New York City NYC Pink Tutu Ballet Blog

#PinkTutuBlogNYC Monday 1998-05-04 she danced in New York City

Pink Tutu Blog NYC: #152 – New York City Ballet Dreams (and a Tutu-tastic Time!)

Monday 4th May, 1998

Hello my darlings, and welcome to another fabulous Monday from the Big Apple! It's me, Emma, your resident pink tutu-wearing, ballet-loving blogger, and this week, I'm bursting with excitement because… I saw a ballet! Cue the twirling emoji

Now, I know what you're thinking – you're probably rolling your eyes at another tutu-clad tale of a ballerina in New York. But trust me, this week's adventures are positively sparkling with fun, and there's a reason for my giddy enthusiasm: this wasn't just any old ballet, no sir! It was the New York City Ballet at Lincoln Center!

The iconic David H. Koch Theater shimmered in the early evening light, and let me tell you, my heart did a little pirouette in my chest as I approached the majestic building. As I always do, I'd prepped for the occasion in my most fabulous pink ensemble (pink sequins, naturally!) paired with my trusty pink tutu. I truly believe you should always dress for the occasion, and what better way to celebrate the art of ballet than by rocking a pink tutu? (Let's be honest, there really isn't one.)

Inside the theater, the excitement was palpable. The audience was a vibrant mix of seasoned ballet buffs and newcomers like myself, and everyone seemed buzzing with anticipation for the performance. The programme boasted a beautifully diverse selection of pieces, including a few that had caught my eye: “Symphony in C” and “Tchaikovsky Pas de Deux,” both pieces that promise a whirlwind of grace and elegance. I could practically hear the sweet strains of the orchestra, already envisioning the exquisite choreography and the beautiful, ethereal costumes.

I took a seat in the orchestra section, and oh my goodness, my heart practically exploded with joy. This theatre is positively opulent! It’s an exquisite mix of modern architecture and classic design. Imagine velvety seats, elegant chandeliers that look like giant diamonds, and stunning wall carvings. It’s truly a visual masterpiece. The stage was bathed in a warm, golden light, and it felt like I’d stepped into a fairytale world. It was simply breathtaking!

Then, the curtain rose and the orchestra began their rousing performance. Every single note transported me into a world of graceful leaps, delicate steps, and captivating expressions. It was as though I was witnessing a story unfold before my very eyes, each movement a new chapter in a tale told through the power of dance.

The ballerinas, of course, were absolutely divine. Each one moved with such precision, their movements as fluid as water. The strength and control in their every step left me utterly mesmerized. The way they soared through the air, effortlessly floating between jumps, seemed impossible! And their artistry? Exquisite. I couldn’t tear my eyes away, utterly captivated by their elegance and grace.

Now, there was one performance that stole the show. I’m talking about “Symphony in C” (that classic! Remember what I said about elegant leaps? It was the ultimate in grace, a breathtaking example of classical ballet). The music – oh my, the music! The choreography? Perfection. The ballerina? A divine vision in white, her movements expressing both joy and sorrow with remarkable tenderness.

Of course, no ballet night in New York is complete without a trip to the lobby afterwards for a little post-show discussion with my fellow ballet lovers. As always, it's a whirlwind of opinions and passionate discussions, all about the artistry and beauty we just witnessed. And you can be sure, every conversation was topped with a generous sprinkle of tutu-inspired compliments and "Isn't this fabulous?" moments.

Now, on to my other passion - exploring the city that never sleeps. In the week that passed since my last blog, I've been indulging my inner fashionista. The Fifth Avenue window displays have been calling to me like siren songs. My motto? If a tutu fits, buy it! I indulged in a delightful array of pink ballet slippers with rhinestones (which I think I will wear to next week's dance class!), some perfectly-pink pearl earrings that glittered like snowflakes in the afternoon sun, and, of course, a brand new tutu! It’s a powder-pink dream made of tulle and lace with shimmering silver ribbons – a perfect accessory for those New York City summer evenings, wouldn't you agree?

On Thursday, I finally caved to the allure of one of those little coffee shops you see around every corner. I tried their infamous chai latte, and I am a confirmed convert! You know what I love most about those little places? The charming, worn leather chairs, the smell of coffee brewing, and the hustle and bustle of everyday New Yorkers as they gather to sip their lattes and work, write, or simply enjoy a peaceful moment amidst the chaos.

As you might imagine, a large part of my life in New York City is spent on the metro, my trusty companion as I explore the vast and captivating expanse of the city. You know, you can actually wear a tutu on the subway here and people don’t even blink twice! Everyone is too busy looking down at their phones anyway! I do get quite a few second glances, but only the nice kind, where people give a friendly smile and a nod – sometimes even a polite thumbs up! My heart always melts a little at those lovely gestures.

And of course, being a Derbyshire girl at heart, I do love my Sunday roasts. This weekend I found myself drawn to the aroma of slow-cooked meat and hearty potatoes coming from a small cafe on a side street. I can't tell you how much I craved a proper English Sunday roast. It was the perfect antidote to a long week of dancing and city-wandering, a moment of warm comfort amidst the dazzling chaos of New York City.

As I end this week's blog, I can't help but smile, thinking about the magical night I spent at the ballet. It's moments like those that make me absolutely adore my life here in New York City, the city that never sleeps, the city that makes my heart dance. And, of course, the city where I try my hardest to encourage everyone to embrace their inner pink tutu wearing ballerinas!

I can't wait to see what next week brings. Until then, remember – always keep your tutus tucked close, my darlings!

Much love from the city that never sleeps,

Emma x

#PinkTutuBlogNYC Monday 1998-05-04 she danced in New York City