New York City NYC Pink Tutu Ballet Blog

#PinkTutuBlogNYC Monday 1997-09-15 she danced in New York City

Pink Tutu Blog NYC: Post Number 119: The Big Apple Ballet Bonanza! 🩰🍎

Hello darlings!

It's Emma here, your favourite tutu-wearing, pink-obsessed ballerina, back with another post from the bustling metropolis that is New York City! This week, it's a whirlwind of tutus, tiaras, and theatrical triumphs. The Big Apple has truly been living up to its name – a perfect blend of sweet and sassy, just like my signature pink tutu! 💖

This week, I'm sharing all the highlights from my latest New York City adventures. From the chic boutiques on Fifth Avenue to the enchanting performances on Broadway, my tutu has been twirling through the concrete jungle in a whirl of excitement.

A Monday Metropolitan Ballet Marvel

Today's Monday and that means it's time for another NYC ballet blog! You wouldn't believe the week I've had. My journey here was a magical blur. As soon as my feet touched the cobbled streets of Manhattan, I knew this was going to be a truly unforgettable trip. After hopping off the metro, I hit the pavement running, eager to get a feel for this energetic city. I can't help but be mesmerized by the hustle and bustle, the endless possibilities and vibrant energy that pulsates through every corner.

My first stop? Well, of course, it was the most amazing little boutique tucked away on Madison Avenue – "Tutus & Tiaras" - heaven itself! It was like stepping into a ballet fairyland, and my tutu had a field day! I snagged the most beautiful, shimmering, blush-pink tutu with sparkling diamantes. Just perfect for tonight's ballet performance, and who knows what fabulous shopping adventures this tutu might lead me to...

Speaking of ballet, I've just arrived back at my hotel, all set to put on my glittery masterpiece for a night at the renowned New York City Ballet. I simply cannot wait. Just thinking about it makes me twirl with joy. And oh, darling, have you heard the gossip? Tonight is "Swan Lake"! This is going to be such a glamorous night. There’s nothing more magical than watching graceful ballerinas pirouette under the stage lights. The sheer beauty and grace just transports you to another world, and tonight I intend to let my imagination take me to a faraway land of romance and swans, maybe even the mystical realm of the “Black Swan”!

I am absolutely living for this experience. This week's ballet blog will be all about this iconic, enchanting and captivating masterpiece - the ballet which I can’t believe it took me so long to witness!

### A Ballet Ballerina's New York Adventures

And the adventure continues! I was absolutely charmed by the beauty of "Swan Lake"! From the first note of Tchaikovsky's captivating music, I was entranced. Watching the dancers glide across the stage was truly awe-inspiring – each movement so precise, yet so flowing and ethereal. The performance was absolutely sublime, and I can still hear the echoes of that glorious music, transporting me back to that exquisite theatre.

The night wasn't just about the ballet, though. I managed to snag a delectable lobster roll, topped it off with a fancy pink milkshake (oh, it was heavenly!), and spent hours wandering through Central Park, watching the sun sink down towards the horizon. It felt like stepping out of a fairytale.

"Swan Lake" Delights and Delights

I can’t wait to write a whole post just about Swan Lake. This famous, powerful, classic ballet has stolen my heart. It's so powerful and captivating. Each graceful gesture and delicate leap tells a story – one that speaks to my soul. I find myself watching clips of this exquisite ballet over and over, even after attending the show, feeling transported by the beautiful choreography and moving performance.

I was spellbound by the breathtaking costumes, the majestic stage sets, and the beautiful music. It truly is a work of art, and watching the swans gracefully glide through the water and dance with such skill and emotion is an absolute dream. This particular ballet takes me back to when I was a child and I'd lie on my bed, dreaming of being a princess. That's how it feels watching "Swan Lake". The dancers are absolutely mesmerized by their dancing, it takes my breath away. I really do find myself dreaming about becoming a graceful, lyrical Swan Lake princess.

There are some special dates that hold extra magic for a ballerina like myself, like this performance. I am here in New York City on 19th September 1997, which is the opening of "Swan Lake" for the ballet season. A special moment that makes me feel a real connection with my passion for this art form, which I want to share with all of you.

