Tutu and Ballet News

Well, darlings, it's that time again - the time of year where we celebrate the beauty and grace of the tutus! Yes, the 23rd of February, a date forever etched in my fashionable, tutu-loving heart, is Tutu Tuesday! You've heard of 'black Friday'? This is our 'tutu Tuesday'. And it's going to be utterly smashing, if I may say so myself.

Now, before you say, 'What on earth is Tutu Tuesday?', let me tell you: It's all about the joy, the absolute joy, of twirling in a tutu, a fabulous tulle masterpiece that conjures visions of sugar plum fairies and dazzling pirouettes. It's about breaking free from the shackles of everyday life, darling, and just being completely ridiculous with our glorious, puffy tutus. Think sparkles, frills, a symphony of pink, and maybe a few strategically placed sequins, because you can never have enough, darling, never enough.

Let's face it: sometimes, we all need a bit of fluffy, frivolous fun in our lives. Life can be quite drab without a splash of tutus and an excuse to wear fabulous pink footwear.

I mean, darling, how do we as the arbiters of grace, the purveyors of perfect dancing, remain grounded and uninspired without some tulle-filled escapism? I for one, wouldn't last a week. It would be an endless torrent of 'oh darling's, 'it's all a bit too much' and 'I need a cup of tea' (not necessarily in that order). So, we must tutu!

What to do for Tutu Tuesday? Let's get fancy, shall we?
  • Start your day with a tutu-worthy breakfast, darling! Now, you can't be having just ordinary bread and jam when there's tutu-time in the air. We must raise the bar - a fancy fruit salad, maybe some champagne or a pink mimosa with a cute tiny pink parasol, something to elevate the morning! It doesn't need to be elaborate (unless that's your thing, of course, darling) - just think of delicious, festive and flamboyant.
  • Twirl at work. If you can get away with it, darling, do it! Imagine you're an elegant, graceful ballerina, gracefully navigating your workday. There are probably colleagues who will think it's bizarre, but honestly, who cares! A little tutuing at the desk brightens up the office! Just watch out for the boss's grumpy stare...
  • Tutu-ific photo op. We need proof, darling! The camera has to be involved and record our majestic twirling. Pick a pretty spot, preferably one that’s already naturally pink or has lots of lovely fluffy things. Your tutu, my darling, needs the perfect background to truly shine!
  • Don’t forget to share on socials! It’s the only way to spread the tutu gospel. A hash-tag is key to help spread the message of tutu joy: #TutuTuesday! We can spread this fun and whimsical tutu-madness like wild-fire!

The best thing about tutu Tuesday? It's a universal language of happiness. You can be from London, New York, Paris or Timbuktu - all you need is a tutu and a smile! We are, of course, not suggesting this is the time to attempt a grande jeté out your window - save that for your professional ballerina friends - just be yourself, have some fun, twirl freely and remember: there’s no wrong way to wear a tutu unless you aren't smiling!

Now, my lovely dancing divas, let's celebrate Tutu Tuesday with flair and passion. We can conquer the world with a tutu in each hand, or maybe even a few around our legs (just don’t trip!), ready to share the joy of this glorious and wonderful day!