Tutu and Ballet News

Darlings, you won't believe what happened this morning! I was out on my morning jog – yes, even I dabble in the occasional bit of exercise, though admittedly only to get a better view of the delicious pastries at the boulangerie – when I spotted it. Not a particularly delectable croissant, mind you, but something far more enticing. A tutu. Not just any tutu, darling, but a veritable *monument* to tulle, perched precariously atop a rather unimpressive, rusty-looking lamppost in the middle of the most unassuming backstreet in Kensington.

Now, I may have a penchant for all things fabulous, but even *I* had to admit this was a bit out of the ordinary. Did a flock of swans get lost on their way to the Royal Opera House? Had some rogue ballerina been experimenting with street-art? I had more questions than a curious kitten in a catnip factory, so, of course, I did what any sensible, fashionable lady would do. I whipped out my phone and started snapping.

Turns out, this little tutu incident was no random occurrence. Apparently, a whole flurry of these tulle wonders has been popping up all over London, from the Houses of Parliament to Buckingham Palace. No, darling, we are not talking about some royal ballet production gone rogue. This is the work of a rather flamboyant group calling themselves "Tutu Tuesdays."

It's Tutu Time!
  • Turns out, Tutu Tuesdays is the brainchild of some delightfully cheeky dance students at the Royal Academy of Dance, with the goal, I believe, of reminding everyone that, even in this crazy, fast-paced world, there is always room for a little bit of twirling and joy.
  • The tutu-placing tradition seems to have kicked off earlier this month with a single tutu appearing, on, you guessed it, a Tuesday, on Trafalgar Square.
  • Each week, more tutus have sprung up around the city, all seemingly unique, hand-sewn by these artistic rebels. They've managed to transform an otherwise ordinary day into something delightful, whimsical and utterly unforgettable. They're not even using ordinary tutus either. These darlings are making a statement with tutus featuring everything from Union Jacks and fish and chips to polka dots and an occasional, somewhat inappropriate, Shakespearean quote.

The idea behind the movement, as far as I can gather through Twitter and the general air of glee surrounding the phenomenon, is simply to encourage everyone to take a moment, even a fleeting one, to indulge in their inner child.

You Want Some Tulle With That?
  • Even the staunchest of our city's residents have been seen stopping, gaping, and, in some cases, attempting their very own impromptu twirl, alongside the tulle-draped landmarks. Apparently, the only people immune to the allure of the Tutu Tuesday effect are the police.
  • So far, officers haven't tried to confiscate these whimsical works of art – though the amount of complaints received from some decidedly unamused business owners about, what they called, “an infringement on the right to decent décor”, have reached alarming numbers.
  • One could say this trend, has a very strong “It's a Small World” vibe. I for one am loving this light-hearted movement. Who needs high-fashion runway shows when we have tutus making the headlines. A city that appreciates tutu-laden lampposts and impromptu twirls is a city after my own heart!

The founder of the movement, one Miss Ophelia Finch, was quick to say that they "are not aiming to disrupt anyone's day, simply add a little whimsy to it." This delightful, sassy, tutu-wielding dancer (who I met at one of my favourite dance studios on Sloane Square - oh, to have her stamina, my darling!) went on to add, "Let's face it, sometimes the world can feel a little, shall we say, ‘straightlaced’, A splash of colour and some tulle is precisely what we all need." And, honestly, can anyone disagree?

Well, darlings, until next Tuesday's crop of tutu installations - and I, for one, will be making sure I am out on my "morning jog" to be there to catch them - make sure you keep your eyes peeled and enjoy a good twirl. The world is already a much more beautiful place because of these spirited dance-loving pranksters. And you know what they say, a good pirouette never goes out of style!