New York City NYC Pink Tutu Ballet Blog

#PinkTutuBlogNYC Monday 1997-04-21 she danced in New York City

Pink Tutu Blog: New York City - Post #98 🩰🌸

Monday, 19th April, 1997

Good morning lovelies! It’s Monday, which means a fresh week, a fresh start and for yours truly, a brand new post from the magical metropolis that is New York City! 🏙️ I’m so excited to be here, soaking up the sights and sounds, and of course, twirling in my trusty pink tutu. 😉

You see, dear readers, my mission in life is to get everyone, everyone twirling in pink. Why, you ask? Because there’s something about the delicate fabric, the frothy layers, and that joyous shade of pink that simply exudes joy, femininity, and most importantly, FUN. And where better to spread this pink-tutu-joy than in the vibrant heart of New York?

Now, let’s rewind a little. Remember my last post about performing at the grand Royal Opera House in London? Well, thanks to the success of that gig (and the generous applause from the audience – they even asked for an encore! 🤩), I was able to fund a little trip to the Big Apple. My heart soared just thinking about seeing some iconic Broadway shows and of course, checking out the world-renowned ballet scene. You can't have a dance lover like me anywhere near New York City without some ballet on the agenda, can you?

The City That Never Sleeps… Or Stops Dancing!

I’m currently residing in a charming little hotel just off Broadway, a stone’s throw away from the famous Times Square. The atmosphere here is electrifying, a constant hum of energy, a cacophony of sights and sounds. I can’t help but be swept up in it, my own personal Pink Tutu Hurricane (more about this exciting event later!). And it doesn’t stop, not for a moment!

I’ve spent the past few days simply absorbing it all - the dazzling neon signs, the honking taxis, the hustling crowds - but today, the real excitement begins. It's ballet day! 🩰 I’m going to a ballet class in Central Park this afternoon (Can you imagine?! It’s just magical!) and then this evening, it's time for the main event, a performance by the New York City Ballet. My anticipation is bubbling over like a pot of champagne – I simply cannot wait!

The Journey of a Thousand Steps (and Many Pink Tutues!)

One thing that fascinates me about New York is the underground world of the subway. Imagine a swirling vortex of energy, human beings crammed together like sardines, but everyone going somewhere, achieving something, and yes, I know, I’m doing it too! This morning I was rushing through Grand Central Station, trying to navigate the labyrinth of tunnels, while trying to keep my fluffy pink tutu from getting crushed! Luckily, I met a charming chap who told me a funny story about the subway. Turns out, it’s been called the “7 Train to Paradise,” and once he even had an impromptu ballet performance by two little girls right in the middle of the car! 😂 Who knew the subway could be so charming? I bet the conductor appreciated it! 😉

Speaking of pink, have you checked out the street style in New York? It's a whirlwind of fashion! I spotted a girl wearing a vibrant pink sequin top, looking like a human disco ball, and a chap rocking a pink polka dot tie, and you know, I was happy to see a little touch of my beloved shade even in the busiest city on the planet. Maybe it was a subconscious sign to go shopping and I couldn't resist, so I stopped at a little boutique I found, on a quiet side street just off Broadway. I treated myself to a stunning new pink silk top, adorned with delicate tulle frills. It just screamed, "Emma's in New York City!" And yes, I absolutely had to wear it out on my next adventures. ✨

New York, New York! You Are a Dream!

So far, I’ve seen some incredible things. Today, I managed to take in a matinee (it’s a lunchtime performance in a theatre – oh, so civilized!) at Broadway and found a hidden gem of a little bistro near Central Park, where I treated myself to a delightful cream tea (they call it a "High Tea" here. So much classier, don’t you think?). They had tiny, little pink pastries and the most delightful lavender Earl Grey tea, absolutely perfect after a long afternoon of shopping!

The air here is positively electric. Everyone seems so busy, so vibrant, and yet so friendly! I found myself smiling at strangers and sharing laughter over a cup of coffee with a gentleman who happened to be wearing a pair of pink socks (imagine! Even the men in New York have embraced pink! 😊).

From Derbyshire to Broadway! A Ballet Tale!

Of course, it wouldn't be a Pink Tutu Blog post without mentioning my ballet obsession. New York is a haven for dance, you know. It's not just the famous Ballet Theater and Broadway shows. Everywhere you look there are studios and schools. There’s an energy in the air, a passion for movement and art, a sheer joy for expression.

This evening I’ll be seeing a ballet performance at the Lincoln Center. Oh my goodness, the excitement! It’s called “The Nutcracker,” and I’m absolutely positively delighted. I heard the lead dancer is someone who trained right here in the Big Apple. I love how this place feels like a dance paradise, with ballet studios popping up on every corner. The whole place has an intoxicating feeling, it makes me want to jump on stage and do a graceful pirouette or two! (Just don't ask me to join the "Nutcracker" - My tutus wouldn't quite be the right style for it! 😉 )

Pink Tutu Inspiration – For You!

And now, my darlings, I have some serious inspiration for you, right here, in this bustling metropolis. New York is the epitome of individuality, with each street and each block offering a new, unexpected experience. Here, people dare to be different, and dare I say it, it’s positively contagious! My inner ballerina is absolutely giddy! 😉

Let’s take a leaf out of New York City’s book and make the most of this glorious gift called life. Embrace the unexpected, don't be afraid to shine, and remember, my dearest lovelies, there’s a pink tutu inside every one of us, just waiting to be unleashed. 🌸

Stay tuned for more fabulous stories, and as always, send me your messages of support. Don't forget to join me on my website,! I'll be posting more photos of my New York adventures there!

Until next Monday, keep twirling, keep shining, and may the pink tutu always be with you! 🩰💖

#PinkTutuBlogNYC Monday 1997-04-21 she danced in New York City