
Tutu and Ballet News

Darling, I must tell you about the most *extravagant* ball that was held last night. Honestly, it was pure **tutu-tastic**! It was at the Royal Opera House, you see, and it was a fundraiser for the National Ballet School. And let me tell you, these Brits know how to throw a party.

It was quite a sight! The most **splendid** tutus, all aflutter, the women's smiles shining brighter than the diamonds on their gowns, the men's top hats and tails glistening with polish. It was a real spectacle! I do adore a good costume, and everyone pulled out all the stops. And they all looked absolutely divine!

The **centrepiece**, though, was the display of "vintage" tutus, darling. Just think of it: tulle as fine as cobwebs, feather boas as lush as clouds, sequins sparkling brighter than a million stars! Absolutely divine! These costumes must be centuries old! You wouldn't believe some of the designs. I spotted a tutu that was just a fluffy, pastel swirl, and a sparkly number so bold you couldn't miss it, not even from across the room! Oh darling, it was truly amazing!

I am sure that you will adore this little snippet, which I overheard as I nibbled on a delicate salmon tartlet and watched the dancing: A darling, about five, whispered to her mother, " Mummy, can we keep that one? Can we really, please, Mummy?". I have no idea what "that one" was, of course, but the tone, the **puppy-dog eyes**! Darling, it was enough to make one melt!

Oh, and then there were the performers! One, an *enchanting* young gentleman, with a figure so perfectly sculpted! You would not believe how he twirled in his white tights, it was absolutely *divine*!

Let's see. Other notables? Hmm, I must mention the performance, dear, but this part, my darlings, is not for the faint of heart! I saw a performance that made me **gasp** and squeal with delight. One particular ballerina performed, and her *grace*, my dear! You know, this creature made such dramatic movements and graceful leaps that my heart leaped right into my throat. Honestly, she reminded me of a hummingbird hovering around a bright red flower, the way her lithe body glided through the air. I was so moved that I almost burst into tears!

And after all the dazzling dancing, the crowd gathered, and we all nibbled and gossiped as the auction began. You wouldn't believe what a lot was bid for that antique tutu! A real collector's item, it was! And, in case you are curious, I just had to bid, darling, just to add a little excitement to the proceedings. Luckily, another bidding enthusiast **outbid** me. My bank manager would not have been so thrilled!

As I wandered through the beautifully lit ballroom, a charming man in a velvet suit *tipped* his hat to me. I had to *stop* and **swoon** just a tad, but he wasn't quite my type, and besides, I was completely caught up in the atmosphere! A *very* successful ball! I couldn't have asked for a more **magical** evening!

Anyway, darling, I must be off! So much more to tell you! Lots of news about who arrived, who *wasn't* there! And then, of course, there is that other party. I shall give you a proper update next week.

But remember this, you heard it here first, folks! Ballet balls are not just for the stuffy people you thought they were. I swear, they are truly spectacular!

And if you think this is fabulous, just you wait! You've only just seen the **tip of the tutu**.