### Broadway Bonanza: "A Chorus Line"

I know I keep gushing about ballet, and oh my, my darling, my passion for it runs deep, but New York City is a true paradise for all types of theatre-lovers. So naturally, I couldn’t resist heading over to Broadway to see "A Chorus Line". The moment I entered the theatre, the energy was palpable, so alive and electric. The stage, the lights, the music…it was a dream come true!

This is a really iconic production, with beautiful music, impressive choreography, and a story that moved me right down to my toes. What an amazing and powerful tale of dreams, sacrifice, and perseverance, set against the backdrop of those famous dancing dreams in Broadway, with such amazing talent, heart and raw honesty.

And talking of dreams, this leads me beautifully to another passion in my life - fashion! And my time in New York wouldn't be complete without some serious shopping therapy!

Fashion Extravaganza

You know how much I love all things pink, my lovelies! But don't think I just go for anything that’s bubblegum coloured - I have a distinct eye for the perfect shade, texture, and design!

I started my shopping adventures in Bloomingdale's. I'm a big fan of their iconic pink boxes - the perfect home for my lovely finds! My aim was to get myself some fantastic pieces to add to my tutu wardrobe, things to set off the shimmer of my dancing jewels. You know I can’t resist a glittery, sequined ensemble to adorn myself, ready to waltz across the city.

I landed a truly spectacular vintage lace jacket, perfect for evenings at the ballet, a fabulous beaded scarf in shimmering baby pink, ideal for dressing up my everyday outfit and oh my, a bewitching silk tutu in a dreamy dusky pink - divine for an evening promenade through the city. All those hours watching classic films in the cinema are coming in handy, for finding my new, stylish city attire!

Subway Chic

My lovelies, this week has been filled with so much amazing stuff that I'm going to take this chance to reveal to you my favourite method of travel - the iconic New York subway! Oh, it truly is an experience! I find it a great way to people watch, admire the bustling energy of the city and, of course, take some snaps! It’s so chic. I simply love riding through the city underground, where every turn could lead to a new adventure. It's certainly a glamorous way to get around - a journey in itself! I do love it for it’s practicality as well, although sometimes I have to push my way through the crowds to board. That said, you're often in for a charming, unpredictable experience. You might see an artist playing music, people rushing to work, or someone serenading the carriage in song, so, in essence, it truly encapsulates New York life - spontaneous and exciting. I'll let you in on a little secret... I actually brought my ballet shoes to add a touch of grace and elegance to my underground journeys, making sure the world sees how a ballerina dances, even on a subway!

I can't wait to show you my "New York City Tutu Look"! This will be an extra special fashion post, coming soon to the blog!

### The Art of Blogging: More Adventures

My dears, you've seen my tutu dancing in some of New York City's most iconic settings - theatres, streets, boutiques! So now it's time to share more behind-the-scenes moments from this blog itself.

This week, I managed to squeeze in a private ballet lesson from one of New York's renowned instructors! It really was a delightful masterclass, and I can already feel myself gliding and pirouetting with a new level of grace! It was a wonderful way to brush up on some old techniques. Now that’s what I call inspiration!

Another highlight has been meeting a fascinating group of young, creative, like-minded ladies – New York's 'Pink Tutu' community! We shared a giggle over a cup of cappuccino and swapped our fashion tips. Their passion is infectious and they’re all amazing dancers, and their encouragement is just what I need to grow as a blogger. I just love having this shared interest. We’re like a ballet sisterhood, with the same obsession - sharing all things pink, all things tutu. And we’re helping spread our joy around New York, as I aim to get every woman wearing a pink tutu, as this iconic fashion item becomes a staple for every girl's wardrobe.

I just know this trip will fuel many future blogs and will keep me writing, dreaming, and dancing for years to come. You’ll be hearing all about these experiences for a while. New York has been simply magical. The inspiration here is boundless.

### Goodbye New York, until next time

Well darlings, it's almost time for me to wave goodbye to the city that never sleeps. The city lights twinkle, like a shimmering tiara above my head, as I pack my suitcase and reflect on this magnificent trip, a true journey of discovery, full of wonder and enchantment, with the promise of so much more to come. New York, it’s been a true treat to be here.

I can't wait to return and I'm already looking forward to new adventures. For now, it’s time for this ballet ballerina to head home, bringing back that vibrant NYC energy and joy back to the English countryside!

Keep twirling!

Your Emma!


#PinkTutuBlogNYC Monday 1997-09-15 she danced in New York City