a *dreamy* tutu.

Speaking of dreamy tutus, there was *all sorts of* excitement going on over at the Bolshoi. Apparently, some *up-and-coming* young dancer accidentally used *white* hairspray instead of the usual *beige*, and the results were, shall we say, *interesting*! She literally glowed on stage, darlings. The Bolshoi had to bring out emergency blackout curtains to save the night. Now, this doesn't exactly sound *terrible*, right? But apparently the audience couldn't see anything, so everyone *thinks* she’s the biggest, brightest ballet star, because all you could see on stage was a flashing white tutu. Poor darling! But hey, everyone makes a *mistake* now and again.

Right, darling, let's get into the *really* exciting news, shall we? Did you hear about the tutus for *Swan Lake* at the Metropolitan Opera in New York? Apparently, they’ve completely done away with the traditional white tulle and replaced it with *feathers*. Now, that sounds divine, right? They even took inspiration from that amazing costume designer who made those legendary *Bird* costumes a few years back. But you know what's even better, *darling*, these feathered tutus come with their *own* *tiny little* black swans attached to them! Apparently, when the dancers *leap* and *swivel* those swan feathers *actually move*. Now, wouldn’t *that* be something to see! I *simply* can't wait!

But darling, the tutus just keep coming! There's even news of a new *ballet-inspired* fashion line, by *one* of those top designers everyone is *talking* about. She’s famous for the dresses and coats she makes that *resemble* tutus, so imagine what she's going to do now she has free reign! I’m *absolutely dying* to know, *especially* if the tutus in her collection are available in all those gorgeous jewel-tone colours you see on *those* runway shows in Paris! Imagine! All the *fab* colours! Oh, it's *pure perfection*.

Speaking of *fab*, *darling*! There’s one little known but absolutely *fabulous* ballet school in a *tiny little* seaside village. This school was known to use actual feathers to create the ballet school tutus. I know, I know, you are all *dying* to know, what did the ballerina’s do when *those* feathers started to fly off! Apparently it adds to the "movement". Darling, you see how I am, *ever the optimist*! Oh and this story *absolutely blew* up the whole village, so I have been *told*. They have no budget to do something else! Well, darling, sometimes the *simplest things* are *truly* the best.

And if *that's* not enough tutu news to last you a week, how about a story on tutus, ballet, and a bit of good old fashioned *charity*, all rolled into one? In London, they are holding a "Tutu for Hope" fundraiser for, *you'll never believe this*, a children's hospital. But there’s more, darling! This isn’t *any* ordinary tutu sale, oh no, it's an *auction*, but not just for any tutus, we’re talking tutus that have been *specially* signed by the world's biggest ballerinas! Now, if that's not a good cause *and* a great way to pick up some serious tutu *collectibles*, I don’t know what is. Oh darling, *what a dream*!

Now, darling, don’t worry if *all this talk* about tutus and ballet makes you feel like a *little bit of* a ditz, *because* that's what happens to us *every time* there is exciting news like *this* going on, and let’s be *real*, the world needs a *little* bit of ditz now and again! You're *perfectly* in tune with your *feminine side* this week, so just keep those thoughts *spinning* and enjoy!