New York City NYC Pink Tutu Ballet Blog

#PinkTutuBlogNYC Monday 1998-07-27 she danced in New York City

Pink Tutu Blog NYC #164: Manhattan Magic in Pink! 🩰💖

Hello my darlings! It’s Emma here, back from a whirlwind trip to the Big Apple! This week’s post is a little extra special as I’ve finally had the opportunity to twirl around New York City, a place that’s been on my ballerina bucket list for as long as I can remember. It's Monday morning, the 27th of July, 1998, and the sun is already painting the skyscrapers gold – the perfect day for a New York City adventure in my trusty pink tutu!

I know, I know, you might think it's a little unconventional to dance around New York in a tutu. But honestly, it’s just who I am! Pink is my absolute favourite colour, and there’s something about a tutu that makes me feel empowered, confident, and ready to take on the world. And New York? It's all about embracing life’s big adventures, right?

This trip was a bit different for me. I usually fund my ballet travels by performing, but this time I received an incredible opportunity to dance with the prestigious Ballet du Monde in their "Giselle" production at the New York City Ballet. How fabulous is that?! Being in New York was the dream, but being able to perform here… well, it simply took my breath away. I always tell myself, if there's a chance, I'll always seize it, and New York definitely lived up to the hype.

Now, let’s get down to the nitty-gritty details! My week started with the joy of being backstage at the iconic Lincoln Center for the Performing Arts. It was all so incredibly grand – the opulent decor, the excited atmosphere, and of course, the backstage buzz, with dancers and crew bustling around preparing for the show. There were mountains of tutus (including mine!), piles of shoes, and a flurry of activity.

It was incredible to be surrounded by such talented professionals, everyone brimming with energy and excitement. The sheer artistry and passion of the dancers in the Ballet du Monde company was inspiring. There was such a wonderful sense of camaraderie, which reminded me why I adore the world of ballet so much – it truly is a family.

The day of the performance, I confess, I had the typical pre-show jitters, a nervous energy that crackles before every show! The thrill of performing in front of such a sophisticated audience, the feeling of lights shining down on me, it all creates a magical whirlwind. But once the music starts, everything melts away – it’s just me and the dance, and that’s the magic I live for.

The show itself was a triumph! The intricate choreography, the delicate movement, and the breathtaking costumes brought “Giselle” to life, creating an experience I will cherish forever. As a young ballerina, it was an incredible privilege to be part of it all, and a definite highlight of my New York trip.

After my big performance, I was keen to experience all New York City has to offer! Now, you know me – shopping for beautiful outfits and, of course, shoes, is my passion! I found a wonderful vintage boutique called "The Scarlet Thread" nestled away in a charming cobblestone street in Greenwich Village. They had a fabulous selection of silk scarves and headbands, perfect for creating a Parisian-chic look with a splash of my beloved pink. The shopkeeper, a wonderfully eccentric character with bright red hair and an even brighter personality, had a way of guiding you through her selection as if she was reading your fashion mind. I discovered a collection of stunning 1950s shoes with pointy toes and delicate heels, perfect for twirling in the streets of Manhattan!

Speaking of the streets, what’s a New York trip without experiencing the city's heartbeat – the New York subway! Now, I'll admit, there were some moments where I felt slightly overwhelmed by the noise, crowds, and the sheer size of the underground network! It took me a moment to figure out the complicated subway lines and transfers. But I must say, it's truly an efficient way to explore the city. I even met some fabulous people during my metro rides.

On one occasion, a friendly street artist gifted me a charming little sketch of the Flatiron Building. He was so taken by my bright pink tutu that he insisted I pose for him, and for a short time, I became a tiny piece of his art! I gave him a big smile, my heart filled with joy at being a part of this unique artistic adventure.

My time in New York was full of other thrilling experiences. I watched a truly phenomenal ballet performance, “The Sleeping Beauty,” at the Metropolitan Opera House. The artistry, the breathtaking sets and costumes, and the sheer brilliance of the dance… it left me in awe. Afterwards, I discovered a little tucked away speakeasy near Washington Square Park called “The Velvet Rabbit,” a cosy little spot with the most delightful atmosphere. I enjoyed a lovely cup of tea (something I sorely miss while traveling) and soaked up the energy of this vibrant neighbourhood.

During my adventures, I found myself drawn to Broadway and the promise of unforgettable theatrical experiences. I went to see the critically acclaimed “Rent,” which is still, to this day, my favourite Broadway show ever. The passion and raw energy of the performances, the haunting melodies, and the touching storyline left a lasting impression on me. As I stepped out onto the vibrant streets of New York, I felt inspired and deeply touched.

Speaking of touching moments, there’s one particular moment I'll never forget: It was the day after my performance at the Ballet du Monde, a Monday like today. I was having lunch on the balcony of my little hotel in Midtown when I overheard a young girl’s voice. It was a little girl who was about 9 years old. Her name was Lila, and she was looking for a ballerina! It turned out she was a huge fan of the Ballet du Monde and had seen my performance the day before. Her eyes widened when she realised it was actually me. Lila asked if she could take a photo with me, which, of course, I was absolutely thrilled to do! She was delighted, she couldn't stop giggling, and even offered to wear a tutu with me! She looked so sweet and enthusiastic, with that sparkle in her eyes only little girls have when they are lost in a world of imagination and dreams. I realised then that being a ballerina goes beyond the performance; it’s about the impact, the inspiration, and the sheer joy you can bring to others.

Lila’s enthusiasm reignited a sense of purpose within me. There are people out there who need the magic and beauty of ballet in their lives. And that's where you come in, my darlings!

So, tell me, what are you doing to make the world a more beautiful place? Are you dancing in the street, embracing your inner ballerina, or inspiring others to embrace their own creative spark?

Don’t forget, I’m always here to hear from you – join the conversation on my Pink Tutu Blog!

Next week, I’m excited to share some beautiful news about a special project I’ve been working on! It's going to be big! 💖🩰

Until next Monday, stay pink! 💖

Emma, xo

Don't forget to leave a comment below to tell me about your pink tutu adventures. 💖🩰

#PinkTutuBlogNYC Monday 1998-07-27 she danced in New York City