
New York City NYC Pink Tutu Ballet Blog

#PinkTutuBlogNYC Monday 1998-11-02 she danced in New York City

Pink Tutu Blog NYC: #178

Monday 2nd November, 1998

Dearest readers,

Hello from the Big Apple! I've finally made it to New York City, a dream I've cherished since childhood, and as you know, my life has been all about fulfilling dreams! So I packed my very own special, bespoke, pink tutu bag (because even travelling needs a touch of sparkle!), slipped on my favourite pink, diamante studded, tutu, and boarded the plane from London Heathrow, leaving behind the familiar green rolling hills of Derbyshire for a weekend adventure! The roar of the engine was as thrilling as a pirouette, and my excitement soared like a bird released from its cage!

This week the excitement really kicks off in New York City - I have tickets to see Swan Lake at Lincoln Center, followed by the ever-so-glamorous Broadway musical "Cats". Then there's an opportunity to take part in a ballet class with the American Ballet Theatre - I can hardly contain myself! Oh, and the shopping? Well, that's going to be a whole other story - and Iā€™ll be sure to tell you all about the delightful, and dare I say "must-have" pieces I find!

To say I'm excited about my New York escapade is an understatement. I have such a strong connection to this incredible city. It is synonymous with fashion, glamour, dance, and art - and that's where my little pink tutu heart truly belongs!

New York City Day 1 - The Journey and Finding My Inner Tourist

Stepping off the plane, I was greeted by a blast of chilly autumn air and the most heady energy I've ever experienced! The vibrant city greeted me with open arms - a concrete jungle filled with life, movement, and a cacophony of sounds that somehow didnā€™t feel chaotic but incredibly invigorating!

My journey through the bustling metropolis began in true New Yorker style - on the subway. The underground was alive with activity and an energy that just seeped through my very pores! The rumbling, vibrating ride was unlike anything I've encountered, even on the London Tube!

But I was a true New York rookie! Let me tell you about my biggest misadventure... as I boarded the subway for the very first time, I stepped onto the escalatorā€¦ I forgot it was a ā€˜up onlyā€™ escalator! A collective gasp and the tut-tutting of a few elderly gentlemen as I stumbled back with a rosy-cheeked embarrassment and the distinct impression that I was an object of amusement! (Thankfully the giggling group of teenagers decided I was just being quirky, rather than clueless!)

From that rather comedic entrance, I made my way to the very charming but quite traditional bed and breakfast Iā€™d booked - located in a quiet corner of Greenwich Village!

As soon as I settled in, I knew I had to see Times Square. So off I trotted, a symphony of "I canā€™t believe Iā€™m here" thoughts rushing through my head as I took in all the breathtaking sights on the journey. It felt like walking into a film set. It truly was like stepping onto the streets of Broadway ā€“ complete with its own soundtrack of music and cacophony! I loved it all - the glittering billboards, the yellow cabs darting around like butterflies, the buzzing crowds, the iconic theatre facades with names like "Wicked" and "The Lion King", it was simply breathtaking!

That night I decided on a low-key supper, finding a cozy Italian restaurant on a quiet side street, where the aromas of garlic and basil were so fragrant they could have been their own form of entertainment!

I reflected on the whirlwind journey that led me here. Ballet, of course, was my passion. It allowed me to travel and fulfill my lifelong dream of visiting New York. Even in the small English town of Bakewell where I grew up, ballet was a huge part of my life. I started at the tender age of five, my pink tutus twirling and flowing as I danced in my small room to the joyful strains of the ā€œSwan Lakeā€ score. From there, I became a member of the local dance school and then graduated to the prestigious Royal Ballet School in London, where I continued to perfect my ballet technique! It has allowed me to travel the world, performing for millions on stages large and small! And it is through ballet that I've discovered a passion for writing - this blog has given me a platform to share my love for ballet and fashion, for inspiring others to wear a tutu and for spreading a little bit of joy along the way. It really has been an unbelievable journey!

As I closed my eyes to sleep, I couldn't help but feel a sense of contentment and a knowing that this New York trip was just the beginning of another fantastic adventure. I can't wait to see what awaits me tomorrow, in my perfectly pink tutu and with a smile stretching across my face.

New York City Day 2 - Ballet Beauty and The New York Underground

This morning, I woke to the most wonderful sounds: the chatter of the New Yorkers in their hurried journey to work, the honking of taxis, and even a gentle melody drifting in from the street. I just knew it was going to be a perfect day for ballet.

