Tutu and Ballet News

Well, darlings, what a day! Today is December 12th, 1998, and I simply must tell you about the utter chaos that unfolded at the Royal Opera House this morning. You see, a rogue gust of wind decided to make a dramatic entrance, whipping through the open doors of the Royal Opera House like a jealous ex. And who was its victim? None other than the magnificent ballet tutu.

Now, let's be clear, we're talking about those beautiful, billowing creations, the ones that have graced the stage for centuries. They’re like the fairy godmother of dancewear. You know, the ultimate symbol of elegance, lightness, and grace! Imagine my horror when, as I was making my way in to witness the rehearsal for “The Nutcracker,” a perfectly pristine, ethereal, baby-pink tutu became airborne! I swear I heard a collective gasp, followed by a few “oh dear me’s.” This, my lovelies, was a dance-floor drama we’d never forget! Oh, the tutu flew like a feather caught in a whirlwind, a magnificent ballerina’s dream on a very windy day. But the fun didn't stop there, darling!

As it danced about the hallowed halls, the tutu caused absolute pandemonium! Imagine the scene: ballet dancers scurrying about like nervous mice, props rolling in all directions and an innocent-looking usher holding onto his hat for dear life.

And then, oh, then the most delightful sight unfolded. It swirled like a tutu in a snowglobe, causing a domino effect! One tutu, then two, then three...a ballet skirt snowstorm erupted! Imagine this lovely chaos - tulle swirling about as dancers try to control it! But the scene was too funny for even the most stern and dignified of balletomanes. It was the most whimsical performance this opera house had ever seen! Here's a rundown of what happened, darlings:

  • The ballet dancers attempted to subdue this very naughty tutu with their bare hands, as if it was a mischievous kitten. “Honestly, dear,” said a dancer with her hands on her hips, “You really have to get a grip on yourself, don’t you?” I almost snorted with laughter.
  • A troupe of cherubic, little angels who were practicing a sweet and delicate “Sleeping Beauty” dance sequence, took cover behind the piano! Their faces were a picture of disbelief as the windstorm blew the skirts in their faces! They were a scene of innocent confusion, trying to comprehend this whirlwind of fabric. Oh, my lovelies, these little dears were truly angelic as they stood frozen in their poses. I almost wept at the cuteness.
  • The conductor, bless his cotton socks, found himself battling not only his scores but a few particularly unruly pieces of the tutu as well. Now, darlings, you can imagine what that must have sounded like - not quite Beethoven!
A Tutu Revolution.

You might think it was all havoc and chaos, but it really wasn't. A few ballerinas used the situation to their advantage, whipping it into a dramatic interpretive piece - I think we can thank Pina Bausch for inspiring a few daring improvisations, because the dance-floor shenanigans were becoming rather breathtakingly beautiful. And as I watched the tutus flutter like wind-blown flowers, it all began to make sense, a symphony of graceful defiance - a delightful dance between fabric and fury. It was an amazing display of spontaneous, unrehearsed, choreographed ballet! And quite simply, dear reader, the very essence of a true performance!

And when, in a miraculous moment, the storm suddenly subsided as quickly as it began, it left everyone laughing, shaken, and somewhat bedazzled. The ballerinas and the dancers looked slightly disheveled but still beautifully graceful as they resumed their routine, a small sense of panic now replaced with smiles! This tutu adventure really added a whole new layer of whimsy and elegance to a well-rehearsed performance.

Oh, darling, that’s what we call a ‘Tutu Tango,’ a delightful little whirlwind that leaves one feeling light and buoyant. It wasn’t all tutu-related mayhem at the Royal Opera House.

In fact, after the tutu-tastic chaos had subsided, the rehearsals took on a new kind of charm. There was a sense of lightheartedness and camaraderie in the air that was absent before. The incident reminded us that there is beauty and wonder even in the midst of chaos! You’re either going to embrace it with laughter and delight or find yourself dancing around a big, chaotic tulle storm - your choice darling!