Tutu and Ballet News

Oh, the Humanity! Tutues Take Over the World (Or At Least Covent Garden)!

Darling, it’s a sight that could melt a snowflake, the sheer spectacle of it all! Yesterday, the world of ballet took a rather grand and gloriously sparkly detour as tutus ran amok in Covent Garden. It was, shall we say, *unconventional*. Imagine a flurry of tulle, a swirl of pink and a rainbow of sequins – it was tutu-tastic, in the most glorious and absurd sense!

Now, I wouldn’t dream of starting my day with anything less than a cuppa and a good gossip, so naturally, my lovely assistant, Felicity, (she does love a good rummage in my wardrobe for a bit of feather boa) alerted me to this tutu-licious spectacle. Apparently, a group calling themselves the "Tutu Troopers" (how darling!) staged a spontaneous performance in the market square, a little protest about tutus being unfairly represented as purely frilly and feminine, when they're really, oh my dears, *quite powerful*. Imagine my shock, my horror (and let’s be honest, a touch of delighted amusement) to see the sheer range of tutus - from classic ballerina, to punk-rock black and pink concoctions that would make even a peacock envious.

The tutu troupe, a delightfully diverse mix of all shapes and sizes, even included a dear fellow who was actually rocking a tutu in an exquisite, perfectly tailored pinstripe suit. (Yes, the look works. I've always maintained that a touch of sparkle can lift any gentleman, and, of course, make them quite the heartthrob) They took to their performance with gusto and energy. Their routine was quite chaotic but very entertaining; twirling, leaping, and generally spreading the joy of ballet, which, if we are honest, is quite contagious.

And here’s the best part, darlings! Not only were there these tutus but these intrepid troubadours had brought their own bespoke ballet barres – the very things on which aspiring ballerinas practise their moves! Talk about an avant garde idea for your home gym – how stylish. Apparently, they set them up outside a little boutique shop called ‘Tea and Tulle’ selling tutus. Now, don't you think that's just darling? It just proves that life's too short for dull decor and that tutus are, oh my dear, always, *always*, in vogue!

The Tutus Talk

Let’s just say there’s a touch of drama involved in ballet. Who am I kidding, it's always an absolute ball of giggles – but in all seriousness, the whole spectacle served as a cheeky, charming and frankly quite fabulous critique on gender roles and the way we define and perceive feminine things. As for those of you who haven't jumped onto the tutu train, let me enlighten you. There's no need for some silly male-constructed idea of "girly" when tutus, are just plain fun. That's what those tutu troopers had to say - and honestly, who are we to argue with their enthusiasm?.

Now I may be an old school lady, but I, for one, was completely charmed! The Tutues Troopers, these delightfully whimsical rebels, were out there having fun, breaking free from tradition and telling the world that tutus, just like their owner’s, are more than just a fluffy, whimsical piece of fabric. There's an artistry to it all, a movement, and a joy that anyone, regardless of shape or size can embody. After all, what's life without a little tutu-fied delight? (Oh, my dear, can you see me wearing one of those sequined pink wonders? Why I'd turn heads at any soirée!

The Takeaway?

  • Let’s have some fun. We need more giggles, more color and more whimsical rebels out in the world – especially those who like to move and groove, be it in tutus or some snazzy sequins, or even those lovely pinstriped suits – anything that’ll set you off dancing, and put a little sparkle into your life, because honestly darlings, that’s what life’s all about!
  • Tutus, darlings, tutus! Are we having a good time? We’re definitely having a good time.

This has been your *‘Fashion, Frills, and Fantasy’* fashion columnist – sign off, your beloved *Miss *F. A. *T*ashion, giving you your dose of *T*rue *F*ashion *F*anatics, and your everyday ‘**F*ashion **T**rivia.’