Tutu and Ballet News

Ah, the pink tutu. It’s an icon, a dream, a whisper of delicate perfection. This delicate confection of tulle, often embellished with shimmering embellishments or a generous scattering of sequins, embodies the very essence of a ballerina. It is an ethereal symbol of grace, an embodiment of femininity, and a whispered promise of the magic that lies within a dance studio. But, my dears, to fully appreciate this wonder, it is not just about the tutu itself, but the way it plays its part within the ballet's silent, exquisite language.

The tutu, in its multitude of variations, is a testament to the nuanced world of ballet. For while it may appear like a single, unchanging piece, it is a piece of attire that evolves as ballet itself does. In the grand world of ballet, this pink tutu has a powerful history and meaning; one that changes as the ballets themselves change.

You'll often see tutus like this as part of an enchanting ballet called "The Sleeping Beauty" or perhaps "Giselle". Imagine a young, innocent ballerina dancing on pointe, her feet light as feathers as she moves, the pink tulle swirling around her like a cloud of ethereal charm. Isn't that absolutely divine, my dears?

A Dream of Delicate Pink

A dancer is not just a dancer without her trusty tutu. In many ballets, this iconic garment embodies youth, innocence, and dreams, which is why the ballet companies have never, and I do mean *never* forgotten how essential they are. So, naturally, we have been in the ballet ateliers, watching the delicate creation of each layer and how it plays a part in bringing the choreography to life! A single ballet, like the "Sleeping Beauty," can have hundreds of tutus created specifically for the dancers, each one different in their intricate design.

A beautiful story we found when visiting a company last week showed just how special the tutu is. The story is of a young dancer who has been asked to make her debut, dancing the lead part in "The Sleeping Beauty," The excitement is palpable when we watch her take to the stage in a pristine new tutu of pink tulle. Each one a creation made for a single dancer with precision in the number of layers of tulle. The magic? You will be dazzled with a swirling symphony of pink and silk as the lights bathe her, a true spectacle, dears, simply spectacular!

More Than Just Tulle

You may be thinking, "Well, darling, what’s the secret?" But, my darlings, there's no single, simple secret. We can't tell you, because that would ruin the wonder of it all. However, what I can share are some delicious tidbits, snippets of ballet history and a few fashionable tips you can use for that next evening you want to make memorable. The ballet is not just the art that is done in a moment on stage, but the art created before. A ballet, even an ensemble dance, needs an extraordinary collection of tutus to do the choreographers and dancers justice. It's all part of a world filled with elegance and magic, dear friends!

What makes it pink and what makes it work?

  • The Ballet Leotard - a beautifully classic creation, with a touch of sophistication. Its silky smooth material often plays on the contrast of colour of the tutu.
  • A hint of shimmer- There is nothing quite so alluring as that shimmering blush when catching a hint of light.
  • The perfect under-layer - To keep everything just so and the tulle flowing freely, a little slip or body lining beneath the leotard will create an elegant curve. We often think this piece may have been around forever as the ballerina seems to make it look natural, a part of them.
  • The art of layers - Layers give the tutu the full romantic charm of ballet.
  • The Perfect Finish - As ballet often seeks a contrast and the need for simple detail, think in terms of elegant lines. When dancing, it needs to catch the eye from a distance and yet remain beautiful close up. A simple detail is what really defines a stunning tutu and what sets it apart from other dances on the stage. Think of it in terms of how many hours it takes to get it absolutely right!
  • An exquisite embellishment - A touch of silver, some glittering diamante, perhaps even a smattering of colourful gems on the front. It’s what elevates a pink tutu from simply pretty to an absolutely enchanting design, a true masterpiece!

This is only the beginning! My darlings, you may be surprised by how quickly a dancer will get in and out of a tutu and how much work goes into maintaining it in peak condition. A tiny snag and you may as well say goodbye to it, it could lead to an unscheduled and very unfortunate repair. The fabric is often much lighter than it appears, and so easy to catch on any bit of costume jewellery or a sharp corner, hence the need for such perfect stage conditions. A dance world, as I say, filled with its own language and magic! The dance stage can be brutal. In a real life ballet performance, you may also see dancers moving at speed, and leaping into the air. This will leave their beautiful ballet garments with what can seem like a surprising amount of dust.

The Secret World Of The Dance Stage - Just how easy is it to get in and out?

The simple fact of it is that a tutu is designed for ease of movement and flexibility. It allows the dancers to take centre stage without a hint of distraction, so they are in charge of the moment on stage and how they bring the ballet's story to life. And, this ease of movement needs to be done at incredible speeds when one scene is about to change and be replaced with another, a world of fast transformations.

However, with tutus, my darlings, the process needs to be one that doesn't slow the magic, so dancers have a unique art when it comes to managing the art of their garment! For some time, we will observe and continue to observe so we can share more secrets of the dance stage with you. To us, they aren't just dancers they are truly artists. It takes both a dance and technical artistry, as we always like to say!

Where It Began - And Why We Still See It So Much In Ballet

In ballet, tradition reigns supreme. For a long time, ballerinas, those glorious souls who devote their lives to the art of dance, wore flowing, elegant skirts. And so it goes, that these dresses slowly changed, morphing over the years. For it is the essence of ballet, in our view, that allows the style and movements of dance to flow freely and for it to constantly be recreated! Ballet's world of tradition is never set in stone.

The tutu we know now really began in the 19th Century and the use of white fabric on a dancer in the ballet “La Sylphide” has left us a trail to follow as we think of these ballet moments. The soft romantic ballet costumes, made of thin, white fabrics were quite similar to a contemporary ballet tutu. And just think! Those very elegant ballerinas wore it for their elegant dance styles.

Over the years, we saw tutus in other ballet colours as ballet blossomed further. These styles evolved until the "classical" tutu we see on the stage today, in all its varieties. These creations - as we love to refer to them - are made with meticulous care, layer by layer. For, this is just another magic, the detail, of the stage.

How Ballet And Fashion Remain Ever So Connected

As lovers of beauty in every form, it's no secret, my dears, that we see the fashion and style of ballet everywhere! Ballet costumes themselves are often in the news. And so too are ballet and ballet designs. If you take a look at the way some modern dance fashion styles are produced, think of ballet fashion and its history of moving styles. Then you will see what is meant by this magical connection.

As we are obsessed with these designs - it really doesn't matter whether you are attending the opera or just having a coffee in your favourite cafe. You will probably find that many a designer will be thinking of these themes!

But, it's the sheer enchantment of the tutus, as in the story of the young ballerina debuting, that truly stirs the soul, stirs that element of fascination, those beautiful and simple elements of enchantment that have nothing to do with glamour and everything to do with passion.

We do hope you love and cherish this element of ballet style, this very stylish ballerina pink tutu that has enchanted many a designer and artist - after all, it’s a reminder of the wonder and the power that exists within each of us, waiting to be set free with every twirl!