Tutu and Ballet News

Oh darlings! Can you believe it's the 20th of February 1999 already? Spring is just around the corner and you know what that means? Ballet season is upon us! I simply cannot wait to get my twinkle toes tapping in my new collection of tutus! And speaking of tutus…

Well, you wouldn't believe the scene at the Royal Ballet this morning! Seems like our dear friends at the London Ballet Society have decided to get a little cheeky. A **"Tutu Tuesday"** you might say?

Imagine this: a whole company of the world's most distinguished ballet dancers, decked out in a symphony of colours - all those beautiful shades of pink, champagne, lavender, the odd dash of sunshine yellow - in their very best tutus!

The thing is, nobody expected this. And the director, darling Peter, well, he just couldn’t contain himself. They say he just started giggling! I mean, wouldn't you? There they all were, the prima ballerinas, the charming gentlemen with their perfectly timed jumps and perfectly posed arabesques, looking rather… *un* dignified, if you catch my drift.

"The best ballet news I've read in years!" - Lady Patricia Smythe, Chairman of the National Ballet Trust.

Apparently, this "Tutu Tuesday" business was actually all down to young Chloe - one of the most charming ballerinas you could ever hope to meet. Now, Chloe's known for being, well, a tad mischievous. You just can't take the giggles away from the dear girl! She decided, as she tells it, to "have a bit of a laugh" before the big performance. What can I say? She definitely knows how to make an entrance.

The rest, as they say, is history. But here's what the little minx had to say when I asked for a bit of a scoop:

"Well, darling, some days you just feel like twirling! Why should we be stuck in those boring, standard black tutus when there's a whole world of colour waiting for us? It's time to break free, break out the big guns, and just be utterly ridiculous for a while. Because life's too short, darling! Or as my old tutu says: Life's a bit of a tutu-a-roo."

Chloe’s infectious laughter filled the entire building as the news of this outrageous day spread faster than a flash of light. Oh, the gossip was going faster than you can say “Arabesque,” darling.

Naturally, a few folks were shocked. I heard a couple of stern faced matrons whispering something about professionalism and standards. However, who cares! Life's about a little fun, darling! Even if it’s just a Tuesday morning with a touch of pink and lavender here and there! Besides, what is more “ballet” than a bit of flamboyant drama?

So let's give three cheers for the “Tutu Tuesday” revolution. May it forever be a day when our love of tutus knows no bounds, and our dance is always just a little bit scandalous, in the very best possible way, of course. Let's raise a glass (or a champage flute?) to the power of play, the spirit of self-expression and all the fabulous twirling moments yet to come.