New York City NYC Pink Tutu Ballet Blog

#PinkTutuBlogNYC Monday 1996-07-29 she danced in New York City

Pink Tutu Blog NYC: #60 A Ballerina's Dream in the Big Apple

Monday, 1996-07-29

Good morning, darlings! Welcome back to my little corner of the internet, where pink is always the perfect shade and tutus are the ultimate fashion statement. Today's blog post is dedicated to all the wonderful, fantastical, fabulous things that happened in the Big Apple this past week! I've been dancing my way through New York City like a sugarplum fairy on a mission – to spread the joy of the pink tutu, one twirl at a time!

A Symphony of Movement and Colour

This week, my dance card was bursting with balletic brilliance. Let me tell you, dear readers, New York is a haven for any ballet-obsessed soul! My first stop was the New York City Ballet at the legendary Lincoln Center. Their performance of "A Midsummer Night's Dream" was a masterpiece, transporting me to a realm of ethereal enchantment. I even got to meet the choreographer, who is the most darling woman!

The sets and costumes were simply divine! The costumes, especially, were a dream! Soft, flowy fabric in shades of lavender and teal with exquisite embellishments – it made me long to be back on the stage! But you know, just a little bit of my heart belongs to the vibrant world of street performance. I'm not afraid to admit it; I adore street performers!

I was charmed by a tiny troupe in Times Square. Dressed in all-pink, they danced a medley of pop tunes and even had the tourists clapping along. Their choreography was playful and fun, their tutus shimmering in the sun, making a spectacle of colour and joy that everyone could appreciate. It made me think, "Why can't we all wear pink tutus?" Why does fashion have to be so serious all the time? Let's embrace colour and let our true selves shine through!

Fashion & Frills: My Latest Finds

Speaking of true selves, my little shopping excursion in SoHo this week unearthed some fabulous finds that perfectly represent my pink-tutu aesthetic. Now, you know how I love a good deal, and I discovered this charming vintage boutique crammed full of treasures. I managed to snag the most adorable pink satin clutch, adorned with delicate lace trim – ideal for evening outings. I just imagine myself gliding into a cocktail party with this in hand, a symphony of colour against a backdrop of black and white, pure vintage chic.

Now, if you know me, you know I adore all things fluffy. A true ballerina's delight, I would say. And this week, my eyes landed on a masterpiece at Bergdorf Goodman: a pastel-pink faux fur coat. You can only imagine the utter glamour I felt when I draped this beauty over myself. I nearly floated out of the store! Though it might have broken the bank a little, this is the kind of piece you cherish forever. And to be fair, it wouldn’t be very pink-tutu if I weren’t willing to indulge in a little extravagance, now would it?

Subway Musings: A New Yorker's Odyssey

I have to say, travelling by the NYC Metro has become quite the experience for me! Yes, it can be crowded, a bit loud, but it’s also exhilarating and charming in its own chaotic way. The constant hustle and bustle – I’ve grown to adore it. There’s so much diversity, such energy – everyone has a story to tell, and I just feel so grateful to be a part of it.

Just this week, I sat down next to this young lady with a sketchbook in hand. She was sketching people on the train, and they all seemed to be oblivious, just minding their own business. She was creating art from the everyday. That, to me, is the magic of New York!

Derby Girl in the Big Apple: A Reflection on Home

And on that note, I do have to take a moment to acknowledge that while I’m dancing through New York, a part of me misses home. You see, darling, I'm originally from Derbyshire, England. We are famous for our lovely Peak District. So, imagine my joy this past week when I stumbled upon a delightful bakery tucked away in a side street. They had the most perfect selection of fresh cream cakes – little angels, victoria sponges, and my personal favourite: lemon drizzle! Just a tiny taste of home made me feel so much warmer and fuzzier inside. It truly is the simple things, isn't it?

But I have to say, New York has captured my heart. I find myself endlessly inspired by its energy and its captivating embrace. Just a few more days to explore, then I head back to my little dance studio. I will be back in New York again soon, though. I can already feel the city whispering its secrets to me, beckoning me to return for more adventures.

Until then, stay radiant, keep those tutus twirling, and never stop embracing the extraordinary in the everyday. After all, there's no limit to what you can achieve with a dash of pink and a whole lot of sparkle!

See you next week!


Emma x

#PinkTutuBlogNYC Monday 1996-07-29 she danced in New York City