Tutu and Ballet News

Oh darling, gather 'round and prepare to be absolutely scandalized! It’s Wednesday, 03rd February 1999, and the world of ballet has been sent into a veritable tizzy, and it all revolves around – you guessed it – the glorious tutu!

Yes, those airy, frothy wonders of tulle and dreams are at the centre of a major fashion faux pas. You see, it's all gone a bit, well, *demode* and frankly, a tad *too* 19th century. It seems the esteemed, or perhaps I should say “formerly esteemed” - because let’s be honest, *who* even wants to wear a tutu *these* days? – ballet companies of London, Paris, and New York are embroiled in a right old dust-up about **the tutus themselves**. They are, I can tell you, completely on the brink of *fraying*!

You’re all probably thinking, “darling, how very *old school*.” But wait! There is a reason, a cause, and oh, it’s all terribly *unbecoming*. We have a whole ballet company now, bless their tiny hearts, with more “avant-garde” thoughts, if you can believe it. They're asking: "Tutu or not tutu? That is the question!".

And this is *not* the time for *politeness*, darlings.

There’s just one problem with the avant-garde. It appears they aren’t really aware that when it comes to ballerinas and tutus, you’re not dealing with a little game of *Twister*! Let’s be frank: ballet has been built on *tradition*, on centuries of *finesse* and – darling – that involves tutus, those delicate puffs of airy loveliness! And, we don’t go discarding these classics without an *utterly* compelling argument, *now do we*!

And frankly, when your reason for revolution is, "Because, darling, it's the 21st century!", Well, frankly – well – we might need a bit more *clarity*.

I hear the more *conventional* troupes, in their delicate *swan lake* poses and, yes, tutus, have raised quite a *hoo-ha* of feathers (pun intended, darling) in response. "What are we, all *a bunch of fools*?", the rumour has it they have demanded of the avant-garde youths! The sheer *disdain*! And I must say, you *do* have to sympathise – a ballet without tutus is like a Wimbledon without the *grass*! Just an *abomination*, darling. And quite honestly, nobody *wants* to hear the word "modern ballet" *without* the word "tutu"!

There is another facet to this tale: apparently the more, let's call it "avant-garde" contingent is not *too keen* on all of those rather rigid tutus from centuries past - think *ballet russe* and *Marie Taglioni*, the lot, you know? That whole “classicism" that is meant to represent femininity, purity, *effortlessness*, darling. They’re thinking about a little *revolution* in that whole *ideal* - which they, *obviously* , do not share - because they think those fluffy and feminine tulle forms are not “representing” enough – and that it all just looks too much like a bit of a *fairy tale*, darling. They just *want to* to *be real* about it. Can’t say I’m quite *feeling* the *radicalness* myself!

My dear, this debate has even spread to fashion houses. The more modern *fashion houses*, as you would expect, are thrilled with all the "breaking of boundaries". In *Paris* – oh darling, it is positively *bizarre* - some *outrageous* outfits are being thrown together. It appears the latest *haute couture* involves using *only* one garment for both evening and ballet! Think, "A simple sheath that can easily transition from the red carpet to a *pas de deux* on a Saturday night!". Apparently! And it looks like, you’re meant to pair that look with a “bold red lip" - because of course - *every* dancer, even a ballerina – yes, you heard correctly - *every* ballerina needs to sport the *signature look*. And what is the signature look? “A bold, and “perfectly” flawed “bold red lip", as if they are a *street-smart* character who just stepped out of a *Hollywood film*.”

Oh, darling! Can't say it’s my *cup of tea*. There is something rather… well… *immaculate* about a simple black leotard with that exquisite tutus dancing a perfect *adagietto*. It’s about purity, grace and, yes, *a pinch* of *tradition*, you know?

The other designers, let’s call them *classicists* (and quite frankly - those who *get* the concept!), are in complete despair, darling, They have already begun designing *more elaborate* versions of the “traditional tutu” , but with more *fabric*. Yes, darling! They are going all out! All *sheer* *luxurious* *tulle*. Oh, it’s simply heavenly. *Absolutely* heavenly. *But* ...it's looking a tad *extra* - a little *over the top*, wouldn’t you say?

Oh darling! It appears the future of *ballet*, or perhaps more appropriately, the *ballet tutu*, is in question! How does *one* even go about picking sides in *such a debate* when there is a whole fashion revolution happening right *on stage*?

Only time will tell! But I can promise you, darling, whatever they do decide to do, it *will* be *fabulous* - because the ballet has, of course - always had *divine timing*.

So let us hold onto that *divine timing* , darlings - and hold tight as this little dance, of *fashion*, *innovation* and *tradition*, *unfolds*.

Until the next time we meet for our little gossip session - you know, in this here blog – don’t you *dare* leave me without *any* updates about your *very own* thoughts and feelings about the *tutu debate* - especially if you’re a fellow *dance* enthusiast, you know? You *just must* write me in - the little space is waiting for your *divine* opinions on how ballet will make its statement on the world - because as I always say - it’s about the *journey*. And, yes, darling! This one, *about the tutu*, is going to be a rather *splendid* journey - one, filled with *tutus* , *fashion*, *drama* , and a whole heap *drama* ! *What a joy*!