Tutu and Ballet News

Tutu Trouble! A New Millennium Dawn, A Tutus Dawn, or, is that Just a Feather Boa?

My dears! It’s a brand new year and I'm still just so very over the moon about all the fun things fashion has in store for us. As you know, I'm a bit obsessed with tutus. Honestly, what is *not* to adore? All that fluffy, beautiful, delicate tulle? Pure sartorial heaven. But you see, I’ve got a dilemma. A rather *dramatic* one, dare I say.

Just this past Saturday – I think it was the 16th? Oh dear, my memory! Such a frightful lapse! Well, the 16th, anyway! I went to this posh launch party in Notting Hill – the usual glamorous crowd, endless canapes, and a cocktail that tasted suspiciously like gin and tonic with an orange wedge, all rather fabulous. But just as the night was really *picking up*, you know, all those secret, fabulous *after-dinner* dances on the patio? Something truly horrific happened.

Yes, you’ve guessed it! My darling, brand-new, just-arrived-from-Paris, custom-made tutu went rogue. It must have been the wind! You know how it picks up in those gated West London gardens. But my sweet tulle, it flew off like a bird. Like a flock of pigeons, really, all at once! Right there in the midst of all those well-heeled onlookers. All the attention went straight to my tutu-less predicament! *Everyone* stopped and stared. It was truly humiliating! You see, a tutu *is* my go-to party frock for any occasion. But without it, what's left but a dress I wouldn't be caught dead in on a Monday? I was a right *wreck*! All I could do was dash back to the cloakroom to find *any* garment that wouldn’t make me the talk of Notting Hill for the wrong reasons. *Truly tragic*!

But what’s a girl to do, really? You can’t let a little tutu-trouble ruin your evening. So I rallied! As usual, the solution lay in the beauty of adapting to the situation. As every girl knows, a real party-starter knows the power of the power move! Now, remember those extra large feathers in the bottom of my handbag that *every* fashion-forward girl must always carry just for these moments? Well, you'll never guess - those became the perfect improvisation. Just like that, my feathered feather boa became my new **tutu!** The drama! It was truly *magnifique*. Just think, you can transform anything! It’s all about knowing how to work what you've got!

But the next morning, I must say, my poor feather boa felt as if it’d seen enough for a lifetime. All that dancing. Those smoky bars. Poor dear thing needed a rest, that's for sure. But the important point of this anecdote, my dears, is a fashion faux pas does not equal the end of your evening. Even the most catastrophic sartorial malfunction can be transformed with just a pinch of confidence. Think fast, my lovelies. That's the trick. You’ve got this!

So what to do in a similar sartorial crisis? Here are some tips on keeping a fashionista's feet planted, so to speak.

  • Always carry a feather boa in your handbag. Never underestimate the power of feather boa as a party-starter.
  • Don’t leave your wardrobe on a whim. That’s what you call a faux pas! Always pack a change of shoes for those *special* nights!
  • Consider an all-in-one party solution: think of something like a playsuit or a jumpsuit - a real head turner and oh-so versatile!

I hope you're ready for all that life and love will bring in 1999! It's all about embracing every single second - and that includes sartorial surprises, dear readers!