Tutu and Ballet News

Darlings, buckle up your ballet shoes and grab a glass of bubbly, because the news this week is simply divine! Forget those ghastly election campaigns and all those tedious news items about "real world" stuff. Today, we are all about twirls and tiaras. And you know me, I just can't resist a bit of tulle!

Let’s face it, ladies, it’s a glorious day for all of us – well, mostly for the ones blessed with a truly "ballet body" and those with an absolute adoration of a twirling ballerina. Breaking news, darlings: Tutus are trending! And, my dears, let me tell you, the latest fashions on the dance floor are nothing short of fabulous! Think tulle with a touch of sparkle, a sprinkle of ruffles, and a splash of pink that would make Barbie blush! Oh, it’s enough to make a grown woman weep with joy (and a little envy, shall we be honest?).

The tutu, for all its simple elegance, has been the subject of much debate, much like, say, the best colour to wear for a first date or, my favourite, what’s the best way to handle a drunken date. What’s it about this little ball of fluff and ribbon that has the power to inspire both adoration and ire? Perhaps it's that, unlike a sensible, long skirt or even those dreaded palazzo trousers, it demands confidence.

But don’t just take my word for it, darlings. Just last night, while enjoying a glass of Sauvignon Blanc, I witnessed a veritable "tutucracy" at the Royal Opera House in Covent Garden, which is the epicentre of high fashion, no? This gathering was a mere snapshot of an emerging trend: "tutu Tuesdays".

My own inner ballet fanatic was rather thrilled - I couldn’t resist the call of the dance floor! There was simply something magical about seeing so many gorgeous young ladies, each one more elegant and more dazzling than the last. They moved like gazelles in a forest – graceful, powerful, and entirely mesmerizing. And, of course, a single, glittering diamond ring wouldn’t go amiss on a finger - this whole experience would definitely require the right sort of bling to elevate the mood! Oh, how divine!

Here are just a few highlights of my recent tutu experience:
  • The colours! Let me tell you, there were so many fabulous colours that I practically had to adjust my designer specs! Imagine everything from classic pink to a dramatic midnight blue, a lovely vibrant yellow - not the sunshine type, but the more sophisticated mustard tone, and even a smattering of metallic silver that caught the light like a shimmering pool of liquid silver. The girls had no shame about the vibrancy. They embraced their "tutu Tuesday", I say.
  • The styles! And you won’t believe the creative licence the girls exercised! From the traditional tutus to those oh-so-en vogue tiered ones with frills that I would call more “grandad’s cardigan meets couture ballet" style. They certainly didn’t shy away from the dramatic and it's very much in vogue in London's chic circles.
  • The shoes! Let's not forget the shoes, my dear readers! There was something utterly romantic about these ballet slippers with their tiny ribbons that whispered sweet nothings to the girls’ tiny ankles, and of course, each was carefully, precisely paired with each chosen outfit. Some had cute little socks and, dare I say, perhaps even a little black heel was sighted! Oh the scandal! And then came those dancing pumps with a little, I would say, ‘oomph' to them; just the right kind of feminine boost to make an impression on the boys across the dance floor! I could not get over how those elegant dancers balanced perfectly on the balls of their feet - an ethereal art, darling!
  • And, of course, the jewels! A dance is always about those glamorous accents that tie it all together, isn’t it? The sparkle from the little jewels – and the bigger jewels too – were not just exquisite but also entirely irresistible! Each ballerina had her own unique "sparkle factor". From pearl-drop earrings to dazzling diamond necklaces to sparkly silver bracelets and that divine vintage Cartier watch, the dancing girls had a touch of glam in every single accessory! As we’ve all heard in those delightful documentaries about London's famous boutiques, it’s not about what you wear but what it whispers!

And just like that, darling, the tutu had officially reached the pinnacle of stylish grace! As if to celebrate its own "tutu triumph", it’s been announced that, oh, what’s this? There’s a brand new tutus shop on Bond Street, the pinnacle of shopping in London - I am utterly speechless! This shop called "Twirl and Sparkle" has everything your heart desires: tutus galore in colours and textures to suit every whim, including little tutus for all the darling tiny tots. The owner of Twirl and Sparkle has assured me that the "tutu boom" is here to stay and, of course, I do adore her confidence! Who could disagree? And it’s been the biggest gossip topic in my set of friends in Hampstead. Isn’t it fabulous how fashion becomes an ever-changing story? Isn’t it simply enchanting?

I was just on the phone this morning to dear Cynthia in Mayfair - one of those elegant souls with an absolute understanding of how to dress and the perfect touch of wit. I told her all about my tutu experience and Cynthia laughed! Her words are music to my ears! Cynthia simply said, "Dearest! I’m sooo envious that you’re witnessing a glorious revival! And how wonderful that you got to twirl among so many graceful ladies - what more could a woman possibly need!"

We had the most delightful chat. Of course, darling, my first thought was "what sort of tutu would Cynthia have picked? " She said she’d be looking out for a "soft pink tulle" but something very, very modern to give a nod to what is actually "tutu modernism!" Now, that, my darlings, is something to ponder.

I'm looking forward to more fashion extravaganzas in this new millennium and a celebration of all those beautiful dresses, be they grand or simple! Who knew that "tutucracy" would become such a thing? But, ladies, here's my prediction - you’re going to see so many tutus and, if you are to truly join this "tutu" tribe, you’ve got to dance!