I headed down to the Greenwich Village metro station feeling excited - I've never seen a subway station quite so grand and atmospheric, all with that distinct gritty urban feel. Thereā€™s a charming, unrefined beauty about it all - quite in keeping with the fashion I see around me in New York - stylish but understated, and bold but beautiful. I quickly noticed all the different styles: fashionistas in oversized coats, elegant office workers, street-smart students with their colourful bags - it was a whole different fashion universe! I couldnā€™t wait to explore it all myself with my own twist of pink tutus of course.

This afternoon it was time for my very first New York ballet class - what an incredible experience it was! Itā€™s at a studio hidden in a converted warehouse, in an area known as Chelsea, just south of Times Square. I stepped into the studio to be greeted by an array of the most talented dancers Iā€™ve ever seen - a group of very skilled professional dancers, who have already reached their peak - their bodies are incredible, a vision of muscular grace and fluid movement! They were taking part in a rigorous workout, the sweaty but beautiful ballet moves were as graceful as flowers in a summer field.

I quickly fell into the routine and felt the heat building in my muscles, the energy filling my body as I felt a rush of euphoria with every bend and twirl. I'm already in love with this new ballet community!

In the evening, it was time to immerse myself in the extravagance of the ballet world! I was heading to the Metropolitan Opera to see "Swan Lake." It was the ultimate evening of ballet, an extraordinary and breathtaking spectacle. Every moment was so elegant and beautiful - it left me spellbound! The choreography was a masterpiece of passion, grace and beauty! I canā€™t wait to take it all in again tonight ā€“ a little dance treat for the end of a perfect day in New York City!

New York City Day 3 - A Meow-gical Night On Broadway

What a whirlwind of excitement it has been, every moment packed with glamour and elegance! But today is the grand finale of my trip. This evening, Iā€™m attending one of my all-time favourite Broadway musicals, "Cats", and I canā€™t wait to be wowed by the performance again - every single performance is so different, full of energy and a perfect blend of grace and musical flair!

The tutu I have chosen for the occasion is simply glorious! A vibrant pink, full-length tutu adorned with glitter that sparkles in the theatre lights, paired with a pair of pale pink stiletto heels and a silk pink camisole top complete the ensemble - just perfect!

Of course, my New York trip wouldnā€™t be complete without a shopping venture - how could it be? My "pink tutu shopping spree" is something every blogger must do in New York! I had a blast finding pieces to add to my ever-growing pink wardrobe - and found myself swooning over a perfectly pink tutu dress at a boutique on a side street.

My afternoon started with a much-needed caffeine fix at a tiny cafe with vintage charm and a delicious hot chocolate - the perfect pick-me-up before my shopping escapades! I walked through the department stores - they were all overpowering with luxurious fashion - I can see how a girl could spend a fortune! Iā€™d found my favourite store in the heart of the city, tucked away on a back street. It was a vintage store full of stunning 1940ā€™s fashions - oh I loved all the sparkling fringe and glamorous evening dresses ā€“ you could have dressed me head-to-toe in pink, I was in my element! Thereā€™s nothing like a shop that's dedicated to tutus and ballet wear - a tutu addictā€™s dream destination! It was in this shop I bought the perfect pink tulle top that has just enough bling to complement my favourite sparkly tutu - just waiting to be worn for the next performance or on a night out!

So Iā€™m ready to step into another world of sparkle, a world that only Broadway can provide ā€“ where the musical notes will soar and the lights will twinkle - ā€œCats" here I come!

Saying Goodbye and A Final Tutu Twirl for New York City!

After such an exhilarating few days in New York City, Iā€™m heading home feeling renewed, inspired, and just a little bit exhausted - I need a well-deserved rest after the adventures Iā€™ve had!

As I say goodbye to this incredible city, my mind is already whirlwinding with plans for my next adventure in my pink tutu and my very own pink tutu bag.

And what Iā€™ll always remember most is that feeling that comes when you stand in Times Square, your face lit up by the vibrant lights of the iconic billboards, and feel a surge of unbridled joy just being there in that bustling metropolis!

Until next time dear readers - Keep wearing those tutus with pride, keep dancing and keep dreaming.

Lots of love,



* www.pink-tutu.com *

#PinkTutuBlogNYC Monday 1998-11-02 she danced in New York City