New York City NYC Pink Tutu Ballet Blog

#PinkTutuBlogNYC Monday 1998-01-05 she danced in New York City

Pink Tutu Blog NYC - Post #135: New York, New York! (Monday, 1998-01-05)

Oh, darlings, hello from the Big Apple! It’s Emma, your pink-loving, tutu-wearing ballerina, reporting live from the vibrant streets of New York City! This week marks the 135th edition of my little blog – how thrilling! I can't believe I've been sharing my adventures with you lovely lot for this long.

It’s always a pinch-me moment stepping off the plane and onto those yellow-painted streets, surrounded by the iconic sights that only New York can offer. The city is practically humming with energy, a constant, vibrant buzz that washes over you like a warm wave. I just feel completely alive here!

Of course, I’ve landed straight into a flurry of ballet madness. My New York journey always starts with the Metropolitan Opera House - home to the New York City Ballet. The beautiful building just feels like home, its architectural majesty a fitting stage for some of the finest ballerinas in the world. This week I saw a gorgeous rendition of Balanchine’s Symphony in C and oh, let me tell you, the energy was absolutely electric. It was simply divine, with the dancers effortlessly gliding through their movements with an incredible grace and lightness. They looked positively celestial!

It wasn't just the performance itself that got me buzzing though. Just seeing all the New Yorkers decked out in their best ballet outfits for the show was absolutely delightful! You just wouldn’t believe the range of stylish outfits - from tailored suits with delicate ballet shoes peeking out to elegant dresses topped with a chic ballet-inspired shawl. There's a real flair for elegant fusion here!

Of course, I’m wearing my new fuchsia-pink tutu (which I bought at a fantastic vintage store on the Lower East Side – just whispers look out for that blog post!) - it just brings a touch of whimsy to this stylish New York ballet scene, wouldn't you say? After all, who needs a drab winter coat when you can be turning heads in a tutu and a gorgeous knitted cardigan? That's the secret, my dears – always add a touch of pink tutu magic, wherever you go!

After the show, I, of course, indulged in some classic New York post-theatre supper. We all know the routine – the warm glow of the restaurants, the bustle of late-night chatter, and of course, the delectable theatre goer's choice: the indulgent chocolate souffle!

Speaking of delicious treats, a New York adventure wouldn’t be complete without a proper tour of the famous cheesecake spots. The city’s cheesecake culture is legendary – rich, decadent, and a whole lot of love in every single bite. Just a little indulgence!

You know, as much as I adore the high-culture of New York, what I really love about this city is the ability to flit effortlessly from one world to the next. The transition from the opulent halls of the Met to the quirky shops of Soho and Chinatown is a magical experience. It’s this juxtaposition, this ever-changing scenery that truly encapsulates the heart and soul of the Big Apple.

That's precisely what I did next - hopped on the metro (another favourite adventure) and headed straight to SoHo. SoHo with its artistic energy and iconic buildings is a place of pure inspiration for my ballerina soul. Every cobblestone street feels like an artistic playground – the way the sunlight paints across the red brick buildings, the captivating window displays of independent shops, even the scent of street food wafting from street corners all blend together to create a visual and olfactory symphony.

I spent the afternoon strolling through the streets, admiring the shops and soaking in the vibrant energy of the neighbourhood. SoHo really feels like a true artists' haven. I especially fell for this vintage clothing store on West Broadway - I was practically in heaven sifting through their rack upon rack of fabulous 50s and 60s frocks!

This year’s holiday decorations in SoHo are pretty darn splendid, by the way. Christmas is a lovely sight in SoHo – each street a unique canvas of colourful lights and joyful trinkets. But I have to say that it’s the holiday windows of Barney’s that really wowed me! Just the sheer ingenuity and whimsy of the window displays was a feast for the eyes – absolutely breathtaking!

As I mentioned earlier, one of my biggest joys in New York City is its wonderful subway system. I love the way the lights flash across the tiled tunnels, the sound of the train, and the friendly bustle of New York’s daily commuters. The subway is like a microcosm of the city itself, an exciting whirlwind of humanity flowing effortlessly in one direction.

Just a little tip for any of my lovely tutu-wearing friends planning a trip to New York, you just must wear comfy shoes for the metro. My favourite dance shoes are certainly stylish but a little impractical for that lengthy commute!

Now, one of my absolute must-dos on every trip to New York is seeing a Broadway show. And this week, I had the pleasure of watching "Chicago," which truly embodied the energetic vibrancy of New York. It was full of passion, talent, and a whole lot of sequins! There was an amazing energy on stage – a true display of pure theatre brilliance.

I actually loved the way they incorporated ballet elements within the dance numbers, a beautiful blend of contemporary dance and Broadway’s inherent dynamism. There’s a kind of kinetic energy you just can't replicate - you’re literally swept away in the emotions and storytelling.

The entire performance felt so theatrical, so very “New York” – glamorous costumes, bold makeup, the full dramatic intensity of the stage – everything felt like a dazzling performance that really took me by storm. The cast was electrifying and their energy just seemed to fill every nook and cranny of the theatre. It was quite remarkable!

You know what truly brought me back down to earth after the Broadway experience? A proper good old cup of English Breakfast tea. It might seem odd to travel so far only to crave a cup of British tea, but I promise you, sometimes the simplest things are the most comforting. That steaming cup, warming my hands, just made the world seem right!

The truth is, after all this travel and excitement, it’s sometimes the quietest moments that mean the most. You’ll find me snuggled up in my cosy little hotel room with a cup of tea, gazing out at the iconic skyline. In that quiet moment, you truly feel the essence of New York – the vibrant pulse, the gentle glow of a thousand lights, and the undeniable charm of this truly magical city.

To anyone reading this, a little bit of New York inspiration from me: take a trip to the city. It will leave an indelible mark on your soul, trust me!

So, until next Monday, darling friends!

See you soon.

Your friend and your pink-tutu guide, Emma

#PinkTutuBlogNYC Monday 1998-01-05 she danced in New York City