Tutu and Ballet News

Tutus Take Over London!

Darling, you wouldn't believe the scene on London's streets today! It's a veritable sea of tulle, a whirlwind of chiffon, a symphony of pink and pastel. Turns out, 28th February 1999 is officially "Tutu Tuesday" – a glorious new holiday that I, of course, had never heard of until this morning. But fear not, my dears, I've spent the whole day soaking in this spectacle of frills, and I'm ready to give you the lowdown.

Honestly, the only thing more surprising than this day actually existing is that it wasn't started by me. This has *major* potential for chicness, and someone could have saved us all the trouble by, I don't know, wearing a tutu down Carnaby Street and shouting "Tutu Tuesday!" until everyone joined in. Perhaps a more restrained approach was necessary, darling, but I’m not entirely sure. Still, kudos to whoever dreamed up this fabulous concept.

The day dawned with a blush-worthy flurry of tutus in every conceivable shade and style. I swear I saw a woman in a leopard print tutu, walking a bulldog in a miniature tutu! I couldn't tell whether the dog was mortified or completely unbothered – perhaps he had been promised a meaty bone afterwards? But there was also an overwhelming sense of joy. It's difficult to resist a smile when you see a granny in a pink tutu doing a grand jetĂ© on the Victoria line! (She *did* knock over a coffee on the way, which did lead to a *slight* coughing fit and some *very* exasperated stares.)

The streets were abuzz with a surprisingly high proportion of perfectly formed ballerina buns. From the bankers of Canary Wharf to the tourists on Oxford Street, everyone was embracing their inner prima ballerina. Even the postman was sporting a fluffy white tutu! My, my, how the times they are a-changin'.

It wasn't just the ladies embracing this joyous trend, either! I witnessed quite a few brave men wearing tutus on their morning commutes. A little out of their comfort zone, perhaps, but there's no denying the power of a good tutu to banish Monday blues. It truly was an unforgettable display of camaraderie and sheer joie de vivre! (One could argue, though, that if I hadn't spent my afternoon glued to my balcony watching, I wouldn’t be having such a high opinion of this day - after all, that bulldog with its tutu is getting awfully far away).

Not everyone seemed entirely on board with the festivities. An irate shopkeeper, sporting an exceptionally tight pinstripe suit, stormed out of his boutique yelling “Bloody ridiculous! It’s an insult to real ballerinas!” You do have to admire the commitment to tradition, darling, even if his tone left something to be desired. We shouldn’t forget, dear, the dedication, the hard work and the commitment it takes to truly become a ballet dancer. That takes skill and grit - qualities rarely observed in tutus for fun, but ones I appreciate just the same.

For me, the best part of the day was a spontaneous flash mob. At lunchtime, in the middle of Hyde Park, a group of shoppers suddenly burst into a beautiful rendition of Swan Lake. Now, granted, a few people needed some reminding of the ballet positions, and the cygnet's final death scene looked a little less, well, final
 but the overall effect was undeniably enchanting.

In fact, I’m still recovering. Seeing this burst of creativity and frivolity made me realise something: ballet, darlings, isn’t just about perfect pointe shoes and sculpted figures; it's about expressing yourself with grace and beauty, however you see fit. Even if you do happen to be doing the "swan death" scene with an unflattering red umbrella stand rather than an actual stagehand

Perhaps a little more organisation is needed before Tutu Tuesday makes it onto the annual calendar. But for today, it's a delightful reminder to celebrate, dance, and embrace the joy of a good, frivolous frolic. In fact, darling, perhaps this *is* an idea worth repeating – only next year, *I* should be the one in a tutu. In fact, I'll give you all the details tomorrow morning - you’ve all been warned! But for now, goodnight and sweet dreams, darlings. May your nightmares all involve elegant swans and perfect tutus!

Here’s what’s been swirling through the tulle

  • Did someone say free tutus? We’ve heard a few people mention that they’ve been handing out tutus in Covent Garden, along with dance lessons! The perfect place for a twirl.
  • Don't be shy about expressing your inner dancer, whether it’s a few steps, a spin or a leap.
  • If your outfit of choice doesn't involve tutu, take the chance to accessorise. Just one element can really change your day - from a tulle scarf to ballet slippers.
  • Remember to show your best smile and be nice to everyone! Who knows? Maybe even a tutued bulldog needs a hug today!.