New York City NYC Pink Tutu Ballet Blog

#PinkTutuBlogNYC Monday 1999-01-18 she danced in New York City

Pink Tutu Blog NYC - Post #189: New York City, Monday 1999-01-18 - A Dance of Lights and Glitter!

Hello, darlings! It's Emma, your pink tutu-clad friend from Derbyshire, writing to you live from the dazzling city that never sleeps!

Well, this weekend was truly something else! I mean, we all know New York is always full of life, but this weekend was just bursting at the seams with excitement and that fabulous, exhilarating energy that only the Big Apple can conjure.

It started on Friday, you see, with a truly dreamy performance of Swan Lake by the New York City Ballet at Lincoln Center. I can't even describe how utterly beautiful it was. The stage was bathed in a silvery moonlight, and the dancers were, quite simply, divine. I practically felt myself lifted off my seat at times, and there wasn't a dry eye in the house, including mine, of course. It was breathtaking!

After the performance, we all trooped over to The Stage Deli, a fabulously kitsch little cafe right across from the theatre. The perfect place to celebrate all things dance and soak in the lingering energy of the performance. My choice? A truly fabulous smoked salmon and bagel with loads of cream cheese, of course! The kind of nourishment you need to fuel a ballet enthusiast's soul, wouldn't you agree?

Saturday was all about fashion, darlings! You know I adore a bit of retail therapy, and with the new season just kicking off, New York was the absolute perfect place to be. We spent hours exploring SoHo, dipping in and out of those cute little boutiques crammed full of incredible pieces. From the perfect powder pink coat to a sparkly little handbag to match my shoes, it was a veritable pink-hued paradise!

And of course, no New York trip is complete without a delicious afternoon tea. We popped over to The Palm Court at The Plaza, just off Central Park. Now, you have to go here, darlings! The atmosphere is truly breathtaking – high ceilings, crystal chandeliers, and a touch of that old-school New York glamour.

I had my eye on the most exquisite pink strawberry cake with meringue swirls, a true masterpiece, you see. Naturally, it tasted as divine as it looked, perfectly balanced with a lovely floral Earl Grey. And, the gossip amongst the ladies was quite the highlight of the day! I just adore the little gossips at New York tea-time.

Then, of course, a bit of sightseeing was a must. I always find it fascinating how this city never stops. It’s all a whirl of cabs and pedestrians and street vendors and buses and people laughing and rushing around... It's quite a sight! And all against the backdrop of some truly iconic landmarks, like the Chrysler Building and The Empire State Building! The Chrysler Building’s iconic art deco design simply steals your breath away, don't you think?

We took the metro back, of course! I do love a good journey on the subway. The best bit is that you’re never quite sure who you're going to meet on your travels. This time it was a group of charming young men dressed in dazzling suits and, you guessed it, pink bow ties! We chatted about everything under the sun, from their favourite New York bagel shops to their dance-based careers! You just never know what kind of fun adventure you'll have on the metro in this incredible city.

Sunday, naturally, was for some light exercise. No, I don't just wear tutus, you see. I love my ballet, and with that passion in my heart, how could I possibly be in the city that never sleeps and not attend a ballet class? I stumbled across the cutest little dance studio on 57th Street. They had a gorgeous dance room, so inviting! I can't remember if I ever shared this before, but in New York, I always try to fit in a dance class. Sometimes, it's the perfect little boost in my day. And trust me, my body really needs it after all that delicious food and shopping!

You see, being in New York City really fills you with such inspiration and that fabulous, fearless sense of possibility.

And my greatest hope, darlings, is to inspire you, too! If I can twirl through the streets of the Big Apple, so can you! Embrace your own sense of style, darling! Throw on a gorgeous tutu and shimmy out there, just like me!

Until next time, darling! Remember to embrace life's pinkest possibilities.

P.S. Want to know the most exciting news? On Tuesday, the 19th, the legendary New York City Ballet will be performing the captivating "The Nutcracker"! Oh, I can’t wait! It is absolutely the perfect time of year to enjoy all those warm, magical festive scenes and the beautiful storytelling through dance, and you know I’ll be there, right front row.

P.P.S. Follow my blog every Monday for the latest from the Pink Tutu, darlings! You can also find my daily musings over at

Keep on twirling, darlings!

Emma xoxo

#PinkTutuBlogNYC Monday 1999-01-18 she danced in New York City